View Full Version : Anyone up for a fan campaign guide?

10-15-2011, 11:56 PM
Looking to see how many people would want to participate in the making of/ consumption of a fan made campaign supplement. I'm planning on doing it whether anyone is interested or not :P But some help/ motivation would be nice.

I don't really have a back story yet, however I do know that I want it to be post heresy, be open to all codex's, not be cookie cutter 'good vs. evil, fate o' da galaxy'.

It will be multi system- BFG, EPIC, Dark Heresy, 40k, Necromunda, and a new strategic 'Risk' game I've come up with myself :cool: You'll have the option of just playing some linked 40k games with alternative scenarios and special rules/ characters, or going all out and doing a multi system mega game. Now, the fluff and the rules that link the games will be the major part of this, there will be no alternative army lists or fandex's. However, there will be multiple special characters for each faction, maybe a couple of unique units.

Fluff- The focus is on the far east of the Ultima Segmentum- http://www.joachim-adomeit.de/wh40k/spacemap/map.html Ymga, east to the edge of the galaxy (Realm of Ultramar and the Sagittarius arm). This gives us Imperial, Tau, Necrons, Eldar, Chaos, and of course Tyranids. This is only the fluff, which we really don't need for a booklet of campaign rules, but what they hey why not, makes things moar interesting. This gives me (us?) a chance to use the copious fluff about this region.

I have sketches of rules for linking the systems together, and there's tons of inspiration both official and fan made to draw from. There will be a couple levels of strategic game play- planetary scale, system scale, sector scale, and possibly larger :rolleyes: The highest level will involve all players fighting over a system with a Risk-like game. The next level will involve fighting for a system, moving your armies around, transporting them from planet to planet with ships, and fighting Epic/40k/Apocalyptic/BFG battles to resolve the conflicts instead of rolling dice as you would in Risk. Planetary level is essentially the same as system, only with fewer armies (less commitment/faster).

Basically the idea is to make an open ended, free form set of rules that let you easily, without much planning, throw together a system wide campaign using any army in any game system.

Alright, so I'm rambling. I would appreciate any help in this, or statements of interest. :o

Hive Mind
10-16-2011, 12:41 AM
Would love to but the final year of my degree means I won't have the time to commit to this properly. Sorry.

I'd be interested in any future projects, though I'd have to focus on 40k and Necromunda since I've never played any of the others.

10-16-2011, 02:52 AM
SOunds cool, but i'm in the middle of a campaign right now anyways.

But i'm curious how you plan on linking Necromunda to a game of BFG. What does a tiny plucky street gang in the underhive have to do to influence inter-racial space warfare?