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09-08-2009, 08:20 PM
This list is for a tourney. Any thoughts would be nice.

Captain-Jump Pack,Twin Lightning Claws=155

Tactical 1(10 Marines)Melta Gun,Missile Launcher,Power Fist=200 Rhino=35
Tactical 2(10 Marines)Melta Gun,Multi-Melta,Power Weapon=190 Rhino=35
Tactical 3(10 Marines)Flamer,Missile Launcher,Power Weapon=185 Rhino=35

Landspeeder Squadron(2 Landpeeders)x2 Heavy Bolter,x2 Typhoon Misile Launcher=180
Attack Bike(2 Attack Bikes)x2 Multi-Melta=100
Assault Squad(9 Marines)Power Fist=198

Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Lascannon=155 Rhino=35
Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Missile Launcher=135 Rhino=35

Vindicator-Dozer Blades=120
Vindicator-Dozer Blades=120
Predator-Heavy Bolter=85

09-09-2009, 01:00 AM
Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Lascannon=155 Rhino=35
Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Missile Launcher=135 Rhino=35

IMO Stenrguards with Lascanon or ML are a wast of poinst and a wrong use of this unit. You pay for this nice Bolter with special amu, so use it. If you need something anti tank take combi-melta (get 3 for the points of 2 lascanons).

What do you think of Razorbacks for the Sternguard? 5 Points for a twinlinked heavy Bolter to suppoert the Sternguard is a nice trade.

Be aware that a Captain with jump pack and the Assult Marines are a nice unit - I like them - but there are much tougher CC-units around 40k.

What is you overall plan? Do you want to be very aggresive or just mobile to be able to react and countercharge?

09-09-2009, 04:34 AM
This list is for a tourney. Any thoughts would be nice.

Captain-Jump Pack,Twin Lightning Claws=155

Tactical 1(10 Marines)Melta Gun,Missile Launcher,Power Fist=200 Rhino=35
Tactical 2(10 Marines)Melta Gun,Multi-Melta,Power Weapon=190 Rhino=35
Tactical 3(10 Marines)Flamer,Missile Launcher,Power Weapon=185 Rhino=35

Landspeeder Squadron(2 Landpeeders)x2 Heavy Bolter,x2 Typhoon Misile Launcher=180
Attack Bike(2 Attack Bikes)x2 Multi-Melta=100
Assault Squad(9 Marines)Power Fist=198

Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Lascannon=155 Rhino=35
Sternguard(5 Veterans)x2 Missile Launcher=135 Rhino=35

Vindicator-Dozer Blades=120
Vindicator-Dozer Blades=120
Predator-Heavy Bolter=85

I would be inclinded to add artificer armour to the captain seems in the open for a bit. I always find storm shield to be awesome for the captain, annoying to get rid of.

Personally I'd go razorbacks instead of rhinos, reason is heavy weapons from troops inside cannot fire if the transport moves, and with short range meltaguns and a flamer you need to get into range. Also you want those power fist/weapons in assault as well. If you want to keep the rhinos I would go meltagun and multimelta or flamer and multimelta, maybe give the sgt a combi weapon on the power fist as you don't get the bonus attack any more,

I would beef up your bike squads or landspeeder squads and drop one or the other. Land speeders can deep strike and add multimelta or a heavy flamer they can be damn annoying. They shouldn't stick around, but they'll do the job of taking out a high point tank and do well for there point cost. In one game one I was against hung around for several turns - it was really annoying.

I've used bikers before, I had 5 bikers with a meltagun and a sgt with a power fist and thrown in a attack bike with a multimelta. It worked ok, but would take fire as it moves quick and goes for tanks. I would either duplicate the unit, but I think multiple land speeders could be a better buy.

I don't think giving your sternguard heavy weapons is practical as you loose that special ammo, also as mentioned and if I remember correctly if you move in a transport the squad inside cannot fire heavy weapons, so the lascannon and missile launcher could be wasted - or stay still and the rhinos act as bunkers, but they aren't hard to pop and you cuold be wasting the special ammo.

Maybe add a storm bolter on the predator, at least it if moves it still has two weapons to fire as the storm bolter is classed as a defensive weapon. I would add storm bolters possibly to the vindicators if you have the spare points, reason is if you suffer two weapon destroyed results and are already immobilised you don't suffer a wrecked result instead, but this is only if you have the spare points :cool:

09-09-2009, 04:14 PM
For the first couple turn is take shots at any tanks with all my long range weapon so I can take some mobility away from the opponent. What ever got close enough assuming tanks were killed I can kill any stragglers with the melta's I have. Gang up on what ever. Against horde I have plenty of templates, bolter fire and mobility to deal with them. I think I might have problems against IG it could be in my head.(I only fought them a few time)

The sternguard have rhinos for when I play DOW deployment so they can go where they need to. They would be my devastator squad since i'm out of heavy slots. At least I can split fire. Those very rhino's can be used as walls on non kill point missions or provide cover for my other tanks.

I will take your thoughts in consideration.

09-09-2009, 09:03 PM
The flying unit isn't going to last long as you only non-vehicles. Assault Marines don't even hit all that hard.

Sternies should be using their awesome guns, add combi-meltas if armor concerns you. For long range AT I like Typhoons and dual TLAC Dreads or dakka Preds.

Tac Squads should have flamers, multi-meltas, and combi-meltas, cheap and flexible. Don't bother with combat weapons, Tacs suck in combat anyway.

09-10-2009, 12:47 AM
I agree that cc weapons on tactical guys is a waste. I also agree that heavy weapons on sternguard is a waste. I'm on the fence in the flamer/melta debate in tactical squads. It's a question of metagame. I don't think you can ever have enough melta. The typhoons are kind of cool, although they are completely different from the melta/heavy flamer suicide speeders Mercer described. Those are one-shot wonders, while typhoons can skulk and snipe stuff. Both have their uses.

09-10-2009, 04:50 AM
For the first couple turn is take shots at any tanks with all my long range weapon so I can take some mobility away from the opponent. What ever got close enough assuming tanks were killed I can kill any stragglers with the melta's I have. Gang up on what ever. Against horde I have plenty of templates, bolter fire and mobility to deal with them. I think I might have problems against IG it could be in my head.(I only fought them a few time)

The sternguard have rhinos for when I play DOW deployment so they can go where they need to. They would be my devastator squad since i'm out of heavy slots. At least I can split fire. Those very rhino's can be used as walls on non kill point missions or provide cover for my other tanks.

I will take your thoughts in consideration.

Thats all gravy, but in a rhino you cannot move and shoot heavy weapons. So you'll be denying yourself a turn of movement if you want to fire the heavy weaps. Combat squads would be better for you if your taking m.l's and swap the rhinos with razorbacks for added fire support, extra 5 points is worth the twin linked heavy bolter.

I presume you mean infantry, meltas are really for infantry.

I wouldn't base your list on a game type. You can't really split fire as such, its only because you have two units which isn't spliting fire.

Oh, I thought I had mentioned this previously, but I agree with Chumb though, assault marines die. I used to have two units and one would make it into combat, the other would be mauled by shooting and often die or get a massive beating in the first round of assault. A expensive road hump for combat and meat shield. I would rather spent points else where on better fast attack choices.