View Full Version : 2500 pt fluffy Ravenwing. It looks fun but Is it competetive?

09-29-2011, 10:37 PM
This list is pure 2 company. It has some pretty neat elements. The army contains 16 scoring units, 10 light vehicals(4 flanking and scoring land speeders and 6 normal land speeders), 10 multi-meltas attacks, the whole army can move 24" , fearless and relentless. I dont have all the pieces to build this army. I would have to spend about $400. dollars to complete it.
How competetive is the list?
Is it worth trying to build?
Samual on jet bike. W/ apoth and banner
6 Rwing bikes w/ 2 plasma guns , plasma pistol, power weapon, m-bombs (fnp and +1A)
attackbike w/ MM
Landspeeder tornado
6 Rwing bikes w/ 2 melta, m-bombs, plasma pistol,
Attackbike w/ MM
Landspeeder tornado
6 Rwing bikes w/ 2 melta, m-bombs, plasma pistol,
Attackbike w/ MM
Landspeeder tornado
6 Rwing bikes w/ 2 flamers, powerfist
Attackbike w/ MM
Landspeeder tornado
2 landspeeders w/ 2 MM, 1 assault cannon, 1 TML
2 landspeeders w/ 2 MM, 1 assault cannon, 1 TML
2 landspeeders w/ 2 MM, 1 assault cannon, 1 TML

09-29-2011, 11:41 PM
sweet lists by the way, ive always wanted to play ravenwing but i decided to play vanilla and call myself the fallen :D

this and the first companies are really the best two ways to go DA. i think 1st is kinda dumb, but who doesnt like a bunch of termies. it wouldnt be a bad idea to look into dropping some of the landspeeder squads for dreads of devs. (i know its kinda against your sway)
and the jet bike is good for samuel but that land speeder is not to be overlooked! i mean 14 armour fast vehicle!!

great list, itll be a blast to play with for sure but against a horde army or a good cc force i would see it struggling.
my advice: dreads/devs and assult marines.

09-30-2011, 01:41 PM
Wonder at the lack of CC. I would suggest removing the plasma pistols and replacing with power weapons. Your numerous meltas and such are already going to put some hurt on guys at range, you really need to be able to ride in and smack 'em in CC on occasion though, or at least have a chance if your opponent is a fast army with good CC.

10-01-2011, 01:25 PM
The list actually comes out to 1470 so I could give the melta squads power swords.
My idea for the melta and plasma squads is to hunt heavy infantry or in a pinch transports.
I could use samual in a speeder. That would give me 11 speeders, combined with the attackbikes thats 26 heavy weapons. Thats a potencel 72 Heavy weapon shots(32 S6 rending, 24 S5, 10 S8 melta, 6 S8 missle shots) in one turn. Lets add that to the bikes shooting of 13 tlbolters 26 with rapid fire S4, 4 S8 melta, 5 S7 plasma or 7 with rapidfire, and 2 S4 flamer shots. Assuming rapid fire thats 39 shots for a grand total of 111 shots in turn 1. Thats a lot of punishment.
In CC, squads of 6 bikes can do pretty well on the charge. The toughness 5 helps a little with lessening wounds recieved.
My idea for this list is to 1st be true to a ravenwing. 2ndly try to take full advantage the very fast moving, scouting, flanking and massive fire power nature of the list. Against the shooty armies with 1st turn ill be assaulting in mass out of the gate. If I go 2nd I can outflank almost my intire army if need be and hit from the sides.
Against the assaulty lists I would hang back outta assault range and unleash massive amounts of fire power then when assault cant be avoided I assault whats left.
I know the list has some potental but is it worth the investment?
Could I bring it to a turni and do good? I havent played any turnis this big before and I havent played against some or that tier 1 spam ether.

10-03-2011, 04:24 AM
yay! Another ravenwing player! My list is almost identical except i run typhoons singly. Normally i do not take any PWs or PFs because the last place i want to be is in hth. The army core is sound though. What most players over look is the amount of individual attack bikes and speeders available to the ravenwing. That many tornados, typhoons, and suicide MM equals many a dead things. This army cuts through hordes like a friggin welding torch through butter! All those independent firing units mean shots are never wasted on overkill. Mech beware as well, as rending is a pain, and so is 10+ MMs!

I believe that this list has all the tools to win you any game. period. Granted, you must take the time to learn the ins and outs of this army, like any good one, but I think it is well worth the time and effort.

and +1 for not going the vanilla SM route!