View Full Version : Big favour for South American Wargamers

09-28-2011, 03:49 PM
Since the Embargo, it's very hard to get and GWs stuff, ever the Warstore or Scifigenre with their 20% have extremely high shipping costs to south amrerica (example: 100us batallion is at 80 us with 20% off, but shipping is 35 us and taxes give us a total of 135 us per batallion)

I know it's hard but the thing for south america is not getting 25-20% off, but getting free shipping if we order big amounts, so our taxes gets reduced.

The guys who were great at this just had a problem with paypal and cannot send anyome inyternational orders for the time being

So what I'm asking is, what are your recomendations? do u know a stor that can manage large ammounts of shippings to south america?

please it would be very usefull for the peruvian wargaming comunity, we ve been arround for over 10 years now, and dont want to die out because of this embargo.

thank you


Luis Campos

Lord Azaghul
09-28-2011, 04:07 PM
Try a new game or get alternative minis:

Spartan games makes some wonderful games, Personally I love dystopian wars

Mantic games sells cheaper models
So does warlord minis, and quiet a few others

I hear flames of war is a great game...

I've been buying board games lately...

So many non-gw options out there...

Then there is always 'war machine' just a solid game really...

09-28-2011, 04:23 PM
I agree to that, we are changing a bit towards PP, however GWs is still a big part of our wargamming, I know It's hard for the "blocked" part of the world to get some GWs stuff at decent price, I'm trying as long as I can to find good retailers for gws stuff.


09-28-2011, 04:32 PM
Try a new game or get alternative minis:

Spartan games makes some wonderful games, Personally I love dystopian wars

Mantic games sells cheaper models
So does warlord minis, and quiet a few others

I hear flames of war is a great game...

I've been buying board games lately...

So many non-gw options out there...

Then there is always 'war machine' just a solid game really...

Or you could just avoid the whole corporate 'game' trap and play chess, poker, or even take up an actual sport like baseball. All you need is a stick and a ball.

I'm going to assume your intelligent enough to come up with brilliant stuff like this on your own if your interested in generic 'gaming'. You could probably even get a bag of toy soldiers and count them 'as' this and that.

Instead I'm going to actually attempt to provide some suggestions you might be actually interested in:

I think your already on to your answer, group purchases from the Northern hemisphere. Ebay stores are probably a good bet. Postage is going to be rough, no one subsidizes postage for American companies. The larger the Ebay store, the more postage options that might be provided, be sure to write the seller and inquire. You might also want to look into internet retailers based in China and Hong Kong, the postage tends to be much cheaper, the minis might be cheaper too depending if they are actual originals or knock offs (how subversive and rebellious is that?).

09-28-2011, 05:57 PM
Bellisand por favor contacttame [email protected] tengo una tienda en Monterrey Mexico, no se que parte de Sudamerica vivas pero podemos ver y tratar de ayudar lo mas que podamos asi posnte en contacto conmigo, mi nomnre es Ricardo Granados y la Tienda se llama Flota Imperial