View Full Version : Dark Eldar Tantalus Tactica

09-26-2011, 02:36 AM
There was some confusion over on the Dark City DE forum about the uses of the Tantalus, and the Tactica thread was quite an interesting read.

The rules for it are:
TANTALUS RULES. 12 12 10, comes with a flicker, can fire 12 dissie shots, transport 16, access to some other upgrades. Heavy support or dedicated for the court. Can do D6 S7 AP2 hits to anything with a tougness value it flat outs over or 1 S7 2D6 to a vehicle. A bit over 200pts.

I would probably only take it in Apocalypse games or as a counts as razorwing, but having said that I could see it as a good tool for opening up IG parking lots. How many chimeras could you pop with an aethersail turboboost? Throw some Wyches or Incubi in it to disgorge and start munching through the contents of the tanks and it could be a decent combination. Not sure it would be competitive in a tournament sense but I've nothing but contempt for judging units by tournament standards.

09-26-2011, 03:59 AM
I should point out its 2 seperate guns that shoot out 6 disintegrator shots a turn each

I think the fact it can be taken as a ded and not competing for a heavy slot opens it up a bit. Not being a superheavy hurts it, even though its AV12 and comes with a 5+ its still open topped and still vulnerable. But its an awesome gunboat. 16 warriors including one cannon? 34 shots at close range? And its got aerial assault (not sure how that'd work with passnegers)

I'm not sure. Now its only 1 attack on vehciles not D6 it seems a little less good

09-26-2011, 04:11 AM
Bah, apparently it can only attack one vehicle or squad it passes over, that really limits its utility.

09-26-2011, 04:31 AM
Feels to me like its best use would be to spearhead a wedge of DE transports whilst putting out lots of suppression firepower on the nastiest squad it can see, with its larger footprint it can block LOS or provide cover to quite a few venoms and raiders/ravagers, setting them up for a turn two assault.

For transport, an archon/succubus/vect etc. 14 wyches and a haemonculus would be my preference

or the Duke and a big squad of 3+ poison kabalites

09-26-2011, 06:39 AM
Sounds like it'd be fun in Apoc. Load Lelith and a full squad of Bloodbrides, or a nice fat squad of Grotesques, or load it up with Incubi, an Archon, and a Haemy. The Duke's Gunboat idea is also nifty, but I really hate not being able to shoot with passengers if the vehicle moves more than 6".

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
09-26-2011, 06:50 AM
whats the website for thid forum. I'd like to check it out.

09-26-2011, 06:53 AM
The Dark City. (http://thedarkcity.forummotion.com/)