View Full Version : Feast of Blades Newsletter 4 (9-26-2011)

09-26-2011, 05:26 PM
Newsletter: #4 Sept. 25, 2011

In this edition -
General Update
Focus on: WHFB Open GT
Focus on: Warmachine Events
Hotel Rooms

*** Almost one month to go! Register now to ensure you have a spot in the event you want to participate in. We are filling up very quickly!***

General update:
To all you gamers who love new toys! This week, Feast of Blades received more prize support from THQ and some of our other vendors, you won't be leaving empty handed... A fine example of this is the Tower of Skulls which was so beautifully made for this event by Blood And Skulls Industry (see attached pictures). The tower of skulls will be included in this years raffle prizes. Work on the trophies was started this week, not only are they great for displaying your achievements, they are spectacular blunt force objects to beat your friends down with if they don't recognize your superiority

In the attached pictures, you can see all of the terrain minions (including myself) working hard to please the fabricator general and to make sure your toy soldiers have bloody battlefields! During this terrain day we built: 92 hills, 32 bases for ruins, 32 ruined buildings and all sorts of misc. terrain pieces!

This week Chandler (TO) did an interview with the 11th company pod cast. We must say that they really run a good show over there. The interview should be available this week on itunes.

Test missions were pre-released on "3++ is the new black." The comments were overwhelmingly positive and they also helped us in finding some typos and areas where things were not quite clear. Head on over there and check them out. We will be releasing the full, finished, missions shortly so you can warm up.

Several stores have begun talking about making their own banners for their champions to bring to Feast of Blades. We are more than happy to support this and would highly encourage other stores and their champions to create their own banners to display at Feast. We will be happy to host a competition for best banner and then give that award to the winning store. What better way can you honor your chapter than by creating a custom banner for your store?

We were featured on:
Bell of Lost Souls: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2011/09/feast-of-blades-15-months-out.html
3++ is the new Black: http://kirbysblog-ic.blogspot.com/2011/09/feast-of-blades-missions.html

Focus on: WHFB OPEN GT Purchase tickets
Sat: 8:30- 5:30 (3 games)
Sun: 8:00- 2:00 (2 games)
2200 points
Feast of Blades special scenarios will be player each round to challenge all levels of players. The scenarios will add a fun challenge for additional battle points and objectives. Sportsmanship, Paint and Creativity will all be rewarded. Painted armies are not required but are encouraged. Massive Prize Support provided by our sponsons. ALWAYS FUN! Don't miss this amazing event. Beginners to advanced. Rules not taught and please have all the books and materials you need. This event is looking for about 30 players and is promising to be a great time for all.

WHFB Storm of magic big game: We will focus on this a little more in detail in another Newsletter, but keep an eye out for this side event, it is free to enter with another event pass/ weekend badge. Go to our website for details www.feastofblades.com

Focus on: Warmachine Events Purchase tickets

Warmachine/ Hordes Death Race:
Fri: 10:00-5:30
35 points
This is a competitive event which will take the top 4 players and invite them back to a Prime tournament on Sunday. Scenario: Killbox, assassination scoring. 1st 2nd and 3rd place prizes on top of qualifying. Prize drawings for players that are fully painted.

Warmachine/Hordes Steamroller Tournament:
Steamroller 2 lists. This is a competitive event. The top 4 players will qualify for the Prime event on Sunday. Bring your "A," game and see what you can dish out!

Warmachine/ Hordes Prime Tournament:
50 points
3 lists, you can only play in this event if you qualify on Fri and Sat. Ticket will be sold Friday and Saturday night to the qualifiers. This will determine the Feast of Blades Warmachine/ Hordes Champion! If you think your good, now is the time to PROVE IT!

Warmachine/ Hordes Narrative events:
All weekend
Take your warjacks, beasts and Warcasters and pit them against others in a narrative battle with custom built scenarios. The more objectives you complete the more prizes you can win. This is for the player that doesn't want to participate in tournaments but wants to just have a good 'ol time doing themed battles. Leave your ultra-competitive stuff at home on this one.

The only way this event can happen year after year is if you purchase a hotel room and stay at the red lion. Ticket sales aren't even near enough to cover the cost of the hotel, but each room rented lowers the cost of the main ball room, which is how this even becomes affordable. So, help the cause and get a room. HOTEL ROOM LINK

One more week down, we will see you soon. If you have questions or comments please send an email to:
[email protected]

Honor your Chapter!
Chandler, TO