View Full Version : Need some staring advice for Orges

09-29-2011, 01:20 PM
I've been playing 40k for some years without too much interest in Warhammer. Well, without the whole boring tale, I've agreed to start up a new army, and soley on the basis that I like that new big *** tusky mammoth thing, I'm now the proud owner of the Ogre Kingdom codex and 500+ page rule book that doesnt seem to have a single space marine in it (is it really from GW?)

So, suggestions please for a beginner's Ogre army, ideally to include said tusky beast, and something to give High Elves some troubles, but mainly which will be a laugh to play.


09-29-2011, 02:17 PM
Start yourself with the battalion set. It's a good value, saving you about 30 bucks. Mournfang are, surprisingly, pretty darn good. Two boxes of Mournfang is all you'd need. TBH, if you bought 2-3 battallion boxes and are willing to convert, you have everything you'd need.

You want to play around with blocks of 10-18 ogres (18 gets you to horde). If you're playing against HE, they're still going to strike at initiative regardless of your banner that makes them strike last, or the Thundertusk's aura, so you probably want to take some leadbelchers or a Cannon. The high strength there shiould handle the low T long-ears fairly well. I'll throw together a sample list for you when i get home, and then tell you the cheapest way to go about getting those models, if you'd like.

09-29-2011, 06:15 PM
for orges..plenty alcohol, plenty viagra......and a full night!

for OGRES......now that's something completely different!

Morgan Darkstar
09-29-2011, 07:59 PM
for orges..plenty alcohol, plenty viagra......and a full night!

for OGRES......now that's something completely different!

You have successfully given me a mental image i didn't need.

an Ogre Orgy,