View Full Version : Uriels model dump! ((((Picture heavy!))))

10-05-2011, 02:49 PM
Hey guys, here's some Ultramarines I've done for my personal army. As I get commissions and such I'll post those on here as well.

Up first is the Character conversions I've made for Uriel (space marine capt) and Chaplain Cassius.

Cassius had his chest sculpted to give him an older MK armor, as well as the tubes and skull that are on the actual Cassius model. I never liked the whole 'zomg half his face is a skull' thing, so, I redid half the face so it is musculature instead of bone. It was my first time attempting a face sculpt and I'm generally happy with it. The crozius is also custom made.


I had other pictures taken but they came out super-blurry, so I'll edit in some new ones later on today/tomorrow.

Ventris is one of the most converted models I've ever made. His entire chestplate is custom sculpted and his left leg is a reposition. It was my first attempt at doing a chest sculpt and I'm very happy with the effort. After this I know my next attempt will be a lot better.



more to come soon as I finish the next post!

10-05-2011, 02:53 PM
Vehicles time!

Here's a rhino and razorback I've painted up for my own army. The freehand took forever, but, it definitely makes the models stand out to me.



