View Full Version : battle of the Fang

10-16-2011, 04:55 PM
ok, im reading this, only up to page 65, so no spoilers if you can help it, and some of the Thousand Sons dialog seems to contradict what happened in Thousand Sons.

SPOILERS for those that have not yet read Thousand Sons----------------------------------------------------------------

Towards the end of Thousand Sons, Ahriman makes off into the warp with Magnus's body doesnt he? He starts his own research into something called Ahriman's Rubric.
So in Battle of the Fang, it is said that Ahriman has broken away from Magnus, and that the Rubric is a bunch of spiritless machines, and that those that joined Ahriman have turned to dust.
None of this makes any sense.
Some enlightenment please.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-16-2011, 07:24 PM
At the end of Thousand Sons, Magnus teleported himself and the remaining Thousand Sons to their daemonworld in the Eye of Terror after Russ broke Magnus' back.

Lots of Thousand Sons started to mutate, Magnus didn't care. Ahriman was upset by this and made his Rubric. This turned all the weak/none psykers into bodiless/mindless Rubric Marines, and made all the strong psykers stronger.

Magnus then banished Ahriman and Ahriman's followers from the Thousand Sons' daemonworld.


Ahriman never took Magnus' body, Magnus never died (Magnus' physical body may have been destroyed, though, but he can regain that through magic/possession).

10-22-2011, 09:37 AM
@Rev -
wow! Was all of that in Thousand Sons? I must've missed something at the end then...

10-24-2011, 08:20 AM
holy freakin crap ina hat what a tease!
page 456, when Magnus is talking to the statue of Russ, he says "i am not the same as i was, and you're...well, let us not mention where you are now."

10-24-2011, 08:29 AM
We know he's in the Eye of Terror. By all accounts Magnus doesn't really like being in there either....so it shouldn't come as toooooo big a surprise...

10-24-2011, 10:01 AM
I knew Russ was in the eye of terror from other fluff. But it would have been insanely cool if Magnus had elaborated on Russ's whereabouts or what Russ was doing.
Also, I just finished the book, and I do not recall Magnus or Ahriman having the 'planet of sorcerers' prep'd and ready to go at the end of Thousand Sons.
Also, the planet Gangava did not make much sense to me: Magnus had restarted Prospero on a distant galactic rim planet?

10-24-2011, 10:16 AM
Yeah.... Agree on that one. From the most recent books regarding the 1k Sons, I really get the impression that none of them really want to be associated with Chaos.... I like that. A lot. If you'll recall from Thousand Sons the novel that Magnus doesn't really harbor any resentment towards Russ...

I keep hoping that, in the event that we ever see some endtimes books, that Magnus is redeemed. Hope...

10-26-2011, 10:22 AM
...And yet Aphael of the Thousand in Battle of the Fang is turning into a Changer of Ways.....
I never got the impression that Magus and the Sons did not want anything to do with Chaos, I mean Magnus thought he understood and could control Chaos, and was teaching his Sons how to do it as well.
I would definitely like to read the fluff where Ahriman splits from Magnus and creates the Rubric.

As to Magnus not holding any resentment towards: he does destroy Russ's statue in Battle and he desperately wants to destroy the Fang so that the Wolves feel the pain he felt when Prospero burned.

10-26-2011, 01:08 PM
You're right; in Fang he absolutely does. I guess it ends up festering, but at the end of Thousand Sons you get the feeling that he understands the "why" and doesn't blame Russ for his role. That notion is a bit expanded upon in The Outcast Dead as well.

I'm not wholly conviced Magnus accepts/wants the "Chaos" aspect of it, but I guess he is presently a Daemon Prince... I just like holding on to that notion that he is a good, noble son and can be redeemed.

11-05-2011, 07:28 AM
you may be right. In Thousand and Outcast Dead Magnus realizes the colossal error of his ways when he breaks through the wards and the door in the Emperor's throne room, completely fubar'ing the plans and mechinations the Emperor had put in place to protect against the Warp.

11-06-2011, 05:23 AM
You're right; in Fang he absolutely does. I guess it ends up festering, but at the end of Thousand Sons you get the feeling that he understands the "why" and doesn't blame Russ for his role. That notion is a bit expanded upon in The Outcast Dead as well.

We've still got a fair few Heresy books left, so plenty of time for that resentment to fester. Magnus is still "loyal" at the time of his escape at the end of 'Thousand Sons', witnessing the Emperors crippling and confinement to the Golden Throne could certainly add to any resentment he feels towards Russ - "if it hadn't been for that idiot i could have saved our father!"

I'm not wholly conviced Magnus accepts/wants the "Chaos" aspect of it, but I guess he is presently a Daemon Prince... I just like holding on to that notion that he is a good, noble son and can be redeemed.

With Magnus i get the impression that accepting Daemonic ascension was more because he still believes he can be the one in control when it comes to Chaos rather than any desire to carry out the will of the Gods.

01-12-2012, 02:09 PM
I like that idea Spidey-pope.
That was always Magnus' shortcoming in that he always thought he could master whatever he turned his mind to.

01-13-2012, 11:33 PM
bunk asre shiite book. Could have had a fantastic ending, but space marines rarely get FiretrUCKed.:eek: