View Full Version : October White Dwarf

09-29-2011, 03:33 PM
I just picked up my copy of the October White Dwarf. Totally disapionted. It is basically an entire mag devoted to Dreadfleet. There are three battle missions for the Sisters, three new Scrolls of Binding for Fantasy, the new Tool Kit and the rest is Dreadfleet. No new models, no "Next Months Release" back page. And after a couple of good WDs with new rules etc.. An all time new low.

09-29-2011, 03:40 PM
What can you bind with the new scrolls then?

09-29-2011, 03:42 PM
That makes me excited. Lots of dreadfleet stuff. 3 new scrolls. Hoorah!

09-29-2011, 03:56 PM
What can you bind with the new scrolls then?

The Thundertusk, Mournfang and Stonehorn.

09-30-2011, 03:02 AM
Don't know why anyones suprised by this. Dreadfleet is huge, and will be a big cashcow.

Any other month that something new comes out people wouldn;t complain. In a month or 2 are people going to be complaining "It was all jsut Necrons, with only 3 pages of new rules for Fantasy players, other than that it was all Necrons"

09-30-2011, 04:25 AM
Are they moving back to supporting specialist games then, or is it a limited run like space hulk?

09-30-2011, 05:41 AM
Are they moving back to supporting specialist games then, or is it a limited run like space hulk?

Limited run matey

09-30-2011, 06:24 AM
Don't know why anyones suprised by this. Dreadfleet is huge, and will be a big cashcow.

Really? Can't say that I'm seeing that much interest in it. Certainly not like Space Hulk.

09-30-2011, 08:25 AM
In a month or 2 are people going to be complaining "It was all jsut Necrons, with only 3 pages of new rules for Fantasy players, other than that it was all Necrons"

There was a time ( many years ago) when White Dwarf focused on one particular games system per issue. It led to myself and many others not buying many issues as they had nothing to do with the game system we were interested in. (At the time this was 4th edition Fantasy) As I aged and got back into 40k, White Dwarf changed thier layout and offered a little somethiung for everyone, even those weird LoTR players. Sure there was a focus on the new and shiney, but there was usually a good amount of love for the other systems as well. And then...this months mag.

I know Dreadfleet is a cash cow. But in 1 month it'll be all sold and gone and so will the money. So why waste an entire monthly issue on it? It's supposed to release the same day as the game. What good does that do? I understand making money is a the priority for GW but really? Suckering your base customer into buying a $9 advertisement for an already out of print game?

I blame myself really. For the past 4/5 years I've blindly purchased WD at my FLGS every month. I am easilly entertained and read all the articles and love looking at all the pretty pictures. I've payed the $9 to help support my store,but this issue...... If I had a subscription I would be livid. I'm not saying Dr.love42 isn't right, just that after the right turns taken over the last couple months in WD, the October issue is not worth even considering. And this from someone who actually enjoyed it.

09-30-2011, 08:41 AM
There was also a time when white dwarf was decent, when the bat reps were genuine and they had deals/offers for the armies in said batreps.

There was a time when they gave away free minis or free games (full tilt?, wych arena?) or expansion bitz (WQ tiles, Bloodbowl extras)

There was a time when WD was good.

It hasn't been in a long time so get over it.

09-30-2011, 08:54 AM
This is a pet peeve of mine. The battle reports are genuine, they just fight more than one and pick the most interesting one. Which makes perfect sense as I've played some battles that were stultifyingly boring and would make for poor reading. They also do not rig the battle reports so the army getting a release that month wins.

As to the October issue, I haven't seen it so I reserve judgement. I'm looking forward to my copy of Dreadfleet and the novella but I'm not sure I'd want a whole magazine on it myself.

09-30-2011, 09:33 AM
I hope the November issue consists only of War of the Ring articles, CS Goto short stories, and recipes from Jervis' mother.

That'll teach you all to whine.

09-30-2011, 10:59 AM
It hasn't been in a long time so get over it.
Nope, not doing it. I'm going to whine about it till I feel better.:p

09-30-2011, 12:23 PM
I hope the November issue consists only of War of the Ring articles, CS Goto short stories, and recipes from Jervis' mother.

That'll teach you all to whine.

I don't know, I'm sure Jervis mother has some excellent recipes! Though I draw the line at more War of the Ring articles

09-30-2011, 12:43 PM
I hope the November issue consists only of War of the Ring articles, CS Goto short stories, and recipes from Jervis' mother.

That'll teach you all to whine.

I don't know, I'm sure Jervis mother has some excellent recipes! Though I draw the line at more War of the Ring articles

or cs goto stories....

10-01-2011, 03:40 AM
I haven't read any of his stuff, so I'll have to take your word on that

10-01-2011, 10:59 AM
Worst black library author by a mile, especially since James Swallow upped his game since the first two blood angels books...

10-01-2011, 09:31 PM
Fortunately his DoW books were retconned by DowII and expansions, that just leaves the Deathwatch books which had some small good points. Not enough to make up for the huge volume of terrible points mind you.

10-04-2011, 07:12 PM
A couple of days ago i was looking at some old WD and i felt really sad. Because watching the old ones is when i realized how terrible were the new ones. I ask, anyone has ALL new armies that appear? Myself, an IG, Tau and SM player... how can i enjoy a mag that doesn't talk about my favourites armies in months? And i have a SM army... When they get the Tau remade I would find a lot of stuff of my favourite army, i will be very happy and like a lot wd... and then i have to wait five or six years to enjoy the mag once again??. It is sad, but then i started to cut pages from my newest wd and collect only the things that i really liked from them.. there were only 30 pages related to my armies in last 20 wd... and of course, the related ones were long ads. Tha magazine used to have plenty of humour, they encouraged fun, they gave you aditional rules.. they talked about hobby, now i feel like the 2012 catalogue would be a better choice than a whole year of ads. Most of the times I go to my local GWS, take a look at minis, look at the wd and if i don't find nothing interesting (most of the months) i go outside the store without buying.