View Full Version : Ideas for objective markers

10-12-2011, 11:35 PM
The other day, after playing an objective laden game, my buds and I got to talking about how boring our objective markers are. Their vanilla crates on larger (terminator size) bases. At this point, I mentioned I'd bought a blister of Reaper's "Ladies of the Night," which I planned to make into an I-Guard objective marker. Naturally, as you might expect, the conversation could only go down from there. By the time we adjourned for the night, we'd come up with the following list of possible objective markers:

1) The aforementioned hookers
2) Condoms (the Emperor Protects)
3) Coke mound
4) Kegs
5) Piles of Mary Jane
6) Munchies, munchies, munchies.

For a Necron specific objective, I thought cases of Penzoil might be nice too.

At this point I thought I'd throw it open to the general public. What sick, twisted and otherwise depraved things would you put on the list for objective markers?

10-13-2011, 12:13 AM
I love the idea for the "The Emperor Protects" condoms. Classy.

1. An ork big mek having a fetish moment with a wreck.

2. A noise marine rolling on ecstasy and grinding on some inanimate object.

3. A khorne berzerker ringing out a guards men into some big bucket of blood labeled "For the Blood God"

4. A nurgle marine puking into an imperial water truck.

10-13-2011, 01:09 AM
UltraMarine objective markers: Little blue Smurfs

Salamanders objective markers: The Gieco Gekko

Space wolves objective markers: A pile of puppies

Sisters of Battle objective markers: Chocolate, any variety

10-13-2011, 01:14 AM
I've a little bottle of Chanel No. 5 which I turned into an objective marker and I'm using some female prisoner/civilian sculpts to make some nice slave markers for my Dark Eldar. One of my brother has an entrance to an underground brothel marker and another a chimera painted up like a butchers van with a bunch of hanging sides of beef and pork in the transport compartment.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
10-13-2011, 04:19 AM
Just putting the finishing paintwork on my SoB objective markers.
I used the SoB shrines with those slave girls painted up from the DE Archon raider.

Space wolves...scratching post or flee powder.
Salamanders....boot polish
Khorne Berserkers...medical transport case half open with vials of blood.
Orks...female ork cheerleader from Bloodbowl.
IG....playboy magazines
Tau....stash of anime dvds
Eldar....anything with flowers.
DE....collection of encyclopedia of torture

10-13-2011, 08:17 AM
Khorne - little baby hydra. Unlimited skulls! Pretty much the ultimate prize for them I'd say.

Slaanesh - Blow-up sex dolls.

Tzeentch - Harry potter.

Nurgle - Saddam's WMD.

Blood Angels - Blood bank/ coffins

Space Wolves - Pile of tennis balls/sticks/bones

Grey Knights - Servitors with polishing cloth/bikini car wash girls

Eldar - Industrial strength viagra. Enough with the doom and gloom and start repopulating!

Necrons - Girl cylons.

Orks - Elephants. 'luk at dam teef!'

Tau - Specsavers/ opticians

Imperial Guard - pile of flashlights as weapons upgrades.

DE - tattoo/ piercings shop

Tyranids - starcraft kerrigan/zerg models

Black Templars - Jihadists

Ultramarines - The Holy 'Codex Creep'

Salamanders - big bag of marshmellows

10-13-2011, 08:32 AM
I love the idea for the "The Emperor Protects" condoms. Classy.

Yeah, well, unfortunately I cannot really take credit for that (http://rumbles.deviantart.com/art/The-Emperor-Protects-208276570).

... a chimera painted up like a butchers van with a bunch of hanging sides of beef and pork in the transport compartment.

A sausage vender? Hmm. OOH!! How about an ice cream vending Chimera, with the stereotypical pedophile driver? Or maybe a Deamonette? Mmmm. 31 flavors ... all chaos. Talk about your temptation.

Just putting the finishing paintwork on my SoB objective markers.

Actually, there are some very obvious battery powered objective markers for sisters, but I won't go there. :D

IG....playboy magazines

Good one. I hadn't thought of that. Might be tricky to paint, though.

DE....collection of encyclopedia of torture

For them, I was thinking a big bottle of Nair, some chaffing powder and maybe some fur-lined handcuffs (there's got to be a little lace in with all that leather). :D

[Edit: Additions after the bell]

Slaanesh - Blow-up sex dolls.

Nice! ;)

Salamanders - big bag of marshmellows

Or maybe a vintage Harley-Davidson or else a classic Indian.