View Full Version : Dark Eldar Questions

10-06-2011, 02:04 PM

So I've just started building a Dark Eldar army, wych cult mostly, the Kabalites look cool but the Succubus is by far my favourite HQ model in any range and I like armies that need to get up close and personal, oh and Hydra Gauntlets. First off I was alittle sad to see you can't duel wield Agonisers and on that note are Agonisers a one handed weapon and would I still get my +1 attack if I have a blast pistol with it?
And the Razorwing Fighter gives the option to exchange the TWL Spllinter Rifle for a Splinter cannon is that cannon TWL or does it lose the TWL when you exchange?
Silly questions I know but I've been brooding over a list to use for about two weeks now and I can't make up my mind what I want at first I wanted three Heamonculus, two Wych sqauds, Bloodbrides, Reavers and two Razorwings with a Succubus of course. Agonisers, Hydra Guantlets and Liquifiers mostly XD. Now I'm thinking at 1500 pts I should go more for options and a larger number of units, this has cause my to drop my Bloodbrides from 8 to 4 and take a Venom instead of Raider. Also I've taken some Hellions (uneasy on this I know their good but I hate them asthetically due to the whole Green Goblin crap), and I've dropped the heamonculus as well, all three but I'm lost as to whether I should include a small infiltrating unit of Mandrakes or a second HQ.
I'm not happy about the fact you can't put a hero on a Reaver jet bike or Skyboard unless you want to take the Baron (which I don't, heresy I know), I was kinda hoping you could and the Archon is great but theres no model with breasts and I suck at conversions otherwise I'd take Malys, I'm planning to do something with the Succubus model to make her but I need a friend I know to sculpt the fan. As for her what squad would be best as a bodyguard for her?

10-06-2011, 04:55 PM
Regarding the Agonizer with pistol, yes, you get the +1 A with the pistol.

Regarding the Splinter Cannon upgrade, you do lose the TL, but you get 6 shots at 36", which is a big improvement.

Regarding a bodyguard for Lady Malys, wyches or Incubi would probably be best. With Incubi, they will probably destroy any MEQ unit in combat leaving them exposed to shooting in the ensuing turn, so maybe wyches/Bloodbrides would be better.

Whatever you pick, you should have good times with them. I find Dark Eldar a very rewarding and enjoyable army to play.

10-07-2011, 01:34 PM
I find just reading the codex to be interesting and worth the 40 bucks, alittle disappointed with the limited non-SC HQ choices, Archon, Succubus and Heamoculus is nice but I'd like a bit more choices than a leader on foot, like I said jetbike mounted Archon would be cool. I thought of Incubi myself but for similiar reasons I felt it would be a risky choice I'm used to getting mauled in combat with a few exceptions so I know what it's like to pray your opponents eats you so you can smash them with the guns. I use the bait and blast very extensively to mulch my opponents :p.
New question, again the Razorwing, I'm not to sure on Deepstrike rules as I've never really had to do it and I can't find my rulebook at the moment so here goes. When it deepstrikes does it count as moving cruising and can therefore let fly with everything as it's Aerial Combat rule states or is it only allowed to fire a single heavy weapon?
This is more of an army creation question, right now I have three wyth sqauds each with a Shardnet, Hydra Gauntlet, squad leader with Blast Pistol and Agoniser. My Succubus has Agoniser and Blast pistol, the Hellions well their leader has Agoniser and Blast pistol, mt Raider have the base Dark Lance and Flicker Fleids and finally six jet bikes with 2 Blasters and 1 Cluster Caltrops. Basically I'm wondering if I can stand against armoured foes with that as I'd really like to put Disintegrators on the Razorwings but I'm concerned that a heavy armoured force will just roll me.

10-07-2011, 02:40 PM
I find just reading the codex to be interesting and worth the 40 bucks, alittle disappointed with the limited non-SC HQ choices, Archon, Succubus and Heamoculus is nice but I'd like a bit more choices than a leader on foot, like I said jetbike mounted Archon would be cool. I thought of Incubi myself but for similiar reasons I felt it would be a risky choice I'm used to getting mauled in combat with a few exceptions so I know what it's like to pray your opponents eats you so you can smash them with the guns. I use the bait and blast very extensively to mulch my opponents :p.
New question, again the Razorwing, I'm not to sure on Deepstrike rules as I've never really had to do it and I can't find my rulebook at the moment so here goes. When it deepstrikes does it count as moving cruising and can therefore let fly with everything as it's Aerial Combat rule states or is it only allowed to fire a single heavy weapon?
This is more of an army creation question, right now I have three wyth sqauds each with a Shardnet, Hydra Gauntlet, squad leader with Blast Pistol and Agoniser. My Succubus has Agoniser and Blast pistol, the Hellions well their leader has Agoniser and Blast pistol, mt Raider have the base Dark Lance and Flicker Fleids and finally six jet bikes with 2 Blasters and 1 Cluster Caltrops. Basically I'm wondering if I can stand against armoured foes with that as I'd really like to put Disintegrators on the Razorwings but I'm concerned that a heavy armoured force will just roll me.

I would keep the Hemo's. That's what I usually run my army, Succubus with 3 hemos. I can't express to you in words how much having Feel No Pain on your wyches inproves thier survivability. Also, Liqufiers are so much fun!

Dropping the brides to 4 I don't think is wise as then that small unit becomes very easy to deal with. Not to mention they don't do thier job very well, which is punching dudes in the face. having more bodies helps on many things, surviving shooting to get to the enemy, having more attacks to kill more guys in combat, absorbing enough wounds in combat to lock down a unit. Wyches excel at locking units down and then blasting them in the face if the wyches loose.

I don't personally like the blast pistol on the Hekatrix because I find 90% of the time I an running my wyches to get into combat. Although I don't believe it is a bad option, just situatonal is all.

Maly's bodyguard? A friend of mine has been messing around with the Archon's court, it's fun. Not the bestest of the best must have unit in the codex but they are still awesome and fun. Other than that, I would say wyches.

Yes razorwings can deepstrike(provided you give the upgrade) and then fire all the weapons.

I wouldn't switch up the special weapons in the squads of wyches. I think having multiple shardnets in one squad is better as it gives them a purpose and one they can do well, locking down a unit. Whereas you can move the other hyrda to the other unit for 2 of them and they can hit a bit harder than the other squad. So say, send in the shardnets, lock them down. Then send in the hyrdas to munch on them. Things like that. Just personal preference there though. 3 squads at 1500 is plenty I think.

So you have 3 raiders, 2 razors, 6 bikes, and a couple of blast pistols right? For one thing, if you don't have them already, haywire grenades on my wyches are auto-include. You have 9 ranged str 8 shots. it is a little on the light side so Switching to Distentagrators would hurt you I think.

My example 1500 list for you:

3 Hemo's with liquefiers
2 Wych squads with raider
2 Ravagers
6 bikes with heat lances
Venom with 4 blaster trueborn
venom with 2 Splinter Cannon Trueborn

This is a combined arms approach and it did fairly well for me. There is enough room to move aorund in that i think you can adapt that to your own list and be happy with it.

10-07-2011, 03:38 PM
The best bodyguards?
9 bloodbrides, 3 nets and a raider. That'll keep you safe in melee. They're quite cost effective, have a good number of attacks and reduce the number of attacks thrown back at you.

10-13-2011, 11:42 AM
Thanks guys :D, I ended up sticking to the Hemos after all I just bought them actually. I figure I'm gonna stick to Wyches and their kin (Reavers and Hellions), I have 20 Kabablites and I like the look of them particularly the two Sybarites I made for them, the Wych Agoniser looks so much better on them and vice versa. Currently I have 2 Razorwings, 1 succubus, 30 Wyches (2 Shardnets, 4 Hydra Guantlets), 6 Reavers, 3 Hemos and 3 Raiders, I've dropped the Agonisers on the Hekatrixes and put in the Grenades, I haven't completely worked out the points as I'm still stuck on the Razorwings I want the Nerco missiles but do i want four or just two each :p. I figure tomorrow I should have a list ready for review and critizism, but right now I'm noticing a distinct lack of Meltaguns and Rhinos in my Battle Sister army (I already have 5 Rhinos I want 8 and I need 4 more meltas, well want more than need). Have a game against my gaming crews lead player and his blood angels at 2000 pts this weekend.

10-14-2011, 02:26 PM
Wow, finally managed to post this :D, silly site kept freezing up on me. Anyways this is the doom-kitten Dark Eldar brain child

Succubus, Blast Pistol, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades
Heamonculus, Liquifier Gun, Archangel of Pain
10 Bloodbrides, 2 Shardnets, Hydra Gauntlet, Syren w/ Agoniser, Haywire Grenades

9 Wyches, Hydra Gauntlet, Hekatrik w/ Agoniser, Haywire Grenades
Heamonculus, Liquifier Gun, Webway Portal
Raider, Flicker Fields

9 Wyches, Hydra Gauntlet, Hekatrix w/ Agoniser, Haywire Grenades
Heamonculus, Liquifier Gun
Raider, Flicker Fields

6 Reavers, 2 Blaster, Cluster Caltrops

Razorwing, Splinter cannons, 2 Necrotoxin Missiles

Razorwing, Splinter cannons, 2 Necrotoxin Missiles

So what you think, is it nasty and really not cool if so meh I'm gonna use it anyways but opinions for future changes and additions would be sweet.