View Full Version : Any use Dark Eldar as Eldar units?

10-07-2011, 11:14 AM
So I have been trying to make an Eldar army for a while for fun. A friend of mine gave me a bunch of Dark Eldar stuff he had when he used to play. So I have a bunch of old style Warriors, a box of new warriors, a raider, two jet bikes, a succubus and 3 homunculi.

I have looking on the internet to see if anyone has used these models as Eldar units and to get an idea of how I want to model these dudes but so far I have not seen anything. Anyone know of a blog of someone making an Eldar army using the Dark Eldar Models? Or if anyone has suggestions I would love them (heck maybe I should just have a Dark Eldar Army too!)

10-07-2011, 02:59 PM
I am sure if you took off the spikes and painted them appropriately dark eldar would make good eldar stand ins but I have not real experience with them.

10-07-2011, 03:06 PM
I'm working on a dark eldar army myself presently, and at one point I was considering making an army that
could be used as both dark eldar and tau using a mix of both model ranges that could use both books. From the models you have obviously you can make dire avengers and guardians, at one point I did consider a dark eldar / eldar army that could be played as both here are a few ideas I had for models/ counts as

scourges / swooping hawks maybe just using the feathered wings?

wyches / striking scorpions maybe using the spare scourge heads

kabalite warriors / guardians / dire avengers (wyche heads?)

jet bikes / jet bikes

mandrakes / fire dragons (weird I know but with the flame type skin on the models I think would work)

these are just a few ideas vehicles would be harder as the footprints and rules are quite different for some
the only thing that stopped me from doing this before was that the eldar range is quite dated and although the parts would swap for most models i.e guardians/dire avengers/ kabalite warriors / wyches all of the cool eldar models the aspects are all metal so makes conversions harder.
Anyways I know this is maybe a little tangent from what you were after but hope it helps ;)

10-07-2011, 05:16 PM
Whilst i'm not fussed as to what the actual model's body looks like, I am pretty anal about the wargear matching the unit entires in the codex. I'd be happy with most of mallet mans suggestions, but im not a fan of wyches/striking scorpions because the 3+ armour save is sooo missing on the wyches.


I would work it this way, as I like the background so much- your army represents the dark eldar before their split from the main eldar race (when the eldar were at the height of their hedonism), or those from that time whose families became dark eldar, but they themselves spurned the hedomistic ways and are redeeming themselves and coming back to the eldar way.

But yeah, I think the models need to be wielding the right (or very very similar) weaponry and have comparable armour.