View Full Version : Ork help!!

10-08-2011, 05:07 PM
I had a review (and I may go back to) my Ork horde. Waaay back in previous editions when we had lucky glancing hits and no tanks with heavy 20 weapons, the winning rule was "ther is not a problem in 40k that cannot be solved by enough slugga boyz.

Things changed. Drastically.

Having been a marine player for so long, I only seem to be able to win with two big units of ork nobz mounted in trukks (I dont have a battlewagon, and im not a fan of bikes).

Any tips (avoiding the use of bikes).

Also, I really like the fluff for Flash Gitz; are they ever worth it? I see them as a 'wait just behind the main horde and mop up survivors' unit, or a shield for the main horde that stops and shoots instead of assaulting...


10-08-2011, 07:27 PM
Flash Gitz are never worth it imo. While fun and fluffy, they're atrociously overpriced and take up a valuable heavy support slot. Using them as "a shield for the main horde unit" would be a waste of points, such work is better left to the grots. If you want a "mop up survivors' unit" than lootas are more effective. I 'd only consider Flash Gits if you really like them and are okay with a concession in the army. The Ork codex retains many competitive builds despite it's age. Most builds have a "meat" of repeated combinations of units which are enhanced by artillery and other elite choices. The most common "meats" are:

Kan Wall: Multiple units of large shoota boy mobs with a kustom force field Big Mek behind a few units of Killa Kanz (typically armed with grotzookas or rokkits).

BW list: Two to four Battlewagons with some 20-ork units of slugga boyz. A KFF Big Mek, Nobz, and Mega Armored Nobz are often taken along as well. Trukks, warbuggies, and deff koptas work well here.

Green tide: As many units of shoota/slugga boyz as can be crammed into the list. Throw in Ghazghkull and have fun with your five to ten minute movement phase!

Biker army: Apparently you'd rather not go this route, but a horde of Nob bikers with diversified equipment can make even the friendliest player tear their hair out. Beware though, there are many hard counters to it.

Lootas are the most common ork artillery, but kannons with ammo runts can very be effective if you've got the slot(s) to spare. Good luck, and never feel confined to any of the aforementioned archetypes or units. Do what works for you. Tournament winning lists are often very different from the popular net lists.

10-09-2011, 02:14 AM
"Get 'em boyz!

Dakka dakka dakka!



No but in all seriousness, the lists groglurk proposed are good options. I will however just focus on what units you have stated you have, and what I would recommend.

More boys, you need more orks in order to capture objectives, frankly I normally just play my marines, and when I go up against orks in an objective based game I either tie, or I get stomped, as it's pretty hard to keep them off of them. I have seen about 3-4 maxed out ork boy squads do the trick, maybe put up two kustom force fields if you are scared you will lose too many.

Don't take shootaboys, while they sound awesome, marines your main threat will do it better, nids will get in too close before you can, eldar will skip around and smack you, and you generally just want a devistating assault that covers the entire board.

To back it up I would suggest the nobs but in battlewagons as they are harder to destroy, keep them open topped so you can assault out of them.

Warbosses are the guys I would go with, honestly I would put one on a bike and put him in with the super kommando unit have him pop up behind and charge an enemy tank destroying it in one turn but meh you don't prefer them so just go with mega armor with the nobs in the battlewagons.

Now you have 6 troops choices, all of which are fairly costly to kill, and quite scary, it should be at 1500 points to field all of that but I would have to double check.

For 2000 points though throw in some burna's in a wagon or a trukk, and just drop 12-15 flame templates on anything that makes you angry. You could also use lootas to shoot up some rhinos and such, but I would recommend at least 1 unit of kommando's with the special boss character to deal with psyrifle dreads (and by deal with I mean keep tied in close combat.) This also would apply to say devistator squads, long fangs especially, and all that fancy stuff.

Stay away from deff kopta's, flash gits, and other things that aren't useful. A deff dread or kan mod would also be a viable option.

I hope it helps.

10-09-2011, 02:26 AM
For 2000 points though throw in some burna's in a wagon or a trukk, and just drop 12-15 flame templates on anything that makes you angry. You could also use lootas to shoot up some rhinos and such, but I would recommend at least 1 unit of kommando's with the special boss character to deal with psyrifle dreads (and by deal with I mean keep tied in close combat.) This also would apply to say devistator squads, long fangs especially, and all that fancy stuff.

Stay away from deff kopta's, flash gits, and other things that aren't useful. A deff dread or kan mod would also be a viable option

I agree with you when you say the burnas in a battlewagon are great. I find 10 to be the magic number, any more than that and its a little overkill (I'd say 12 max). My 1500 Battlewagon army has 4 wagons in it, 3 troop choices and some nice fast attack. Orks are cheap, utilise that.

I disagree with your second point though; Deffkoptas can be very useful. Give them T/L Rokkits and in a unit of one, they can turbo-boost in the scout phase which means that if you go first (presuming you took 3 units of one) you can take pot shots at tanks and if you go second, with a 3+ cover save, they can be annoying to get rid of (especially if your opponent wants to get rid of the battlewagons first)

10-09-2011, 04:02 PM
This is very true on the deff kopta's I forgot that they have scout. The part I disliked about them is their points cost mostly. 45 points per deff kopta only toughness 4, and can be destroyed if it's just in a unit of one.

Overall I would say yes you are correct, but they are situational. I wouldn't want them in a kill points match, but in an objective based game they would be very effective, especially if they can take away their metal bawkes (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO3MttgvHUY).

Tl;DR listen to the guy above me^

Da Gargoyle
10-17-2011, 12:30 AM
I was going to post about the liabilities of larger mobs having a higher half unit strength and how this meant that once broken, the mob would not rally. However, I remembered the numbers rule and that the number of boys in the squad was what was rolled against. However I do miss the days when your decimated mobs could mob up and come back harder.

I reckon Death Kopters are better than their biker options. The bikes were sorely ripped off in the last codex with their guns toned down yet they were left with the same pitiful range of 18", originally a penalty for having such powerful guns on a bike. Low armour save on the bikes and no longer allowed their psycho blaster rule in assault

I think people are underestimating schorchas . Painted red they can race in 13" and toast up with what I believe to be s6 scorchas. Two or three will cause most armies grief, deal with other hoard armies and negate that pesky cover save.

Admittedly, light armour at ten, but fast and leathal to Dark Eldar armies cause their vehicles can't claim cover for speed. And though I hate to say it, my Eldar scouts and guardians are a little vulnerable to them also.