View Full Version : Turbo-ingnori-trator?

10-05-2011, 10:06 AM
My gk buddy has opened my eyes to many situations with rules that I had not previously encountered. Here is one that we discussed a few weeks ago:

So the culprits in question are the vindicare assassin, and the humble wave serpent.

Wave serpent rules state that when rolling to penetrate the vehicle, never roll more than one d6.

I am not entirely sure the wording on the vindicare but I have first hand experience that this guy gets 4 d6 + 3 to pen vehicles with turbo penetration round.

Naturally I assumed the wave serpents rule would be a good one to have against this sharpshooter. When mentioned to the gk player he informed me that actually, no, the vindicare will still roll his four d6 when shooting at the wave serpent because he is special.

I did not get a chance to read exactly how the workings of this round are worded, but it would not come as a great surprise if the round could bypass an eldar special rule.

So for those of you with the codex, what is the verdict? Does the turbo round indeed ignore the energy field of the wave serpent, or is there perhaps a special rule that the gk army needs to know about?

10-05-2011, 10:51 AM
GW is inconsistant about this type of rule, but in this case I'm pretty sure it's in the Wave Serpent's favor. Your buddy is applying the Monolith rules to the wave serpent, but that's a different case.

The monolith states you don't get your 'extra' d6 for penetration. Since the vidicare just rolls 4d6 instead of the normal d6+ extra, the vindicare still gets 4d6 against a monolith, though he doesn't get rending because that would be 'extra' dice.

The wave serpent, however, states that you only get a max of one d6. That's different from the monolith, and it specifically changes the vindicare's shot from 4d6 to 1d6.

Now, this is just off the top of my head so the monolith thing could be wrong. I know GW's changed the monolith rules a couple times via errata, and I don't know the faq for necrons off the top of my head. But I believe that's where the confusion lies, and that the wave serpent trumps the vindicare.

Remember, every time an issue like the comes up the best thing to do is to go and look at the specific wording for each rule and logically assess the meaning. For something like this, it's probably worth looking up mid-game to avoid confusion. And if your opponent's argument isn't backed up by rules, it's not valid. You should be able to look at the rules, follow his argument and think 'yeah, that makes sense'. Won't get you out of every rules issue, but it will take care of most.

10-06-2011, 12:58 AM
He doesn't get the +3 either, since the armour penetration of the turbopenetrator is clearly stated to be 4d6 and not +4d6.
A normal sniper gets d6+3 and since codex overrules rulebook, the turbopenetrator "only" has it's 4d6 and not 4d6 + 3.

10-06-2011, 03:08 AM
Agreed. Eldar trumps GK (for once)