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09-25-2011, 07:32 AM

The new warhammer forge look. I don't know if its SoM or open to normal WFB rules.

It's a work in progress with upto 53 monsters being added.

Each lore of magic gets an elemental, the lore of beasts one we have seen.

Skaven get a few new monsters like the hellpit destroyer etc etc

Their are entries for fimir warriors.

Serpent Men of Kuresh or similar.

Dread Saurian an ethereal dinosaur

Lots of other names but the rules writer I was talking to stated its all work in progress and could change.

Oh for chaos dwarves

Big armoured suites with fire demons trapped inside, the initial sketch has Japanese style demon face masks.

Logically it seems like a SoM supplement, hard to see how a load of different monsters could work otherwise.

Phoenix art:

09-25-2011, 03:11 PM
dont forget the Cdwarf on taurus, Cdwarf hellsmith and bile trolololols (serioulsy cool scuplts!)


09-25-2011, 11:01 PM
I could't find any decent pictures of those, all blurry and horrible, but if I see some I'll post them.:) If anyone has any pictures feel free to add them here.

09-26-2011, 04:04 AM
I didn't get any pictures, but the FW seminar talked about a forthcoming mutated 2 head giant, with one withered arm

And also Rat Wolves for skaven, were shown in artwork form.

Didn't stop much at WF

09-26-2011, 04:09 AM
Oh, right! Forgot him:

09-26-2011, 05:38 AM
There was something in the FW seminar, but I jsut can't remember

They were talking about one of the big monsters becoming a mount for someone...but I jsut can't remember!

Full of useful info I am

09-27-2011, 08:23 AM
Secondly, the book to follow Tamurkhan is called Monstrous Arcana and will contain many, many 'binding scrolls' for Storm of Magic (or, you know, just rules for lots of big monsters); they had a mock up there with a few rough pages, most with only a name but a few with pics text and experimental rules. For Skaven, the Exalted Vermin Lord was there, as were the Brood Horror and the Rat Wolves; there was also an image of something called the 'Hell Pit Mauler' which was a big fleshy mass with claws, looked bigger than the Brood Horror, and also a very early sketch of a 'Hell Pit Destroyer' which looked to be the Mauler but with a Skryre tank/generator on its back and some form of cannon mounted on its shoulders (or at least where shoulders should be...). There was also one other thing that caught my eye which was name only:

Warp Fire Dragon.

Non-Skaveny monsters included elementals for each wind of magic, basilisk, phoenix, shard dragon, Firmir (not just the balefiend...) coatl, colossal squig, a big Lizardmen dinosaur that I forget the name of and more.
From UnderEmpire via Warseer, originally posted by someone called Warlock I think.

09-27-2011, 10:57 PM
Itty bit more:

My brother and I went through the whole book with the artists - lots of blank pages but a few things I haven't seen mentioned in the thread:

There was a giant scarab beetle - described to me as being controlled by two "his and hers" coffins in the back (amusing). Amazing art.

There was a phoenix (awesome artwork)

There was a "fire gryphon" which was like a metal beast with fire buring from the inside - but its shell was all delicate and ornate.

Also "Merwyrm" a sea serpent which came in three flavours with different names, no art for that yet.

Ettin was in there - you pay for two different heads with different special rules - rules are in the early stages but they were thinking essentially if he fails a break test the behaviour sort of reverts to the other head and vice versa.

A monster that was like a hill come to life.

And loads and loads of others. Best looking book ever, incredible art.

Q1 2012 I was told - bring it on ;)

Did anyone get a picture of the bale tarus with the CD sorcerer on the back? that model was insane.

PS. oh yes colossal squig - awesome art.

And they are doing 3 dinos - Lizard monster as described then there were two pages currently called "dino 1" and "dino 2" which they were suggesting an armoured type (ankleosaurous type thing) and a giant flyer (though both still in concept)

09-28-2011, 10:51 AM
I can't help but be curious, has anyone had a chance to read the dino rules or see any photos?

09-28-2011, 04:29 PM
There was something in the FW seminar, but I jsut can't remember

I recall Tony saying that the book would have rules to use the monsters in it for both Storm of Magic and normal games of Warhammer...

Bale Taurus and the Brood Horror both had pics of their mounted versions shown (although the second isn't really news to anyone here).

10-06-2011, 09:45 AM
awesome stuff and great move from FW, cant wait to get my hands on the Fimir.

01-05-2012, 03:28 AM
Just a small update from the FW Facebook page, Monstrous Arcana is in final layout stages and they are still aiming for a Q1 release.

01-05-2012, 10:53 AM
I hate sounding like a total newb, but will all the items in the book eventually receive miniatures? I'm really interested in seeing this scarab. :)

01-05-2012, 01:55 PM
They indicated that, yes, they were hoping for each model to eventually be released. I know there are plans for an "avatar" as it were, of each of the different schools of magic. The Lore of Beasts one is already up on the website.

I personally can't wait. I love all the monsters. So fun.

BTW, Bumble, I believe this is the avatar you're looking for:


01-06-2012, 12:18 AM
Yep they said they hoped to have every monster represented with a model by twelve months after the books release. Some already have models so all 50 odd things won't all need sculpts. Also they hinted Fimir might go up for sale later today.

01-09-2012, 03:59 PM
lol thanks for the avatar suggestion. I actually didn't know that characters name was Bumble. lol :D

04-04-2012, 04:03 AM
Full list of the monsters i Monstrous Arcanum, which of course will be shipping out on tuesday (hurray!)

In blood. :p


Incarnate Elemental of Fire
Incarnate Elemental of Beasts
Chaos Siege Giant
Bile Trolls of Chaos
Carmine Dragon (Carmine Dragon, Emperor Carmine Dragon)
Toad Dragon
K'daai Fireborn
K'daai Destroyer
Bale Taurus
Bull Centaur Renders
Colossal Squig
Incarnate Elemental of Death
Dread Maw (Like a Chaos Sand Worm)
Necrofex Colossus (Corpse Giant, Nightmare Colossus. Giant construct built out of scrap and dead bodies. One option is to make it up to a Level 4 Wizard of the Lord of Death or Vampires!)
Brood Horror
Exalted Vermin Lord
Wolf Rats
Curs'd Ettin
Fimir Warriors (Fimir Warriors, Fimir Noble as an officer)
Khemric Titan (It's a construct, not a giant undead beetle)
Dread Saurian
Rogue Idol of Gork (or possibly Mork) (Rock Pile, Rogue Idol, Great Idol)
Skin Wolves
Shard Dragon
Merwyrm (Merwyrm, Pagowyrm, Sciowyrm)
Arcane Phoenix
Warpfire Dragon (Young Warpfire Dragon, Warpfire Dragon, Great Warpfire Dragon)
Magma Dragon (What's on the cover) (Young Magma Dragon, Magma Dragon, Great Magma Dragon, Emperor Magma Dragon)
These should all have models within 12 months of the books release, if WFs old statements to that effect hold true.

04-04-2012, 05:00 AM
I can't wait to see the Phoenix and elemental of death, those should have awesome models.

04-04-2012, 06:50 AM
Agreed, also highly anticipating the Khemric Titan and K'daai Destroyer.:) I forget if I've mentioned it before, bu the last WF newsletter says:

This is the eagerly-anticipated first book in a new series from Warhammer Forge, and as its name suggests Monstrous Arcanum deals with a veritable carnival of monsters both arcane and bloodthirsty.
So, we can expect more monstrous arcanums in the future.:) The original 53 monsters intended for 'Monstrous Arcana' (yes they changed the name, I didn't get the title wrong) has been pared down to 32. This first volume also seems to include all the monsters in Tamurkhan so the second voluem should be all new critters, something to look forward to. Though I've no doubt it is a long way off.

Speaking of the elemental o' deff:

The Incarnate Elemental of Fire reminds me of an elf, almost. Tall, covered in blazing robes, and wielding a spear. There's a nice bit in the background about how Bretonnian peasants in one region build charred-wood effigies of them, after a load of them defeated the undead minions of a local lord who succumbed to a presumable Lahmian vampire. So they're not inherently evil, just elemental forces, which I do like.

The Incarnate Elemental of Death is a long, snake-like body with a dragon head each end, entwined like an hourglass. I know people will trot out the World of Warcraft comparisons a bit too freely, but it reminds me of the Twilight's Hammer statues, and for some reason, Deathwing. Doesn't change the fact it's a great design and avoids the easy cliche of a Grim Reaper.

04-04-2012, 02:25 PM
Not much for a Wood elf player that would be truly in keeping with the army, but i want a phoenix even if it doesn't fit.

04-05-2012, 04:03 AM
The elemental of beasts would work pretty well with WE and there could be plenty of 'non-evil- monsters lurking in Athel Loren.

04-05-2012, 07:11 AM
i must admit i am very excited about this book, i have personally become a bit disenchanted with all of the Imperial Armours of late and feel that the WHFB is being writtten and presented soooo much better nowadays. i cannot wait to get my hands on this and find an excuse to purcahse practically all the models!

04-05-2012, 03:36 PM
I'm definitely looking forward to many of these monsters. I do hope that FW doesn't screw up the K'daai Destroyer though... I am really bummed out over the lackluster sculpts for the fireborn. I don't want a giant flaming bull and I certainly don't want a giant version of the fireborn either.

So here's hoping... and I'm looking forward to the Khemri contruct, the phoenix, and more of the elementals...

04-05-2012, 10:49 PM
I like the Fireborn personally, but I agree the Destroyer should be something suitably different.