View Full Version : just wondering

10-06-2011, 01:49 PM
What'cha guys think of this list. Its 2k now, and i do plan on expanding to add some more tank, and troop fire power to it. I was just curiouse to see what you guys think, and any adive you might have on whats here. Please, and thank you let me know what you think.

1. Chapter Master
A. Articer Armour
B. Jump Pack
C. Melta Bombs
D. Plasma Pistol
E. Thunder Hammer
2. Forge Father
3. Honor Guard
A. 7 Additional Marines
B. Chapter Banner
1. Tactical Squad
A. 5 Additional Marines
B. Flamer
C. Multi-Melta
D. Power Weapon
E. Melta Bombs
2. Scout Squad
A. 5 Additional Marines
B. Heavy bolter
C. 4 Sniper Rifles
D. Plasma Pistol
E. Power Fist
F. Melta Bombs
1. Rhino
A. Extra Armour
B. Hunter Seeker Missile
C. Strom Bolter
Fast Attack
1. Assault Squad
A. 5 Additional Marines
B. 2 Flamers
C. Power Weapon
D. Plasma Pistol
E. Melta Bombs
1. Terminator
A. 4 Chain Fists
B. Heavy Flamer
C. Cyclone Missile Launcher
2. Terminator
A. 4 Chain Fists
B. Heavy Flamer
C. Cyclone Missile Launcher