View Full Version : Games Workshop: Made in Hell

10-08-2011, 01:43 AM
Someone posted this on Warseer, it was so hilarious I just had to post it here.

Hello I’m player from Poland I will say something about Gw , they are worst company ever like the Maf or Sekt , they trying create zombie-customers , they will buy they products for millions even it is a crap.

First they cheat customers ,on the empires militia box I saw the same pitchforks ,hammers and much more element , guess what they not there . GW only make photo converted models whit elements from different box .
They cheat me end everyone who will buy that box for those elements , they really braking the law in my country . This is not aright .

They trading indoctrination children in Poland , this is evil propaganda of GW.
I was find same interesting pages in text book for English < for 10-12 years children>, basic information about products and company , sight of miniatures end exercised and much more .
How that information was published in school books, how was published that why? I really don’t know but this is interesting .


They makes miniatures in Hell .
When I bought 2 boxes of chaos war hound , I sow the same interesting sight <Hell >under the box number .
The second box is normal only those was corrupted by Gw evil powers .
What you think they making joke with players or the are insane .
Aprpos : they cutting numbers on box sins 2009 .



You will say I’m crazy or insane , but it is true end I know why they do thus for money because only that is imported for them not customers , not hobby only money . Think about it when they tray to banned me for that Thread.
Gratings GW from ....

10-08-2011, 04:22 AM
I thought they were made in Nottingham, although from my knowledge of the British midlands it's pretty much the same thing.

10-08-2011, 08:09 AM
I thought they were made in Nottingham, although from my knowledge of the British midlands it's pretty much the same thing.

He's not crazy. Paying more for a figure that used to be metal and now is resin, that's ****ing nuts!:)

10-08-2011, 08:22 AM
Yes but comparing them to the Mafia and accusing them of child indoctrination and all sorts of other things is taking it a little too far.:p

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-08-2011, 09:35 AM

I suddenly get this in my head....

10-09-2011, 08:18 AM
Yes but comparing them to the Mafia and accusing them of child indoctrination and all sorts of other things is taking it a little too far.:p

That man is insane!!!

Just take him into a phsyc, locke the room, and throw the key away...

Trying to take devilish details on a simple wargame... Just foolish

10-09-2011, 12:07 PM
I actually found that schoolbook thing a little discomforting.

Does anyone else remember the crazy lady a few years ago who though GW were brain washing kids into being the next generation of super-soldiers? I remember she seemed to think there was some link between Azreal, the Dark Angels character, and Isreal, the country.

10-09-2011, 01:06 PM
They don't support the competitive tournament scene well enough to be creating super-soldiers. If they were, tournament attendance would be mandatory, and losers would have to make blood sacrifices to the winners.

10-09-2011, 03:58 PM
I agree, that schoolbook thing is a bit weird, although I seriously doubt GW had any direct hand in it (if GW were involved we'd see Smurfs, not Eldar).

As for the rest, the author is obviously new to the hobby, and has just reached stage two of his indoctrination.


Stages of 40K Community Acceptance:

Stage One: Denial - "What? They want how much for a model that doesn't even include enough pieces to make the basic figure? No, that must be a mistake."

Stage Two: Anger - "GW SUCKS!!

Stage Three: Bargaining - "If we all band together, we can force GW to produce reasonably priced quality products."

Stage Four: Depression - "Forget it. These people are morons. I'm switching to the Privateer Press game, and I'm going to be overtly vocal about it."

Stage Five: Acceptance - "Heh! Whatever ... horse to water. The game is entertaining enough, and for myself I can use recasts and stand-ins (if they haven't noticed yet, they never will)."

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-09-2011, 04:16 PM
Stages of 40K Community Acceptance:

Stage One: Denial - "What? They want how much for a model that doesn't even include enough pieces to make the basic figure? No, that must be a mistake."

Stage Two: Anger - "GW SUCKS!!

Stage Three: Bargaining - "If we all band together, we can force GW to produce reasonably priced quality products."

Stage Four: Depression - "Forget it. These people are morons. I'm switching to the Privateer Press game, and I'm going to be overtly vocal about it."

Stage Five: Acceptance - "Heh! Whatever ... horse to water. The game is entertaining enough, and for myself I can use recasts and stand-ins (if they haven't noticed yet, they never will)."

LOL! that's the best thing I've ever read on this site. It's funny because it's true. Unlike Plastic Dudesmen, it actually made me laugh too!