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09-09-2009, 07:58 AM
Including Tails of Heresy there are 11 books in the HH series. It is my understanding that the Heresy lasted 7 years.

At this point at the ending with the11th book Fallen Angels where are we in the story of the Heresy?

I am in the middle of reading Mechanicum and It’s hard for me to figure it out, a lot of big parts haven’t happened yet. So I’m guessing it is still kind of at the beginning.

I need your help in figuring this out.

Drew da Destroya
09-09-2009, 11:13 AM
Well, with the exception of the first three, they aren't really in chronological order. "Last Church on Terra" is probably the current oldest (chronologically) since I'm pretty sure it predates the Great Crusade and possibly even the creation of the Primarchs.

"Descent of Angels" is pretty early, too, considering it's during the Crusade, but before all the primarchs had been found. "Legion" happens around the same time period of the first chapter in "Fallen Angels" (50 years prior to Isstvaan III), while the rest of Fallen is probably taking place around the same time as "Fulgrim".

Honestly, it's pretty hard to place many of these (especially the short stories in "Tales"), but it would be interesting to see someone map them out.

09-09-2009, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=Drew da Destroya;17782]Well, with the exception of the first three, they aren't really in chronological order. "Last Church on Terra" is probably the current oldest (chronologically) since I'm pretty sure it predates the Great Crusade and possibly even the creation of the Primarchs.

"Descent of Angels" is pretty early, too, considering it's during the Crusade, but before all the primarchs had been found. "Legion" happens around the same time period of the first chapter in "Fallen Angels" (50 years prior to Isstvaan III), while the rest of Fallen is probably taking place around the same time as "Fulgrim".

Honestly, it's pretty hard to place many of these (especially the short stories in "Tales"), but it would be interesting to see someone map them out.[/QUOTE

Don't forget the Flight of the Eisenstien takes place at the same time as the first 3 and im guessing Mechanichem and Battle for the Abyss take place nearly at the same time.

09-10-2009, 10:18 AM
You make a good point i hadnt noticed. it would be nice to know when thing are hapining.

09-15-2009, 03:35 PM
From the Battle if Isstvaan 3 to the Battle of Terra is roughly 10 years, iirc, i can't remember where i read that, i'll see if can dig it up.

Fallen Angels would be just before the Battle of Isstvaan 5 (or was it 4??) where the 3 loyalist Legions were wiped out.

Mechanicum and Battle for the Abyss happened inbetween the 2 in the Isstvaan system, i believe.

Ka Faraq Gatri
10-10-2009, 09:21 AM
According to a (much amended) rough timeline that I've had scribbled on a piece of paper and planked in my old RT rulebook for years, the Heresy began in 007.M31 with the Isstvan III virus bombing, and the escape of the Frigate Eisenstein. Several months later - late 007 or early 008, seven legions attack Horus' forces on Isstvan V, and the infamous dropsite massacre occurs.

At roughly the same time as the initial Isstvan III assault, the Space Wolves attack Prospero, and Magnus makes a deal with Tzeentch to save his Legion, and they flee, pursued by Wolf Lord Bulveye's Great Company.

While the seven legions are en route to Istvaan, the Imperial Fists attempt to secure Mars for the loyalists. They fail, but escape with a large amount of materiel.

Over the next several years, a number of events happen.

The Word Bearers attack Calth.
The World Eaters fall to Khorne and slaughter all their Librarians.
The Iron Warriors devastate Tallarn.
The Blood Angels encounter the forces of Chaos in the Signus system, and Sanguinius has his first encounter with the Bloodthirster Ka'bandha.
Horus personally attacks the world of Molech, which is defended by three Titan Legions and over a hundred Imperial Army regiments and Knight Households. All are destroyed when the Knights of House Devine are seduced by Slaanesh and turn against the defenders.

Finally, in 014.M31, Horus arrives at Holy Terra and lays siege to the Emperor's palace. Great deeds are done, and vile acts performed. And we know the rest. This date, by the by, is from the original Bill King short story about the siege in White Dwarf 161. It is possible that the Heresy ended on the 13th day of Secundus in this year.

014-021.M31: The Scouring. Over this period, the Traitor Legions fall back and eventually flee to the Eye of Terror. The rebuilding of the Imperium begins, and the Second Founding occurs.

084.M31 - Disappearance of Jaghatai Khan.
211.M31 - Disappearance of Leman Russ

Obviously, this is very rough and hasn't been updated in absolutely ages. I need to try and tidy it up and add in events from the Heresy novels, and so on. I can add that if Horus' betrayal came in 007, then the Great Crusade began on 807.M30. The events of the final section of Descent of Angels, and Luther's exile, are in 954.M30.

There are many other references that don't tie in very well. For example, a reference in a WD (260?) to an "altercation" between Rogal Dorn and Night Haunter in 826.M29 - a full millennium before the Great Crusade began? - , or the redicovery of Karis Cephalon "during the Great Crusade" in 350.M30 (WD259). I have the Luna Wolves being renamed Sons of Horus in 125.M30. I also have references (but no sources) to the Istvaan III incident being in 012, and Isstvan V in 013, making the Heresy far shorter than you'd think.

Baron Spikey
10-12-2009, 06:25 PM
Chronologically I see the books as fitting as:

-Tales of Heresy/Descent of Angels

-Horus Rising

-False Gods

-Fallen Angels/Legion
(fair bit of overlap between these 2 and Galaxy in Flames)

-Fulgrim/Galaxy in Flames
(obviously Fulgrim starts at roughly the same point as Horus Rising but ends here chronologically)

-Flight of the Eisenstein

(the Furious Abyss has yet to leave it's Jupiter docks at this point)

-Battle for the Abyss

My interpretation of the HH novel's chronological order, pick apart as you so wish.

10-12-2009, 06:52 PM
There is also two short stories in the form of audio books: Horus Heresy: The Dark King / The lightning tower. These are very cool, lots of insight into Rogal Dorn & Kurze (SP?). They are very short, but so awesome, I've listened to them many times.

10-13-2009, 02:10 AM
There is also two short stories in the form of audio books: Horus Heresy: The Dark King / The lightning tower. These are very cool, lots of insight into Rogal Dorn & Kurze (SP?). They are very short, but so awesome, I've listened to them many times.

I'd second that... apart from some slightly over the top voice acting on the primarchs the stories are very good and well worth getting if you can find them

10-13-2009, 03:06 AM
I'd second that... apart from some slightly over the top voice acting on the primarchs the stories are very good and well worth getting if you can find them

hahaha, I was a littley surprised by the pronunciation of some of the primarchs names. It was kind of funny. the voice of kurze was awesome.

12-21-2009, 02:00 AM
So, satisfyingly used "search". ;)

To continue this thread:

Where to place the unmentioned/new books from the "Horus Heresy"?

Descent of Angels (ok, quite a time ago, before "Fallen Angels"?)

A Thousand Sons (somewhere before 2?)

Prospero Burns (somewhere between 2 and 3?)

Nemesis (after which Book?)



01-15-2010, 03:30 AM
No ideas anyone?

And where to place "Lightning Tower ..." and that other short novel "The Kaban Project"?


01-17-2010, 02:36 AM
The books aren't in chronological order. They are following events as they are happening, some simulataneously others after reciept of the knowledge of Horus's betrayal. Dorn and others are following what's been happening and aren't completely sure if it's true yet. They have spies in Horus's fleet following the events and reporting, but they still are in disbelief. The ambush on Istvaan 5 is being prepared when Lion'el Johnson gets the word of Horus's action on Istvaan 3 and he proceeds on a mission to sieze siege artillery that Horus had made. Then he turns it over to another traitor legion, because he didn't know. The Primarch in question was on his way to Istvaan 5 to take part in the action. I believe the uprising on Mars was beginning at this time also. The Dark Angels then head back to Caliban where they stumble on their rebellious fellow legionaires. This is happening not soon after the debacle at Istvaan 5. The Raven Guard, Iron Hands and the Salamanders are nailed there. Meanwhile, back at Horus's camp they are steadily heading toward Terra. Horus has sent the Wordbearer's to attack Ultramar and take them out. All of these events and orders are going on in the books quickly and you really have to watch the timelines as they tend to blur together when moving between stories.

Baron Spikey
01-19-2010, 07:55 PM
Actually the Dark Angels didn't head back to Caliban till after the Heresy and the Emperor had been entombed on the Golden Throne.