View Full Version : World Eater Ironfall Gunship

Night System
10-04-2011, 12:20 PM

Night System
10-04-2011, 12:21 PM

Counts as Storm Raven for my Heresy World Eaters

Armed with a Assault Cannon, Hurricane Bolters (the Punisher cannons) and a typhoon missile launcher.

Step by step WIP is available if so required.

10-05-2011, 04:19 AM
Nope - donīt like it. Its too orky or at least to chopter-like. And why they painted red splahes everywhere - even on the exhaust-exit?

10-05-2011, 06:33 AM
I like the punishers as Hurricane Bolters and the white and blue both look good. but the blades could use thinning a bit and also I am not sure where your twin linked Assault Cannons are.
all in all I like it the red splashes look odd a bit but they look like blood in fact I would love to see that same paint on say the ax head of a korn berserker in there white preheresy schema of course :-)

Night System
10-05-2011, 06:49 AM
Nope - donīt like it. Its too orky or at least to chopter-like. And why they painted red splahes everywhere - even on the exhaust-exit?

Red splashes is blood, matches the rest of my World Eater army, the splash on the exhaust is also on the front of the engine, the idea being something nice and lumpy got sucked through. And it looks like a *chopter* because i designed it to look like a helicopter :P

And yeah i know the rotors are a bit thick :/ i played with them for hours trying to get them to look right but ultimately, i settled :P

The assault cannon and hurricane bolters are both represented by the punisher cannons.

Ill try and take some photos when i get a game in tonight, maybe it will give it a better picture of it with friends :/

10-05-2011, 09:41 AM
Red splashes is blood, matches the rest of my World Eater army, the splash on the exhaust is also on the front of the engine, the idea being something nice and lumpy got sucked through. And it looks like a *chopter* because i designed it to look like a helicopter :P

To be honest, you didnīt tell me anything knew here. Iīd already guessed, that this is ment to be bloodsplashes. But this is one of the points. It look not good, its way too much - clear red or not, WE or not too much is not always good.

What is it? A flying sacrificing altar?

As for the rotors. Iīm not a friend of helicopters in use of Astartes - it simply looks not right, they are meant to have things with big powerful jetengiens an no fluttery rotors.

Night System
10-07-2011, 01:29 PM
What is it? A flying sacrificing altar?

Well, strictly speaking yes. Berserkers see all opportunities to worship Khorne as good opportunities. Kill Maim Burn and all that.

Anyway, after taking it to my local club, and taking some advice of friends i took it back to the work top. Some good key constructive criticism goes a long way.


Basic premise was, lengthen rotas, thin rotas, model so they would physically be able to spin (and they now can, thanks to the power of magnets!)

I think it looks better, but as always, comments and criticisms requested.

10-07-2011, 01:33 PM
If you're still remoeelling, somebody hanging off the front door (or better yet crucified on it) would look cool.

Night System
10-07-2011, 01:45 PM
If you're still remoeelling, somebody hanging off the front door (or better yet crucified on it) would look cool.

All the modelling stuff has been put away for now. But i have already considered something like that :P If you look closely at the back door, there are a pair of chains there. These chains have been magnetized so that they can hold a dreadnought at a later stage. I have already considered modelling some dudes to be hanging from them, a corpse or two might now be a bad idea. :)

10-07-2011, 01:45 PM
I really like the new rotors nice work man