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View Full Version : True Scale Ultra Marine

10-01-2011, 07:24 PM
Here is my first attempt at true scaling a space marine. I'm thinking about making an army of similar guys. Overall he took about 10 hours to assemble and paint from spare parts. I think the next few attempts will work out some of the kinks. Hopefully I'll also find some better parts.

Lord Inquisitor
10-01-2011, 07:34 PM
Thats actually rather good. Good job. The only thing I can really be negative about is the lack of details on his body, but that isn't much to detract upon.

10-01-2011, 08:07 PM
I also like it a lot. So much time and care obviously put into it. Too bad the Crux Terminatus is always worn on the left pauldron ;)

10-01-2011, 08:39 PM
Really? Ooops. Oh well he was mainly a proof of concept. I don't know if I'll actually use him or not, I just wanted to get some of the techniques worked out.

10-01-2011, 09:14 PM
Fixed it! That was easier than I thought.

10-02-2011, 04:08 AM
i dont know if it is even possible but i would try and make the body bigger. it just looks kinda small to me. other than that though it looks good.

10-02-2011, 10:33 AM
very good! its very well done!

my only minor suggestions are work on the arms (the LC one still looks like a termi arm) but thats it :D

are you doing a whole army of these? :P

10-02-2011, 06:27 PM
Not bad. Three things that come to mind: as has already been said the arms look a little mismatched (one being bulkier than the other). I'd suggest trying to increase the depth of the torso so that the chest plate juts out more, it makes a huge difference. Have you considered using converted Terminator pads?

I'd recommend using 30mm bases for the simple fact they're a better fit than 40mm. The 40mm bases only make the model look smaller because of all the extra space.

10-02-2011, 09:40 PM
Hmmm. Well I certainly appreciate all the feedback, both positive and negative. To address some of these concerns, I might share some of my plans and thoughts as I was building this guy.

The idea is to create an army of truescale marines to represent "movie marines" and a counts as GK Paladin army. Nobody in my local area has really done anything like the truescale marine before, so I thought it would be both worth trying and neat to have an army with as few of these as possible. I figured the lightning claw could represent one of the force weapon options eventually, so that's why I picked it. I'm beginning to have second thoughts about it.... (Counting them as Paladins is also why he is on a 40mm base instead of a 25)

The chest is the way it is because I created this guy from my bits box. The terminator legs were from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue, and everything else was something I could find from a giant box of bits from two armies ago. I didn't really trust my sculpting skills, so I wanted to stay as close to the original plastic parts as possible. I added two 1mm pieces of polystyrene between the chest and back plates and an extra 1mm piece around each shoulder to make the chest bigger and wider. I might go back and try playing with the dimensions in future attempts.

I'm thinking I will stick with one style of arms from now on. I'll probably keep using the powered armor arms since I think they will be easier to work with than the terminator arms. Anyways, I'll keep you all posted.