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View Full Version : Painting Late War Soviets

10-10-2011, 01:29 PM
I've been looking around on wikipedia and the internet trying to find what colors to use. So far all I can see is that the tanks and helmets are OD Green and the uniforms are khaki. Any ideas on what I can do to break up the colors a bit?

Force is mostly T-34s of both flavors and Tankodesaniki SMG teams.

10-10-2011, 03:56 PM
Get yourself the FOW Soviet paint set, its fantastic and worth every penny. Also get a tin of Soviet armour spray.

You can do lots to make Sov tanks interesting, Slogans, White air recognition stripes and whitewash camo are all good options.

10-10-2011, 04:26 PM
whitewash camo

I'm not sure what that is, could you elaborate?

And I think I will pick up the paint set. Thanks.

10-11-2011, 08:38 AM
During the winter months Soviet tank crews would cover their tanks in whitewash (Kinda like thin white paint) for camo, it would through either being badly applied or just wear and tear, rub off and look quite patchy. I'll dig around later and find a suitable picture.

Battle Ready Studios
11-11-2011, 07:19 PM
During the winter months Soviet tank crews would cover their tanks in whitewash (Kinda like thin white paint) for camo, it would through either being badly applied or just wear and tear, rub off and look quite patchy. I'll dig around later and find a suitable picture.

The patchiness was actually a result of the purposeful design of tha camoflague... it was water soluble. When the spring rains came and melted the snow, it would also wash away the camo. Pretty ingenius!

06-17-2012, 01:17 PM
One of the great things about soviets is that their uniforms tended to have a lot of variety when it came to dying standards and they tended to bleach with use as well. Many green troops did everything they could to fade out their uniforms so they would be mistaken for vets.

The most common color during the late war period would have been the mustard color uniforms, best represented by the Vallejo color Khaki-grey. Khaki is also a good color to mix in here and there for faded cloth, while green ochre and german camo Orange Ochre are also good candiates. I've painted my force with a mix of colors to represent the non-standard dying and subsequent fading/replacment of Russian cloth.