View Full Version : I'm new - and my love for hating Tyarnids is endless!!!

10-07-2011, 01:11 AM

So some of you may have seen a post like this on Warseer - I'm not sure how these forums overlap but I reckon I'll learn in good time.

I'm joining because I'm looking to meet other Warhammer fans, and determine whether I am one of the only girls who actually likes this hobby. I fell in love with Warhammer 40k when some mates of mine pulled me into their Rogue Trader LARP (It's actually a multiformat game) to play as their Seneschal/Commissar. I thought the world was rich and intensely dystopic (and I happen to be writing my thesis on dystopic post 9/11 fantasy cinema). So I love the settings, I love coming up with stories to tell in this setting, and reading the Infantryman's Uplifting Primer only sweetened the world for me.

There's one problem. Tyranids infest this world, and I must learn how to destroy them. That is another reason why I've joined these forums; to learn from others and improve my IG. The Tyranids must die - for the Emperor!

(Oh - and my next army will be Tyranids... I just love hating them so much...)

Speaking of Tyarnids - if you haven't checked this video out - it's awesome. Apparently I'm not the only one out there that's convinced that we're all going to get eaten by Tyranids: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MeVxKZBOfM



10-07-2011, 01:54 AM
Welcome.:) You'll be pleasantly surprised, there are a atleast a half dozen other female players on BoLs including myself.

I don't LARP but I do historical re-enactment to a ridiculously high standard (natural fibres and period correct stitching, for example) and I make costumes for 40k/WFB to a similar standard. Don't get to wear them out much though.

Were you the lady commissar pictures at GD Australia? If so, that was an excellent costume.:)

10-07-2011, 09:48 AM
Hello and welcome CommissarStein.

10-07-2011, 07:56 PM
Welcome.:) You'll be pleasantly surprised, there are a atleast a half dozen other female players on BoLs including myself.

I don't LARP but I do historical re-enactment to a ridiculously high standard (natural fibres and period correct stitching, for example) and I make costumes for 40k/WFB to a similar standard. Don't get to wear them out much though.

Were you the lady commissar pictures at GD Australia? If so, that was an excellent costume.:)

I'm dying to get into some authentic historical reenactment. My friend is in the SCA but I'm not sure how serious that is. I also like 'alternate history' reenactment - say what you get at Renaissance Faires etc. I do have a particular outlook on fabrics - if it looks too cartoony or too synthetic - I'm not going to wear it... (but I know some cosplay competitions prefer that look over a more authentic look - which is what I try to go for). Okay we should geek out about costumes elsewhere ; ).

So.. you play Eldar? (Judging by your name).

I did wear my Commissar costume at Australia Games Day but I'm surprised you knew : ). (If it is - thanks for the compliment : ). I haven't even seen a picture of me yet.



10-08-2011, 12:27 PM
Hey thanks for the welcomes : ).

Eldargal - I am not certain if I'm the picture you speak of but it's quite possible. I've seen very few Gamesday photos but I was at Gamesday dressed as a commissar, and scouting for Tyranids with bolt gun in hand. I went home with a copy of Dreadfleet instead : ) Now I'm dying for a copy of Space Hulk...).

I love costuming and that's great that you're in historical costuming. Maybe we can talk off list sometime about costuming strategies. I love doing cosplay but I hate cartoony looking costumes. Thus my aesthetics are far more geared toward historical or historically styled costumes where a little wear in the fabric actually adds to the look. I would love to see some of your costumes sometime. : )

Alright - off to dream of sacking Tyranids...



10-08-2011, 11:46 PM
Surely there can't have been that many female commissars gadding about Games Day Australia?:p The picture I'm referring to is the first one here (http://collegiatitanica.blogspot.com/2011/10/games-day-australia-2011.html).

One of the keys to getting a costume that doesn't look cartoony in my opinion is the fabric. Heavier, better quality fabrics hang and drape better lending a weight and authenticity to the costume as a whole. Likewise avoiding cheap plastics and metals does the same. On the downside it is can be expensive*. Natural fibres for fantasy costumes are a must, obviously with sci-fi you can get away with synthetic fibres but you still want to pick fabrics which are strong, hardwearing and preferably heavier. One imagines military uniforms in the 41st millennium will still be made of fairly hardwearing fabrics natural or otherwise.:)

*I once paid over two thousand fabrics for various high end silks for a Louis XVI period court dress and my Howling Banshee costume of flexible resin plates over a matte finish latex body stocking is becoming surprisingly expensive.

10-09-2011, 10:43 AM
Yep, that's me.

I am glad you liked the costume but in retrospect, I am not sure how appropriate it is to costume at Games Day. The event seems very much geared at a younger audience and I actually felt bad about winning the costume competition when most of the contestants were under 20. (But I also felt bad about not entering so it was a catch 22). I made the costume for a Rogue Trader LARP and originally I was going to be there with a heap of friends to represent the LARP. Due to the long weekend they all made other plans after I bought my ticket, and I wanted to go with my boyfriend and his son anyway.

I have been to a great deal of fantasy/scifi/pop culture conventions and anymore, 1/3rd to half the attendees costume. (at some of Dragon con's evening parties, often way more and you are often the weirdo if you don't costume). That said, I was surprised to see so few costumes at Gamesday but then again it was my first (and Australia's first for 7 years). In general, do people ordinarily not costume at games day? It will be good to know for the future.



10-09-2011, 11:40 AM
It is always a good idea to suit up. :p

10-12-2011, 01:15 PM
Sounds like you hate the nids as much as teh squats

Hive Mind
10-12-2011, 01:20 PM
Ah, the Imperial Guard. A veritable buffet of biomass just waiting to be absorbed.

Welcome, by the way.