View Full Version : 2k FOR chaos (the list)

09-27-2011, 02:53 AM
so here is my 2k list. i went through a few lists with khorne deamon weapons and 1k sons but they just never seemed to fill a requirement or work well with what i wanted. i also decided against a defiler even tho its so freakin awesome!:( i liked the plague marines a lot. expensive but serious staying power and some thing i have dreamed of for a long time as a space marine player, 2 plasma guns:cool:
daemon prince 140
-mark of khorne, wings

chosen (6) 128
-4 flamers
chosen (8) 199
-Rhino-daemonic possession

marines (10) 280
-champion-power fist
-2 meltas
-Rhino- daemonic possession
plague marines (10) 340
-champion-power weapon
-2 plasma guns
-Rhino-havoc launcher
plague marines (10) 340
-champion-power weapon
-2 plasma guns
-Rhino-havoc launcher
khorne berzerkers (8) 253
-champion-power weapon
-Rhino-daemonic possession

obliterators (2) 150

im taking a lot of transports because of the whole pirate kind thing huron does. really like that guy. the havoc launcher rhinos are kinda like a poor mans (chaos) whirlwind :D not really ment to transport much. let me know what you think. good or bad.

09-27-2011, 02:12 PM
1 Daemon Prince = Certain death

If you're only taking one of these bad boys he will be a fire magnet and will be lucky to survive more than 2 turns. Would suggest dropping Huron for another prince. If you really want Huron in your army then don't bother with the prince, drop 10 points elsewhere and take 2 more oblits. Better yet, drop the plague marine squads to 7 men, and taken even more obliterators! :)

09-27-2011, 02:19 PM
thats why i have him in there. big priority target, and cheap. and im not a fan of oblit models. in fact im going to convert mine from termies.

09-28-2011, 12:52 PM
In that case if he literally is there to just draw fire, then may I suggest you leave wings and MoK off him? If he's there there's no real need to upgrade him

Nah Im the same the oblit models are horribe. I've seen several deathguard armies use the Nurgle Blight Drones from Forgeworld as oblits, lovely models, but bloody expensive if you want to field several of them!

09-28-2011, 08:42 PM
might take karne instead of huron. because of his unrivaled ability to tear things in half. i might end up getting another Daemon prince but its just so cheap and so good.
whats your take on greater deamons?

Fry Globes
09-29-2011, 04:00 AM
hi there, that's a nice characterful list list, always nice to see chaos players out there!

i see you're looking at several different special characters for hq. these can be very cool when your list is themed around them and will can add to your playing experience substantially. however, in my opinion these guys are not the most competitive hqs around so if you want efficiency over snazzy wargear and cool backstory you can choose a normal hq and give him a backstory of your own devising.

greater daemons are fine for their points but the biggest setback for me is fitting in a spare champion for them to emerge from. all my champs are vital to their squads due to specialised weapons like fists and combis.

speaking of combis, they're a good idea for your plasma plague champions, making you capable of rapid-firing a nice 6 shots in one critical turn. haven't checked my codex but iirc you shouldn't lose your extra cc attack because of it.

09-29-2011, 06:04 AM
Like Fry Globes said, the greater daemons are okay for their points but you have to sacrifice a champion to summon it. That technically bumps the points up for it, plus a champion in any squad has more options and is generally more killy, so sacrificing him seems a waste.