View Full Version : Space Wolves Army

09-27-2011, 09:49 AM
Hiya guys,

While this may seem like a plug for my army (since its for sale (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?t=17606)) its not. I just wanted to get your opinions on it, and while I have a load of pics, it made sense.

It would take me loads of posts to put all my stuff in, so here is the album with all the pics in


C & C appreciated


09-27-2011, 04:05 PM
They look good albeit slightly "2D".

Not a criticism as I am not the best painter in the world (far from it) but I have learned to use washes a lot better/more to add some depth in the colours and levels of the models.

Again no criticism as figs in my experience never come out in photos the way they look in the flesh.

Maybe try using a wash or two next time in the recesses and crevasses.;)

09-27-2011, 08:14 PM
They look good albeit slightly "2D".

Not a criticism as I am not the best painter in the world (far from it) but I have learned to use washes a lot better/more to add some depth in the colours and levels of the models.

Again no criticism as figs in my experience never come out in photos the way they look in the flesh.

Maybe try using a wash or two next time in the recesses and crevasses.;)


And what no Long Fangs???