View Full Version : Happy Friday, everyone!

09-30-2011, 06:53 AM
I'm having a super day today.

Started the morning with some CrossFit (Murphy: 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats), then I got halfway through painting my first unit of Ogres.

Then I failed at not smoking for a day. Doh!

Doubled my LGS sales targets this month, compared to 2009, and now my Khorne Lord in Termie armour and a Daemon weapon just killed, in one turn of CC, a 10-man Marine assault squad including Chaplain. Muahahahaha!!! :D

Anyhoo, just thought I'd roll on in to the Lounge here, have a cigar, and share my smashing day.

Who else is having a good one?

Happy weekend to all! :D

Drew da Destroya
10-03-2011, 08:29 AM
Sounds excellent, man. Except for the failing at non-smoking... keep up with quitting! You can do it!

My weekend was pretty good. Went to the Berlin Farmers Market (for non-locals, imagine a big, dirty, semi-permanent yard sale) on Saturday, picked up some cheap airsoft pistols and boots for my girlfriend's Domino cosplay, an 8" Craftsman adjustable wrench for myself, and some other assorted odds and ends. Then we went to IHoP... further note, the Pumpkin Pancakes are really good. Give them a try if you happen to stop by.

Sunday was mostly food/wedding present shopping, which was good because we had to get it done. Also managed to get our laundry and dishes done, which is really productive for a pair of lazy slackers.

Sadly, I should be doing work right now, but I'm busy slacking. Happy Monday, all, and hope your week goes well.