View Full Version : Dark Eldar

Emerald Rose Widow
09-24-2011, 09:06 PM
I have to say, when they were first coming out I thought their models were ok, they were cool and the raider was very nice, but it was one of those things where it looked nice but wasn't amazing. Since the last couple of waves have hit and the finecast, I have wanted to play Dark Eldar more and more. I still have to complete my nids before I start on it, but unless the necron new codex and models are frelling amazing, im strongly considering making a dark eldar army, and bringing it up to apocalypse levels of points (not a fan of Nids in apoc, but the DE models for Apoc are amazing looking.)

I will preface my statement by saying this, when I choose my armies I choose them by look, how I like the models, this was how I picked my tyranid, and i do not regret it at all, stunning and fun models. As for strategy, I am an adaptable woman, and can really do pretty well in any situation.

What do you all think though, has anyone else been swayed to the Dark Eldar side more and more as more models come out?

09-24-2011, 10:08 PM
When I first read the codex I didn't really care for them and I felt the models looked good but I preferred the Imperial armies, then i bought a box of Wyches for a Death Cult unit for my Battle Conclave and now I'm thinking I want more. If you got any advice that would be awesome, I'm looking at doing a Wych Cult with jetbikes and Raiders obvisiously.

09-24-2011, 10:12 PM
I personally loved the Dark Eldar from the moment they where announce. But my hat goes out to you on choosing you armies not by what is the "best" or "flavor of the month" but by what you find astheticaly pleasing. That is how I always have and always will choose the armys I will buy models for and will play.

09-24-2011, 10:15 PM
I agree :D Good on you Rose.

09-24-2011, 10:17 PM
Well, one of the strengths about the DE codex is that all the units are good, the only 'weak' ones are generally not that weak but they compete for slots with more useful units (Mandrakes, Harlequins, Cronos (in my opinion)). So you can pick things which look good ans be fairly sure they will perform well.

It is an army that doesn't forgive mistakes and has a steep learning curve (like all Eldar) but played well it is one of the strongest books out, without being unbalanced.

09-25-2011, 12:55 AM
I collected them before the new codex came out because I wanted an army no one else played, so I picked them as my backup army. The fact that they are challenging to play also appealed to me. The new codex and models gave me the impetus to finally get them on the tabletop, however, especially the new archon mini. The old one was atrocious, so I was procratinating in doing my conversion. When the new codex dropped, I immediately got an Archon and was playing almost immediately.

You really can't go wrong with any of the minis and they are a fun army to play with. Having units come on from reserve and turbo into your opponent's half of the table in one turn so they're in assault range is both unique and fun. I am sure you will have loads of fun painting your army, as it is one of the best looking ranges in the game, especially if you like the 'evil'-looking ones.

09-26-2011, 10:14 AM
Great Looking Models. Competitve lists. Cool stories in book. Shame I already have too many armies :)

but I play against them often enough.

Uncle Nutsy
09-27-2011, 09:50 PM
came from orks to DE.

bought the dex when it came out, didn't start building up until six months later.

I never had so much fun with an army before.

most of my friends complain about being beaten by DE, but then again they're used to playing against crons and nids.

"he's over here. now he's over HERE. now he's at our throats? crap!!"