View Full Version : Using codex SM for the dark gods.

Chaos Minion
10-03-2011, 04:31 PM
I've been playing Chaos SM for a long time and want a different challenge...but I don't like the SM models. I am gonna use my Black Legion as my renegade "Space Marine" army.

My question is...Do a lot of people have heart burn when someone uses another codex's rules?

My idea was to make a Drop Pod army and convert a lot of different different models to fill out the army (I.e. thunderfire cannon, Bloodraven, and others). I also will be converting a Chaos Lord into a Lysander to fit with the drop pod/deepstrike theme. Reading through the Dorian Heresy got my mind going wild with fluff and different conversion ideas...and probably paint them in the Imperial Fist colors too.

10-03-2011, 04:52 PM
As long as you're consistent and it's easy to tell what is what without having to explain everything to your opponent, you should be fine.

10-03-2011, 06:00 PM
As long as you're consistent and it's easy to tell what is what without having to explain everything to your opponent, you should be fine.

But Internetz says counts as makes you a WAAC douchbag.

Though really, I personally agree, but you might find yourself running into people who do get a bit hot under the collar over this just because. The real important thing is to have nothing that needs copious amounts of explaining, if you just have to say the big chaos banner is a chapter banner that's good, but if there are then multiple banners and only one actually does anything in C:SM that can get annoying, just make everything clear and most people will be fine. Also when you start using a cheesy list that space marines can build but chaos can't people can get annoyed, just don't spam. Special characters being counted as can annoy people, so your choice, personally I'm a bit half and half, wouldn't myself but that's just me don't care as much if someone else does it. Really though it depends on who you play with so ask around what the people think, otherwise you could always start a new renegade chapter and use C:SM, doesn't have to be chaos, then people can't complain.

10-03-2011, 07:48 PM
Thats fine. I saw the title and immediately thought the blood angels codex could work better. Just an idea for a more "fluffy" army depending on how you go about it. Death company scream beserkers, tactical squads and maybe sternguard with a sang priest say plague marines, devastators would be noise marines, missiles could be counts as sound blaster. Mephiston could be a daemon prince and the librarian have very sinister powers, and well converted baal could look very chaosy. Though you idea works better for undivided stand point. But i believe Blood angels dex opens more fluff doors in counts as. I doubt you'd get many complains and their rules line up exactly with fluff

10-03-2011, 10:01 PM
Yeah, you could use the SW codex too, and use long fangs to represent obliterators and and... yeah, that would be pushing it. A lot.

But if you just have CSM's painted up and you're like, 'hey, this is a tactical squad that just looks spiky', it should be cool.

10-03-2011, 10:32 PM
One of my brothers use C:SM to represent Alpha Legion, no harm in it. It only gets annoying when you start seeing every chapter being represented by the newest book because it always seems to suit them more somehow. Doesn't go down so well when I use the SW book to make a Harlequin army though, hehe.:rolleyes:

10-04-2011, 07:40 AM
Or you could even make them counts as Space Dark Blood Knight Chaos Wolves and get the best of every single world! And the Internets would love it too! I honestly can't see anyone objecting to that at all...

In all seriousness, a few people will always rage if you beat them, hell I get a lot of it when my Exodite army wins, even though they don't have a proper codex! Anyway, I digress, generally, there is one hell of a lot more tolerance for substituting Chaos for Vanilla Marines, as they aren't labelled as OP, unlike the others. In short, if you want too, no one really should stop you!
Just reread that sentence and man, I am a poetic genius... You shall all worship me as a god!

10-04-2011, 09:17 AM
That's fine with me.

Oh btw, all of my dreadnought's drop pods "count as" Lucious pattern drop pods.

I don't like the way the FW models look.