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View Full Version : Boarboyz?

09-09-2009, 08:24 PM
I was going though my minis and found my old unit of boarboyz and it makes me wonder...how can I use these guys? The only thing I've found is an old army list for feral orks and use them as the centerpiece of an army of those but I'd like to use them in a more "modern" army list. Ideas?

09-09-2009, 08:42 PM
Do you mean the WFB boar boys? Or some type of 40k boar boyz?

For 40k, you could use them as warbikers, as there are no boars in the current codex.

09-09-2009, 08:53 PM
Do you mean the WFB boar boys? Or some type of 40k boar boyz?

For 40k, you could use them as warbikers, as there are no boars in the current codex.

40K boarboyz, the boars who have their hind legs replaced with tracks. I could take pictures and post them but it's geting late here now :)

09-09-2009, 08:59 PM
i second the warbiker idea.

09-11-2009, 04:42 AM
I have the Info to do boar boyz for 5th edition orks. It's not offical but you can still use your boarboyz for friendly games. I can share the info if you like.