View Full Version : Leaked Necron picture

10-14-2011, 10:38 AM
Courtesy of Lord Damocles on Warseer, I assume it (the model) is genuine:

Morgan Darkstar
10-14-2011, 10:56 AM
Waahhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D

10-14-2011, 10:59 AM
If that's not a legit photo; then it is, hands down, one of the best conversions I've ever seen.

I hope all the 'Cron players are peeing their pants with joy right now.

10-14-2011, 11:03 AM
I agree, I merely mention the possibility as until GW send out an email or puts it up on the website everything is up in the air as far as I'm concerned.:)

10-14-2011, 11:11 AM
Just got the email, and can't get on to BoW - looks like the site is getting a spike in traffic for some reason...

My first thought was that the two guys at the front were peddling to make it move like those boats you get on lakes.

10-14-2011, 11:57 AM
Huh. Back when the Dark Eldar were released, I wondered how they'd keep the Dark Eldar's bleeding-edge, reality-bending technology from stepping on the toes of the Necrons. Apparently, the answer is "we'll make the Necron's tech look dumber."


I swear, it's like all the talent in the company is fleeing towards Fantasy so quickly, they've decided to put Mat Ward on design duty as well...

Ulthwé Guardian
10-14-2011, 11:57 AM
Finally after all the hearsay, rumour control, conjecture, gossip and radio silence. We finally have some validation <auuhhhhhhh> and breath. Thanks Eldargal!

10-14-2011, 12:25 PM
If that's not a legit photo; then it is, hands down, one of the best conversions I've ever seen.

I hope all the 'Cron players are peeing their pants with joy right now.

I pee'd myself twice.

10-14-2011, 12:31 PM
Huh. Back when the Dark Eldar were released, I wondered how they'd keep the Dark Eldar's bleeding-edge, reality-bending technology from stepping on the toes of the Necrons. Apparently, the answer is "we'll make the Necron's tech look dumber."


I swear, it's like all the talent in the company is fleeing towards Fantasy so quickly, they've decided to put Mat Ward on design duty as well...

Yea, I hope this isn't legit. I don't really like the way it looks. Maybe it grows on you...maybe it is charming in person...I don't know, but in that picture it doesn't blow my skirt up at all. It doesn't seem to make much sense.

I mean, it is supposed to be ancient and alien, but the design seems to be absurd. Maybe it is protected by some crazy force field or something.

Okay, so you are a Necron lord. You want a crazy pulpit to float around in so you can survey the battlefield in person while playing words with friends. You don't want to have to pilot it yourself, because that would defeat the purpose of being able to play your games, so you need a pilot. But you don't want him in your eye line because it might get in the way of you surveying the battlefield, and it could block your enemy's view of your impressive floating pulpit. But if you're going to be floating around the battlefield, you might at well stick a gun on the thing, right? So now you need a gunner. But that's okay because with the pilot off to the side, the thing was starting to look lopsided. You could give it some enclosed compartments, but that would detract from the whole pulpit concept, so you just stick the pilot/gunner on the front and slide some instrument panels in front of them. Done! Wait, but that means your dudes will have their feet dangling. It's not like your robotic undead servitors would care about that, but it would just look silly, so you put in a couple of little foot rests. Oh, and a curvy thing in the back to give it kind of a two plane aesthetic and to make you look more impressive. You also wouldn't want your undying robotic legions to be staring at your butt all day.

10-14-2011, 12:36 PM
There are more pics!!!

The Ghost Ark


And the Doomsday Ark, a variant of the upper ark


10-14-2011, 12:40 PM
Yeah, agreed. Basically, I think it looks okay, except for the dangling robo-feet with their little foot rests. GW needs to realize that while that might make sense for Space Marines, not everything in Warhammer is Space Marines (heresy, I know). If those had just been severed 'cron torsos with no legs integrated into the machine, this would actually be a lot cooler.

EDIT: And since two new pics popped up while I was typing this...really? "I have an idea, let's make a combo kit. Basically it builds a model, and then you can flip it over upside-down to make it a different model! Brilliant!"

10-14-2011, 12:52 PM
Agree with Barcode: looks like a 2-for-1 kit.

...Although, if the first is meant to be a troop carrier, perhaps it has 'dump-truck-disembarking' action!


10-14-2011, 01:06 PM
From the peoples at Warseer :)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/308710_10150317837046315_133813491314_8395760_1252 2484_n.jpg

Emerald Rose Widow
10-14-2011, 01:15 PM
I actually like the look of them, its really neat and new.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-14-2011, 01:16 PM
The arks look pretty good, not as crazy about the pulpit thing.

Both of them feel like they took a step back with the pilots, though; anyone remember the metal necron destroyers? (http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2008/11/29/3019_md-2nd%20Edition,%20Destroyer,%20Necrons.jpg)

Having robotic minions, then making them little robot chairs to sit in and drive things around with their hands just seems pretty goofy - the newer destroyer's centaur-esque method's a lot better looking.

Still, easy conversion to do - if I get the ark, I'm definitely lopping off his legs and leave him with gesturing arms (or maybe style him like an egyptian sarcophagus with mobile mask?)

The pilots really throw the pulpit one off for me, the controls/footrests are just too goofyyyyy. Maybe converting it to have a chariot look, with two tomb-stalker style bodies/ heads extending from the body of the pulpit, pulling it along through the air? /shrug

The Deathmarks look awesome (and damn, Beasts of War, go easy on those watermarks!)

10-14-2011, 01:33 PM

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/320604_10150317878761315_133813491314_8395905_6661 31720_n.jpg

and here are Imotekh the Stormlord and Trazyn the Infinite

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318580_10150317877831315_133813491314_8395904_1507 708049_n.jpg

10-14-2011, 01:39 PM
Those are so very - Space Tomb Kings

10-14-2011, 01:41 PM
im loving them all, but anyone else notice ....no glowing green rods

10-14-2011, 01:47 PM
Why are people getting these from beatsts of War... before Beasts of War are getting them. Haven't seen the Deathmarks or the Spec Characters and Overlord on BoW yet?!

10-14-2011, 01:51 PM

10-14-2011, 01:58 PM
im loving them all, but anyone else notice ....no glowing green rods

Yes and thank goodness. They were silly anyway.

10-14-2011, 02:00 PM
Again, from Warseer




10-14-2011, 02:01 PM
You have to hand it to GW this time, three weeks out of the release date and only now are we seeing anything at all. ANd of course it is an official leak. I can not wait!

Bye, Bye paycheck!


10-14-2011, 02:09 PM
While the pulpit thing is a little weird, the other vehicle it makes (ie: the giant gun), is AMAZING!

10-14-2011, 02:17 PM
Dominic sorry to say we have all already seen this stuff.

Beasts of War site has crashed again!

10-14-2011, 02:24 PM


Look down the bottom!

10-14-2011, 02:27 PM
Hey, the Immortals look nice!

...everything else, though, is completely B-grade, at best. Ugly ornamentation and bling added to the elegant Necron frame just feels awkward and unimaginative. This line would be disappointing at any time, but after the inspired reboot of the Dark Eldar last year, this is just abysmal. Sad. So much potential, wasted.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-14-2011, 02:29 PM
Dominic sorry to say we have all already seen this stuff.
I haven't seen it yet, and I bet a lot of others haven't too (can't keep track of all the 40k news sites!) Keep 'em coming Dominic!

Loving the new Lords/Immortals, wonder what the loss of glowygreenbits means for the other models in the range that aren't getting revamped? Will they get an additional sprue added to their boxes with the new gun-cores (like, a generic upgrade sprue, with a bunch of gun-cores, some scarabs, a "leader" head, new squad weapons etc.)? It'd be a good opportunity to to give 'em extra bits.

10-14-2011, 02:44 PM
And one more!!


10-14-2011, 02:47 PM
Triarch and Lychguard another 2 in 1 kit ?

10-14-2011, 02:54 PM


Luke Licens
10-14-2011, 02:55 PM
Take a second look at the Immortal on the far left.

Is it just me, or are those power cables going up his... tailpipe?

Edit to add:

I hope the Praetorians and the Lychguard really are the combo kit they appear to be. That way I can leave off the silly metal loinclothes, and the ugly metal 'crown heads'.

10-14-2011, 03:03 PM
Gosh, if they continue with this today...

How many leaks do they have??

10-14-2011, 03:04 PM
A whole host of leaked piccies here on warseer too.


10-14-2011, 03:05 PM
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/318580_10150317877831315_133813491314_8395904_1507 708049_n.jpg

Is it just me, or is the tau symbol on the model on the left a sign of some bad fluff to come? ;)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-14-2011, 03:10 PM
Is it just me, or is the tau symbol on the model on the left a sign of some bad fluff to come? ;)
It's right next to an Eldar rune, so my guess is that this is more of a "Tore trophies from the bodies of the enemy" situation, thank the C'tan.

10-14-2011, 03:16 PM
Initial thoughts: BADASS
After a long look and some consideration: BADASS except for the named characters.

10-14-2011, 03:18 PM
Flayed ones meh, I like the transport, like the immortals (miss the green rods though :( may have to buy some of those before they disappear), some of the models have some silly head gear but that can be changed easily
I'm really not quite sure how to react, it's just so different from the current necron range

10-14-2011, 03:24 PM
Actually these with the vehicles, it looks more vampire counts corpse cart.

So i guess they combined both vampire counts and tomb kings tother for the New TK looks.

Space nagash anyone?

10-14-2011, 03:49 PM
So no new Pariahs? I'm speculating that C'Tans must be new forge world models then! ;)

Luke Licens
10-14-2011, 04:02 PM
Is it just me, or is the tau symbol on the model on the left a sign of some bad fluff to come? ;)

I think you mean 'the Tau symbol on the left hip of the model on the right'.

Also, I would concur on the 'battle trophies' conclusion from Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer

10-14-2011, 04:05 PM
Gosh, if they continue with this today...

How many leaks do they have??

Why The Necron Rumors are Bad?

/rumors-new-necrons-why-this-is-bad-pics.html (http://blog.spikeybits.com/2011/10/rumors-new-necrons-why-this-is-bad-pics.html)

10-14-2011, 04:07 PM
So no new Pariahs? I'm speculating that C'Tans must be new forge world models then! ;)

Your not more shocked there are no shots of a warrior? They must be wave one with a resculpt (with no green rods) .No Scarbs yet which seems odd too , I wonder if they are pulling a Dark eldar and giving us a whole new range to make up for ignoring this army for so long?

As for the runes I have always felt GW would work the tau into a some sort of rebirth of the original nercon species (fast tech development , the fact the models had hoof feet for a while, the eldar having reseeded a world and introducing the eternal cast ,although thats from the xeno book which isnt really canon) as the eldar in essence fighting fire with fire.

Do we know if overlords, replace the lord option ? Or do we think/know that they are just one tier higher . I like the generic overlord on the left far better then the 2 named ones.

I can imagine c'tans being a forge world release, but I heard they might be an elite option, an diluted aspect as opposed to the actual c'tan itself.

10-14-2011, 04:53 PM
Why The Necron Rumors are Bad?

/rumors-new-necrons-why-this-is-bad-pics.html (http://blog.spikeybits.com/2011/10/rumors-new-necrons-why-this-is-bad-pics.html)

With all do respect to spikey bits I have to disagree with that article.
These are leaked model photos , (if its oked by GW or not it doesnt matter) we never know the cost of an item until GW gives us the answer, we wont know the army slot for any model or the unit cost until the codex is out and about. They models will likely replace those that already exist , with the pariahs possibly becoming one of those 2 new units ( which look like quite like them) . Basically they build hype over some thing we knew was coming anyway. I dont personally think anyone who reads this sort of site and sees leaked photos , that are not going to be announced for another two weeks is really gonig to try and preorder them .

The fact we dont have a full in detail list of everything is fine, because they are not released yet.
I like watching movie trailers, then when the movie comes out , going to see it , I want to hear that Ridley scott is doing an alien prequel , I want to see some early pre prediction work , I dont want to be handed a copy of the script and to know the ending right away, that all comes in time.

10-14-2011, 04:59 PM
Your not more shocked there are no shots of a warrior? They must be wave one with a resculpt (with no green rods) .No Scarbs yet which seems odd too , I wonder if they are pulling a Dark eldar and giving us a whole new range to make up for ignoring this army for so long?

Sure feels like it, given that there are...what, around 11 kits with this first wave, it seems? That's a revamp, not just a new codex.

I was wondering about the warriors, myself, with the lack of green rods on all these new guys. And if warriors are supposed to be able to get new guns, we need bitz for those, right?

But...why aren't they being included in the first wave (from what we can see so far)? Strikes me as really odd...

10-14-2011, 05:05 PM
The current monolith also has green rods... Here's hoping!

10-14-2011, 05:10 PM
I don't know what you haters are smoking - these models are gorgeous. Almost makes me want to start a necron army.

10-14-2011, 05:11 PM
The sad thing is the old Necron codex only had 11 uints and that includes the 2 ctans . That support platforms weapon must be better then a tau railcannon

10-14-2011, 05:26 PM
I don't know what you haters are smoking - these models are gorgeous. Almost makes me want to start a necron army.


I'm excited for what this release means for my Necron army. Real excited.
Saddened by the fact I'm still scrambling for work, and don't know when I can afford anything. :(

Hive Mind
10-14-2011, 05:31 PM
They're pretty good. Except the Flayed Ones, I prefer the old ones.

Necron bandwagon leaving in three... two... one...

10-14-2011, 05:59 PM
Not a big fan of those Flayed One sculpts, either...I'm hoping they might look better in-person, like the Stormraven/Dreadknight did...fingers crossed.

Hive Mind
10-14-2011, 06:02 PM
I still don't like either the Stormraven or the Dreadknight, lol.

Meph's Stormraven is what they all should look like IMO.

10-14-2011, 06:04 PM
I think Meph's Stormraven looks really awful, personally.

Hive Mind
10-14-2011, 06:08 PM
Not much middle ground to found between us on that then, LMAO...

10-14-2011, 06:51 PM
does anyone else really not like the lord heads? i mean all of those models are badass, except the first one. but those heads make them look like freakin party poopers. gonna be a good upgrade to the current codex. i really look forward to seeing the new rules

10-14-2011, 06:53 PM
Not a big fan of those Flayed One sculpts, either...I'm hoping they might look better in-person, like the Stormraven/Dreadknight did...fingers crossed.

I don't really care for the new flayed ones either. I liked the pose of the ones now. I think I'm going to get as many of the old ones as I can.

But damn I'm excited about NEW NECRONS!!! Those Deathmarks look really cool, I hope I can make an army around them.

10-14-2011, 06:54 PM
I'm digging the new minis with the exception of the new flayed ones. Good thing I have 2 squads of the old ones. One of the named Necron Lords was sort of meh as well. I can't wait until details and not rumors of the necron codex start coming out. Looks like Santa is going to be bringing me some undead robots this Christmas!

On a side note, I AM interested in how this C'tan issue will pan out. Forge World Apocalypse models, shards or aspects as elites, and the fate of the old C'tan minis. The next few weeks should be interesting.

10-14-2011, 07:02 PM
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2010/12/15/163734_sm-Blood%20Angels,%20Brofist,%20Fist%20Bump,%20Fistbu mp,%20Humor,%20Necrons.jpg

GW = the blood angel

10-14-2011, 07:02 PM
I'm speculating that C'Tans must be new forge world models then! ;)

The rumor for quite some time has been that the overlords would be replacing the C'Tan in the next new codex, with all the C'Tan becoming Apocalypse only. Of course, there's no way to know if this rumor is true, but if it were true, nobody should be expecting to see new C'Tan figures any time soon.

10-14-2011, 07:47 PM
The arks look pretty good, not as crazy about the pulpit thing.

Both of them feel like they took a step back with the pilots, though; anyone remember the metal necron destroyers? (http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2008/11/29/3019_md-2nd%20Edition,%20Destroyer,%20Necrons.jpg)

Having robotic minions, then making them little robot chairs to sit in and drive things around with their hands just seems pretty goofy - the newer destroyer's centaur-esque method's a lot better looking.

Still, easy conversion to do - if I get the ark, I'm definitely lopping off his legs and leave him with gesturing arms (or maybe style him like an egyptian sarcophagus with mobile mask?)

The pilots really throw the pulpit one off for me, the controls/footrests are just too goofyyyyy. Maybe converting it to have a chariot look, with two tomb-stalker style bodies/ heads extending from the body of the pulpit, pulling it along through the air? /shrug

The Deathmarks look awesome (and damn, Beasts of War, go easy on those watermarks!)

I'm not a huge fan of the feet underneath either, but having said that, I'd like to rebut your destroyer comment - those are Necron's who've lost whatever engrams of sanity they had and decide to mutilate themselves into becoming the perfect weapon of death. They're a bit like Empire Flagellants or the Opus Dei.

Shas'o Saki
10-14-2011, 08:18 PM
Um WOW, I knew the Necrons would be getting a transport but I didn't expect it to look like that. There's definitely some major Tomb King/Egyptian influence going on here. Look cool.

10-14-2011, 08:34 PM
Looks like we over looked the fact some of these photos have faint text on the pictures , i was just looking at the beast of war banners , so it looks like triarchs and the lychgaurd are 2 diffrent kits with some options in the box ( therefore plastics ?)

10-14-2011, 08:44 PM
I wet myself...

10-14-2011, 10:15 PM
Fear not brothers for even metal can be destroyed.......

They look so cool!!!! I cant wait for everyone to jump on this band-wagon too. I hope the transports are open top, which by the looks of the models they better be.Though I bet they will do something to make melta less effective against them.

As far as I am concerned I look forward to actually fighting Xenos....Cant wait to kill em!

10-14-2011, 10:19 PM
It's cool to see the jump troops (Triarch Praetorians) can all get power weapons which also count as AP2 assault weapons. Bye-bye terminators, FNP Sanguinary Priests and Rhino/Razorback parking lots - should also spell the end of the Grey Knight Baby-carrier. Come to think of it, they should also nuke Imperial Guard Parking lots.

The Immortals get 2 different kinds of heavy weapons for all models - Must be the Gauss-Melta they've been promising.

I'll spend a couple of weeks studying the Codex before buying any new models.

Thanks to "Beasts of War" website for breaking the news and bringing the first photos to the web!!

10-14-2011, 10:29 PM

Very expensive for the only Necron troop transport... :(

10-14-2011, 10:32 PM
I don't mind them, much more interesting than the current range which is frghtfully dull. I wont be buying any, but on the whole I think it is an improvement.

10-14-2011, 11:05 PM
Those are so very - Space Tomb Kings

Yeah .... Wasn't there some GW rep a while back that was all adamant that 40K was it's own game, that it had nothing to do with Fantasy, that the corporate goal was to make them distinct and blah, blah, blah?

Anyway, this is what I'd said about it almost 8 month ago:

It would be an epic fail if they reskin the Necrons. Them looking and feeling like terminators is precisely what makes them desirable/cool. What are they going to do? Go back to an Egyptian motif? LAME!

I reiterate ... LAAAAAAME!!

Don't get me wrong, I'll be updating my army with some of the new units as needs be, but I will be retooling them to look less derivative, trite, uninspired and nonsensical. Make them look good, in other words.

... (miss the green rods though :( may have to buy some of those before they disappear) ...

You can be certain that the green rods are on their way out. Adding transparent green rods to the Necron kits no doubt shaves a miniscule fraction off the profits per kit. It's pennies on the dollar, but we already know from the Finecast fiasco, GW thinks profits first before quality. Replacing the green rods with just another bit on the existing sprews will save a tiny bit of additional plastic and eliminates the production step needed to make them (saving the expense of having to run additional machinery). Of course, if you've played this game for any length of time, you should be used to receiving kits that require conversions and don't have all the parts you'd normally want. Now you'll be forced to buy fiber optics, like those who currently convert their rods to orange or red. Again, GW being GW ... nothing new here.

10-14-2011, 11:10 PM
I don't see anything that even emotely resembles an Egyptian aesthetic.

10-14-2011, 11:21 PM
My only complaint is that the 'crons are being released in the same time slot as the Eldar and Dark Eldar were. Filthy Yngir... But seriously, those are some quality models.

10-14-2011, 11:26 PM
You don't see the sun disk, which is on nearly every one of the leaders?

10-14-2011, 11:30 PM
Right because Egypt was the only culture ever to have a sun disc motif?:rolleyes: I'm not saying there wasn't an Egyptian concept there, but it has been so warped and twisted to create a Necron aesthetic that there is nothing Egyptian about it.

Another example of how people take visual cues they can't fully place and conflate them with something they can is Eldar. The Craftworld Eldar aesthetic allegedly came about after Jes Goodwin visited Egypt, and yet people go on and on about the strong asian element in their design.

10-14-2011, 11:47 PM
ok, there is no way you can deny the egyption theme in necrons.. tomb, scarabs, monolith.... its in their design. people draw allegories from the most insane corners of the universe. look at "catcher and the rye".

anyone notice the tau symbol on the 4th necron lord?!!!!!!!!! wtf is that ****?!!!!!!

10-14-2011, 11:48 PM
censorship. :.(

Kieranator K82
10-14-2011, 11:49 PM
To everyone complaining about the fact that there are no new Warriors, look in the transports. Warriors look exactly the same still.

10-15-2011, 12:01 AM
Yes, I can deny it because it isn't htere. Tomb isn't an Egyptian word or concept, scarab is but Necrons scarsbs look nothing like Egyptian scarabs, monoloth isn't an Egyptian word or concept either and the model has a far more Mesopotamian ziggurat feel than Egyptian. There may or may not have been some Egyptian concepts incorporaed into the Necron aesthetic but they are so twisted and dilute that there is now nothing actually Egyptian about their aesthetic. You could argue the Tau have more of an Egyptian theme at this point, not to mention Eldar.

ok, there is no way you can deny the egyption theme in necrons.. tomb, scarabs, monolith.... its in their design. people draw allegories from the most insane corners of the universe. look at "catcher and the rye".

anyone notice the tau symbol on the 4th necron lord?!!!!!!!!! wtf is that ****?!!!!!!

10-15-2011, 12:11 AM
I am reading this but cant see how Eldar even have any link or relationship to Egyptian theme or culture. There isnt a single model or unit or fluff part of Eldar that I can think of that would make me think "Eldar...Oh Yea Space Egyptians...Right On...Right On!!!"

The only link to Jes Goodwin writting the Eldar was maybe that on his trip to Egypt he got stuck at the customs in Cairo or something and had plenty of time to write the Eldar Codex.

10-15-2011, 12:19 AM
Now this is exactly why I think art history classes should be compulsory before anyone is allowed to comment on the aesthetic of anything.:rolleyes: There wasn't an Eldar codex for years after his trip, so there was nothing to work on.

Many elements of Eldar culture were modelled around Egyptian motifs and aesthetics and the model range was changed from funky Elves in Space to a more smooth, sleek, idealised aesthetic taken from Egyptian art. It is subtle, but it is there. Unlike the Egyptian element to Necrons which simply isn't there, if anything they are far more Mesopotamian.

10-15-2011, 12:25 AM
Now this is exactly why I think art history classes should be compulsory before anyone is allowed to comment on the aesthetic of anything.:rolleyes: There wasn't an Eldar codex for years after his trip, so there was nothing to work on.

Many elements of Eldar culture were modelled around Egyptian motifs and aesthetics and the model range was changed from funky Elves in Space to a more smooth, sleek, idealised aesthetic taken from Egyptian art. It is subtle, but it is there. Unlike the Egyptian element to Necrons which simply isn't there, if anything they are far more Mesopotamian.

Ok..please name a few then....

Emerald Rose Widow
10-15-2011, 12:31 AM
I can't see why people think the more decorated motif's in the new models are a bad thing, I think it takes a very dull model line and makes it interesting and fun to look at. I was almost convinced DE would be my next army, but then I saw these amazing models and was like "im not so sure now". I love the look and feel of the models, there is just enough of an Egyptian feel to them to make them interesting, but not enough to say it IS Egyptian.

Also I have to agree with Eldargal here, the Monolith especially is nothing like an Egyptian Pyramid, in fact there were far more cultures that used the pyramid before the Egyptians, though it would be more accurate to call them Ziggarats which the Monolith looks far closer to. I will say though that the prevalence of the eye in the necron models of old and even current ones coming out and that was an obvious play to Egyptian Aesthetic to a small degree.

10-15-2011, 12:32 AM
Image of Asurman is based on Horus, the image of Biel-tan is base on the ankh, the Eye of Isha is based on the Eye of Horus etc. The Eldar aesthetic has continued to evolve but it began as an Egyptian inspired re-evaluation of the Space Elf theme of RT. There is nothing at all Egyptian about the Necron aesthetic.

10-15-2011, 12:37 AM
While I agree that the Necrons aren't as Egyptian in aesthetic as, say, Tomb Kings, they have a lot of Egyptian things going for them...

Hieroglyphs (their main 'faction' symbol has always reminded me of an ankh), pyramids, scarabs, immortals (okay, Persian, not Egyptian, but it's in a very nearby region)...

And now a lot of their blades look very kopesh-like with the newer kits.

They can share a bit of Egyptian aesthetic with the Eldar and Thousand Sons, it seems.

10-15-2011, 12:39 AM
anyone notice the tau symbol on the 4th necron lord?!!!!!!!!! wtf is that ****?!!!!!!

It's right beside an Eldar rune, so it looks like part of a collection of trophies it's taken from defeated foes.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-15-2011, 12:45 AM
For someone who doesn't play Necons, i'm glad to see they got the loving attention and full workover and most likely a shiny new codex they deserve.
Just wish that Sisters of Battle could have got the same attention..shame GW shame.

Anyway, looking at all the new miniatures, those warriors looks cool still, the new lord look amazing, Flayed ones look better than before and those vehicles look scary.
Can't wait to see the rules for them.
Oh and for someone who knows his history, Eldargal is right about Eldar motives to compare with Egyptian symbolism.
I know a few people who will be drooling with this news tomorrow.

10-15-2011, 12:54 AM
I was just reading the whole post and it was going on and on about how the Necrons are not Egyptian based but how in a hiden way Eldar are really Egyptian.Through motifs and representation this culture and this was shown.....blaaa blaaa blaaaa. But there wasnt any facts being placed out there. Alot of big words sounding like someone was in a cultural anthropology class, but no hard facts.

To be honest as you can tell I play Blood Angels. We have our story and fluff...and everyone dies to us just the same. Does not matter if your from Egypt or Japan or where ever, its all good. But if your going to make a claim to something then have the facts or a class before YOU post on forums or the web.

10-15-2011, 12:58 AM
Oh, for gods sake. Here then, seeing as how peopel seem to need facts spoon fed to them these days:

Eldar Eye of Isha:

Egyptian Eye of Horus:

Asurman statue (on railing):


10-15-2011, 01:00 AM
But no big monstrous creature / walker as rumoured yet. Im not complaining, I am very happy with the models were going to get and I just hope the rules match. I just want to see a giant necron :D

10-15-2011, 01:01 AM
It's right beside an Eldar rune, so it looks like part of a collection of trophies it's taken from defeated foes.

didnt see the eldar gubbins. thanks.

as for the egyption argument... as the concept or origins of tombs and monoliths may not be "egyption", the easiest thing to associate them with is egypt. this may be a misconception of media or a perverted portail of egyption culture but egypt used these concepts and ideas famously. the egyption tint is there, wether you choose to see it or not may be because your stubborn or whatever. i mean wfb tomb kings, gw has used generalizations in the concepts of their armies before. :o

as for the monolith/zig thing. its all in the way you see it. tomato potato, if you know what i mean. ;)

im not saying your wrong i just think your trying to deny something because there can not be a strait line drawn between necron art/concepts and egypt.

10-15-2011, 01:01 AM
Biel-Tan rune:

Egyptian ankh:

Note the shape of the hat on the above statue:

The Dire Avenger rune which forms the basis of most Aspect runes is also a stylised Ankh:

Apahllo, there is no especially Egyptian element in the Necron aesthetic, people interpreting it as Egyptian through their own ignorance of Egyptian art becasue it is easy to do so is still erroneous. If you want to say there is a general ancient Near Eastern element to Necron design, I wouldn't argue with that. But that is as far as it goes.

10-15-2011, 01:03 AM
Umm...what eldargal just said.

I wasn't trying to dispute Egyptian aesthetic within the Eldar line, just saying that they seem to be sharing that with 2 other armies/factions in the game.

10-15-2011, 01:16 AM
i wouldnt say its wrong at all. but itsnt egypt the pinicle of north african society besides persia? its fair to say they used the ideas from other cultures. like an influence. since they are the most popular and well know ancient society to have used these concepts, they are easily tied to things that part of the world are known for. i wouldnt call it ignorance either, more of an abstract generalization.

you have some great insite with the eldar. this is something i never noticed before.

Luke Licens
10-15-2011, 01:32 AM
Eldargal left off one of the most obvious ones, this bit from the Dire Avengers sprue:

10-15-2011, 01:36 AM
Actually that is based on the guard railing in the art I posted, I couldn't find a decent picture of the statue itself, thanks for that.:)

10-15-2011, 01:56 AM
Yes, I can deny it because it isn't htere. Tomb isn't an Egyptian word or concept, scarab is but Necrons scarsbs look nothing like Egyptian scarabs, monoloth isn't an Egyptian word or concept either and the model has a far more Mesopotamian ziggurat feel than Egyptian. There may or may not have been some Egyptian concepts incorporaed into the Necron aesthetic but they are so twisted and dilute that there is now nothing actually Egyptian about their aesthetic. You could argue the Tau have more of an Egyptian theme at this point, not to mention Eldar.

Im sorry, I think your being slightly biased towards your beloved Eldar and your lack of interest in Necrons (which you have freely admitted) Of course there are references to Egypt in the Necron aesthetic, just ask someone who has no interest in 40k like my mrs. I quote "I see your playing your space pyramid and robotic beetles again" to her and many others Egyptian references are there. The Tomb Stalker, The Scarab Swarms, The Lords staff of light, The Monolith ,The hieroglyphs,(yes necrons have them too and not just eldar) I could easily go on. Of course there has to be some influence from the Terminator themes but to many, myself included they obviously have a strong Egyptian feel too. For so many people to see that theme I don't know how you can even dispute it. I do think that maybe just this once Eldargal, your being less objective than your usually know for :D

10-15-2011, 02:06 AM
It isn't an issue of bias, it is an issue of people seeing something that isn't there. I merely mentioned Eldar to highlight the irony that the race which was inspired by Egyptian art gets labelled as Asian while a race whose aesthetic is terminator with perhaps a twisted hint of Babylon gets labelld as Egyptian just because their fantasy counterpart does have an Egyptian aesthetic.

There is nothing Egyptian in the look of any of the units you mention, nothing. Tombs are not egyptian, a staff of light is an Indiana Jones reference (fictional even if it set in Egypt), the monolith looks like a ziggurat and Necron hierogylphs are abstract while Egyptian hieroglpys are pictograms. The scarabs are named after the latin designation of a type of beetle worshipped bythe Egyptians, but they don't look Egyptian,they don't roll dung around and the Necrons don't depict them in their art.

I would like the Necrons more if they did have an Egyptian aesthetic to be honest, I find Tomb Kings much more interesting to look at.:)

10-15-2011, 02:12 AM
It isn't an issue of bias, it is an issue of people seeing something that isn't there. I merely mentioned Eldar to highlight the irony that the race which was inspired by Egyptian art gets labelled as Asian while a race whose aesthetic is terminator with perhaps a twisted hint of Babylon gets labelld as Egyptian just because their fantasy counterpart does have an Egyptian aesthetic.

There is nothing Egyptian in the look of any of the units you mention, nothing. Tombs are not egyptian, a staff of light is an Indiana Jones reference (fictional even if it set in Egypt), the monolith looks like a ziggurat and Necron hierogylphs are abstract while Egyptian hieroglpys are pictograms. The scarabs are named after the latin designation of a type of beetle worshipped bythe Egyptians, but they don't look Egyptian,they don't roll dung around and the Necrons don't depict them in their art.

I would like the Necrons more if they did have an Egyptian aesthetic to be honest, I find Tomb Kings much more interesting to look at.:)

Its like banging your head against a brick wall, but then you are a woman and exhibiting all the stubbornness of your sex :p
Agree to disagree then :)

10-15-2011, 02:13 AM
I think it all looks pretty great.

10-15-2011, 02:15 AM
And also, wasn't there word of some sort of necron "bone-giant" at one time?

10-15-2011, 02:18 AM
You can disagree, but I'm still right.:p I've been to Egypt, I've studied Egyptian art and all the Necrons have is the odd Mummy, Indiana Jones and Stargate inspired doodad and a vaguely near eastern-leaning-towards-Mesopotamian bit of decoration in places.

Its like banging your head against a brick wall, but then you are a woman and exhibiting all the stubbornness of your sex :p
Agree to disagree then :)

10-15-2011, 02:49 AM
I go offline for 12 hours and the world breaks open

Firstly - Love em all. Just hope the doomsday ark can't fire all those guns sticking out the side....As the for the command thing, i love the 2 necrons on the controls. it just seems right some how

Also..agreeign with Eldargal here. Egyptian symbology is spread across the 40k universe, in particular the eldar. It ties in with them being the ancient race. I can see a strong tomb king vibe, but that doesn't mean Egyptian. Lets face it...which army does the following decsription match?

"A ancient race, all effectivly dead, but bound back to un-life by a seperate group, but it was a con that denied them their free rights and made them mostly mindless slaves, except for a few high ranking individuals. If these high ranking individuals are killed the army starts to fall apart. They hate the living, and make it a quest to destroy them. Any who fall in battle are returned to the fray quickly by Necromantic power."

The Necrons and RTK fluff are the same effectivly. Why not the looks? Orks and Orcs, Eldar (and Dark) and Elves (and Dark) already share aestetics and base stroyline, as well as some names

10-15-2011, 03:06 AM
Love them. Used to collect Necrons when the codex first came out but got bored. Will I start again, maybe. :).


10-15-2011, 03:19 AM
You can disagree, but I'm still right.:p I've been to Egypt, I've studied Egyptian art and all the Necrons have is the odd Mummy, Indiana Jones and Stargate inspired doodad and a vaguely near eastern-leaning-towards-Mesopotamian bit of decoration in places.

With their helmet crest, I guess that the Dire Avengers are more Ptolemaic.

I guess that the Lizardmen have laid claim to the Mesoamerican look and the Vampire Counts and Skaven are fighting over the Frankenstein look, maybe the new Necrons could have carved out a new aesthetic niche in the Warhammer/40k Thanopology by referencing the Hindu Cult of Kali or Tibetan Buddhism. Either of these would have given a rich vein of skull-tastic designs.

However, I'd have preferred for this most ancient race to be given a paradoxically advanced aesthetic. The original Necron Warrior design appears to have a bigger debt to Jacob Epstien's "The Rock Drill" than to the T800. Maybe a Futurist, Deco or ultra modern style would have been better. Think of Necrons driving around in Audi.


10-15-2011, 03:27 AM
My wifes Necron army is gonna double or triple by the time I get home.

10-15-2011, 03:54 AM
Infantry look lovely. Vehicles fruity. Helmet details on HQ and Lychguard also fruity. All I can think of is using thin styrene rods on their heads to make Cybermen...

10-15-2011, 03:55 AM
Necrons are obviously Egyptian in design. That was made clear when they came out back in 98', and oh so more obvious with the new look. Necrons are far and above Eldar with Egyptian designs.

Just keep in mind that Eldargal will defend every action GW takes, and always play devil's advocate to everything you say.

10-15-2011, 04:00 AM
Of course Necrons are clearly Egyptian if you think Stargate and the Mummy are legitimate academic sources.:rolleyes: Still not sure how you get from 'Necrons aren't Egyptian' to 'defending GW'. I hate Necrons, I wish GW had never sodding introduced them, they look stupid, their background ****** up the existing background when it was shoehorned in back in 98. How is that for defending GW?

Also, they are only 'clearly Egyptian' if your knowledge of Egypt comes from, as mentioned above, a handful of silly pop-culture references.

10-15-2011, 04:08 AM
So... Eldargal, the Monolith... A Pyramid...

Isn´t egyptian, is it??

Well, seems that you get out of your lovely Dark Eldars and become dumb

10-15-2011, 04:13 AM
Necron monolith:

Egyptian Pyramid:

Mesopotamian ziggurat:

Mayan pyramid:

Sadly I am limited to four images.

What were you saying about dumb, again?

10-15-2011, 04:19 AM
Easy, Easy, Mrs Xena...

Seems someone is wanting her daily quote of attention everywhere

Hope to see some codex pages from Beasts of War in the next days...

10-15-2011, 04:29 AM
Nice counter-argument.:rolleyes:

I'm not saying GW didn't start with an Egyptian theme, but from the aesthetic to the burial culture (for 25 of its 26 odd dynasties Egyptian kings were buried alone or in a family tomb, Sumerian kings were buried with large numbers of attendants, you tell me which is more like a tomb world) it has been so altered and 'Necroned' up that nothing about it says Egyptian to anyone who is actually familiar with Egypt. It may have something in common with Hollywood-pop-culture-images of Egypt but that doesn't mean anything beyond Necrons sharing certain artificial modern tropes.

10-15-2011, 04:50 AM
Just playing devils advocate here, but maybe GW has changed the "theme" of the new Necrons from lets say an Egyptian style to a Pre-Columbian Aztecian style? Those ornate Necron lords looks like they could fit in with the Warhammer Lizardmen!

Hey, in Dawn of War (GW inspired anyways) the Necrons were building obelisks for strategic points. Obelisks where not only Egyptian but other cultures built them too.

Maybe someone could get the info straight from GW? ;)

10-15-2011, 04:55 AM


I see your point about "pop culture" but not everyone has a degree in egyptology. The Necrons display enough similarities to TK now. Open your eyes Eldargal :)

10-15-2011, 04:57 AM
I'm with Eldargal on this one, the Necrons are not specifically egyptian, they have a mixture of various real world inspirations, so saying they are egyptian is like saying the Empire are German. Sure there is some inspiration there, but also from a bunch of other places as well, not least from Hollywood.

10-15-2011, 05:00 AM


I see your point about "pop culture" but not everyone has a degree in egyptology. The Necrons display enough similarities to TK now. Open your eyes Eldargal :)

I'm pretty sure that is not an authentic ancient egyptian picture. :D

10-15-2011, 05:05 AM
I'm pretty sure that is not an authentic ancient egyptian picture. :D

I did say "pop culture" lol :p

10-15-2011, 05:08 AM
I think the arguments about Egypt vs Mesopotamia miss the point somewhat. Either way, they are an alien culture that is clearly based on a pre-existing ancient civilisation, which is like pretty much every Fantasy Battle army. Necrons should be (along with Tyranids) an army with no WHFB analog.

However, by clearly making them Tomb Kings (and that is, after all, the culture that are truly based on, regardless of the real-world cultural inspiration), there's something a little... rubbish, if I'm honest. Does no-one else see the somewhat bizarre disconnect - GW gets rid of Squats to avoid the fantasy connection, but sticks in undead? How does having a direct and obvious fantasy analog help differentiate your product? Unless of course, Squats are reintroduced as a Tau-affiliate (or, heaven help us, the Adeptus Mechanicus *shiver*. There was that old AdMech Squat after all... )

Why would an army of robots limit themselves to human sized robots? Why would they look human at all? I was hoping for more of a Matrix thing (if Tyranids are insects + dinosaurs, then Necrons are robots + octopodae). Still, the deathmarks and immortals look good.

10-15-2011, 05:14 AM
They are based on Atlantians...Case Closed!!!!:D

10-15-2011, 05:28 AM
Necrons seem based on all the 'ancient world' imo. Those Arks look more Byzantine / Greek, the Lords Arab/Byzantine nobles or Orthodox Patriarchs. The list goes on... warriors are easily reminiscent of Chinese Golems (clay and metallic men) as they were said to rise up should the land ever be invaded, while Egyptian guards were for that tomb only.

I like what I see, but wont be getting any when they first come out, as my current two armies take up enough room.

Morgan Darkstar
10-15-2011, 05:47 AM
Wayland have got the models up for preorder.

Are they trying to piss gw off?

10-15-2011, 05:57 AM
Wayland have got the models up for preorder.

Are they trying to piss gw off?

They are tagged as being (as you have said) 'Pre-Order Only: This item will be shipped when released to us by the supplier' and I dont think they would want to piss GW off to much or they wont get any. Personally as much as I like Waylands prices I have found their shipping to be a little slow. I usually get stuff from GW in 1-2 working days. I like that :)

Their price lists though gives me a good indication of how much I will likly spend lol, I notice they don't have the codex up for pre-order though.

10-15-2011, 06:00 AM
Wayland have got the models up for preorder.

Are they trying to piss gw off?

Yes. Thats another law suit :P. Theres a difference between putting something up for preorder and effectivly announcing it before the main company

Also 1 point

Get over what they look like. They're awesome models. Who cares what they inspired by?

Empire are Germans
Bretonians are French
Tomb Kings are Egyptians
Lizardmen are Mayans
Space Wolves are Vikings

10-15-2011, 06:13 AM
Wayland Games has them up for sale, with RRP and discounted price listed, here (http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/pre-orders/games-workshop/cat_531.html). No codex, tough, maybe it another WD list.:p

10-15-2011, 06:20 AM
As i Said here http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showpost.php?p=161583&postcount=120 somesones asking to get sued

Sure GW would love to shut Wayland down

10-15-2011, 06:24 AM
Wayland Games has them up for sale, with RRP and discounted price listed, here (http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/pre-orders/games-workshop/cat_531.html). No codex, tough, maybe it another WD list.:p

Nah wont be a WD Codex for a top tier army (it will be) :D

10-15-2011, 06:28 AM
Poo, missed the previous post about Wayland. I'd assumed it was an official leak but if the stories of Wayland leaking it to BoW is true, well, that really could cause problems for them.

Nice to see that none of the Necron infantry are dual kits, I consider that a point against multiple Aspect and SoB/Seraphim combined kits. Thus far it is just a mainly GK thing.

10-15-2011, 06:35 AM
The Lychguard / Triarch is a dual kit, look close enough you will see. I think wayland just listed them separately.

10-15-2011, 06:40 AM
I'm not so sure, they listed the other dual kits as such why would they list one seperately? Until we see GW say otherwise I'm going to assume those two are seperate, Finecast kits as is the Praetorian while the others are plastic kits.

10-15-2011, 07:13 AM
Bear in mind back in the day the talos/Cronos went up for pre-order they originally went up as seperate kits

10-15-2011, 07:32 AM
True, but in in this case there are other dual kits listed so why would they split some and not others? It seems silly.:)

Edit: Wayland have denied leaking the photos in response to a post I made on Warseer:

Not true. We do not have any White Dwarf or anything but publicly available information to work from. The leaks did not come from us. We are not privy to such information.

Which of course means there could be dual kits galore and Wayland might just be listing things based on rumours alone.:p

Morgan Darkstar
10-15-2011, 08:02 AM
so it looks like the rumours about the immortals being on 40mm bases was wrong, has anything about the immortal models changed other than the lack of the green rod?

10-15-2011, 08:08 AM
No warriors yet as far as i'm aware. Could that back up the older rumour that Warriors would be a 2nd wave launch?

10-15-2011, 08:14 AM
Well aside from (obviously) being more dynamic in posing and having an actual option when it comes to weapons...

They seem a lot bulkier than the old metal models. The default weapon they have is actually huge in comparison to the old one.

The shoulders are actually a little smaller, now, but the rest of the body is bulked up considerably, and they have a sort of 'collar' that the old models don't have.

The heads are different, too. Lacking an icon on their forehead in favour of a cleaner skull with those nifty lines leading up from their eyes.

Edit: All of the above is, of course, regarding the new plastic Immortals in comparison to the old metal ones.

10-15-2011, 08:17 AM
No warriors yet as far as i'm aware. Could that back up the older rumour that Warriors would be a 2nd wave launch?

I can't help but wonder if the death of the green acryllic rods means that kits like the Warriors/Monolith are going to be re-released with an update that reflects this (plus I mean, Warriors have to have some options in the new codex, and these will have to be reflected in a kit that's at least partly new).

There were some rumours regarding options becoming available for Monoliths at some point, I think...which would mean that there'd be another reason to update that kit, green rods aside.

Regarding what 'new' gauss guns ought to look like...does anyone else think that the guns on the Ghost Ark are the weapons the embarked troops use? It looks to me like while they're embarked their weapon is placed in a temporary automated mount (as they're all standing with their arms across their chests) of some sort. Or maybe the embarked troops are controlling them vis-a-vis what looks like a direct spinal link they have with the transport while embarked?

10-15-2011, 08:27 AM
On the topic of astectics.
Most of those head crests look much more like Japanese Maedate, found on Kabuto helmets; rather then anything Egyptian.




10-15-2011, 08:36 AM
Regarding what 'new' gauss guns ought to look like...does anyone else think that the guns on the Ghost Ark are the weapons the embarked troops use? It looks to me like while they're embarked their weapon is placed in a temporary automated mount (as they're all standing with their arms across their chests) of some sort. Or maybe the embarked troops are controlling them vis-a-vis what looks like a direct spinal link they have with the transport while embarked?

Cos a vehicle with one big gun and 10 defensive weapons is Hi-larious as far I'm concerned :eek:

Not to mention rumours of a 2+ invulnerable until its failed on the vehicle....

How exactly are we meant to kill this thing?

10-15-2011, 08:48 AM
Well, again, like you said: rumours.

We thus far have no idea whatsoever what the new codex will play like.

10-15-2011, 08:52 AM
WAIT!! I've found the true aesthetic the new Necrons are based upon, and it's far more terrifying than we could have imagined:


Regardless of what aesthetic someone chooses to recognize, I'm still going to file those silly little party hats down replace them with something a bit less Lady Gaga.

10-15-2011, 09:34 AM
Those Necrons commanders are all King Julian to me:


It also makes the army much more entertaining to imagine all the orders being sent out in King Julian's voice to his hapless robot minions...

Alex Knight
10-15-2011, 09:39 AM
Ahh the Interwebz. The only place where you can have 4 pages of leaked pictures and then 8 pages of debate over the aesthetics of an army.

Like the new Necrons. Not as much as a true Necron player, but still.

10-15-2011, 09:39 AM
Ohhhh!!! The horror!! The horror!!

Stop it, man! I won't be able to sleep tonight!

Morgan Darkstar
10-15-2011, 10:33 AM
Well aside from (obviously) being more dynamic in posing and having an actual option when it comes to weapons...

They seem a lot bulkier than the old metal models. The default weapon they have is actually huge in comparison to the old one.

The shoulders are actually a little smaller, now, but the rest of the body is bulked up considerably, and they have a sort of 'collar' that the old models don't have.

The heads are different, too. Lacking an icon on their forehead in favour of a cleaner skull with those nifty lines leading up from their eyes.

Edit: All of the above is, of course, regarding the new plastic Immortals in comparison to the old metal ones.

Thanks for that rundown :)

They look a little large on their bases IMHO, I think they would have suited a move up to a larger base.

Kieranator K82
10-15-2011, 10:56 AM
New Warriors are not likely. A repackaged kit, with a new weapon frame and only 10 models, sure. Want proof? Look at the Ark (or whatever that transport is called). The Warriors standing in it look no different to the current Warriors.

10-15-2011, 11:36 AM
Thanks for that rundown :)

They look a little large on their bases IMHO, I think they would have suited a move up to a larger base.

Hmm, might have to pick up some bases when I get my hands on some new 'crons and see how that looks...

10-15-2011, 11:40 AM
New Warriors are not likely. A repackaged kit, with a new weapon frame and only 10 models, sure. Want proof? Look at the Ark (or whatever that transport is called). The Warriors standing in it look no different to the current Warriors.

That's exactly what I was talking about.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that the actual design of the warriors would change. If anything, all of these 'leaked' images affirm that the warrior design is a pretty definitive base for the standard Necron 'chassis'.

But most of the rumours suggest that Warrior squads will have weapon options (which makes sense, because there's only so much 10-20 bolters can do...though mind you they glance vehicles on 6's). If Warriors -do- get other weapon options, it would make sense that they get a re-packaging with some new sprue bitz...hell, I'd be happy to just replace the gauss flayers with the new ones over the old acryllic rods.

I'm just confused, personally, as to why a re-packaged warrior box doesn't appear to be included in this first wave. There's a rumour that they'll be in wave 2...but why not wave 1? They're the bog-standard troop choice, after all...

10-15-2011, 11:51 AM
awesome looking stuff for the crons. looks like they received the same love and attention my beloved DE got 12 months ago.

wont be collecting them myself but with those models im sure cron armies will be appearing everywhere and soon

- 7eAL -
10-15-2011, 05:39 PM
I'm just confused, personally, as to why a re-packaged warrior box doesn't appear to be included in this first wave. There's a rumour that they'll be in wave 2...but why not wave 1? They're the bog-standard troop choice, after all...
Perhaps because it is "easier" to let people buy all of the last few production orders of current Warriors, squeeze a little more life out of the current metal dies, AND force bandwagon players to buy more Elites models to steal their Warrior weapons from. Then they can go about cutting new dies for a repackaged Warrior sprue.

10-15-2011, 06:25 PM
For what it's worth (not much usually) I LOVE the new models! I think GW is going above and beyond their norm with the last two 40K army releases. I also think that GW modelers pulled from several points in history to make the conglomeration that is the Necrons. Maybe to show how all of those different societies mimicked the Necrons in some form or faction. There I gave my two cents worth. :)

Hive Mind
10-15-2011, 09:33 PM
I'm not very up on rumours so maybe this is common knowledge already but I was just on the GW webpage and Destroyers and the Nightbringer are 'no longer available' (though the Deceiver and Heavy Destroyers are still there). Also, the Necron Codex has been pulled.

10-16-2011, 05:07 PM
I do think Dante is in league with the Necrons.


Couldn't help myself. :o

10-16-2011, 05:47 PM
Loving the models, the fluff, and the rumored rules.

Looks like this release will have been worth the wait, just like Dark Eldar was.

10-16-2011, 11:15 PM
I want to talk about the Command Barge. I didn't bring this up initially because I didn't want to go off topic. Given the nonsense that has already come and gone ....


When I first saw it, it immediately reminded me of an old school Cylon Raider. Not so much in the shape, but rather in the configuration - one gunner, one pilot and one back seat driver. Anyone else get the vibe?

10-17-2011, 04:25 AM
My apologies to Larry and the MODS for cross posting but it seems there are two threads that directly relate this this topic!

Lots of allegations and misinformation running around regarding our handling of the Necron LeaK, makes for interesting reading... however...

For those that are interested we’re running a LIVE show ( We call it Turn8 ) on Thursday Night 10pm BST (GMT+1) where we will be giving the inside story on this whole affair

We won’t be discussing our source but I’ll be happy to say who it wasn’t!

More info will be published here: http://www.beastsofwar.com

You can contact us on the show with questions etc by tweeting @beastsofwar

Hope the MODS don't mind us posting this, but this will give us the chance to set the record straight and give anyone whose interested a glimpse into how these leaks come about and are managed.

Thanks Folks for making Friday Night so exciting!

10-17-2011, 04:41 AM
Guys, just wanted to say that we are reading all the posts etc with interest.

A few points that i would like to make just to clarify a few things..


We are not the source in anyway whatsoever of any leak, I would go so far to say we actually have information later than the "internet" does. We cant really comment on other retailers not listing items yet, we had full staffing all weekend as we had a stock check so it allowed us to be very responsive.

Second.. BOW is not some front for us in anyway whatsoever, some of the remarks along this line are conspiracy internet nonsense (Man has landed on the moon btw). We have good relationships with a huge number of sites and individuals in the hobby both as a business and on a personal basis. We don't currently have any holdings in any other entities in gaming. Some of the posts are flattering in that we are seen as such a powerful entitiy, if only.

Third.. We have always and will always continue to act in an ethical and customer focussed manner. We have a great reputation for service and we do an awful lot to support the gaming communities around the world, we can't (not that a physical store is a workable solution in most locations) reach everyone with a physical store but we can offer support to the huge gaming communities around the world and we do and will continue to do so. The Finecast issue should tell you that we can and will make stands for communities even if the impacts have a detrimental business impact, and it certainly did.

I'm not going to post replies to every post, but wanted to make sure some of the silly rumours are dealt with.

10-17-2011, 04:57 AM
Good of you two to set the record straight as it were

Never underestimate the internet's power in making up conspiracies...

10-17-2011, 01:50 PM
Good of you two to set the record straight as it were

Never underestimate the internet's power in making up conspiracies...

And in creating whiners EVERYWHERE!!!

Even in forums and blogs...

Internet sucks hahahaha

Emerald Rose Widow
10-27-2011, 01:20 AM
What I am really looking forward to are those new necron flyers, i really cannot wait to see how they look and the awesome styles they might be. Lets just hope its not another stormraven fiasco where they put out an ugly as sin flyer that looks like a bus with little tiny wings attached.

10-27-2011, 10:39 PM
I'm pretty sure that is not an authentic ancient egyptian picture. :D

It looks like a guy from the cover of a romance novel!

10-27-2011, 11:21 PM
What I am really looking forward to are those new necron flyers, i really cannot wait to see how they look and the awesome styles they might be. Lets just hope its not another stormraven fiasco where they put out an ugly as sin flyer that looks like a bus with little tiny wings attached.

It looks like that because it's a Space Marine vehicle.

See IG and DE fliers for comparison.

Say what you will about the Stormraven aesthetics (I love it, personally), but it looks like an Astartes vehicle if nothing else.