View Full Version : Gamesday UK - 2011 (PICS AND INFO HERE)

09-24-2011, 04:28 PM

All Attendees please post pics, and anything you hear or see here. Links to Youtube videos are also fair game.

Good Hunting!

09-24-2011, 10:08 PM
Games Day Preview Video (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/content/blogPost.jsp?aId=18400002a) from Games Workshop.

Why is it I always wake up at 4 in the morning on Games Day? You'd think I could at least have the common decency to sleep to within an hour or two of it opening but noo.

09-24-2011, 10:41 PM
On my 3rd cup of coffee before heading off from Torbay. Didnt sleep very well. Its like christmas when I was a kid :)

Will add my pics tonight.

09-24-2011, 11:20 PM
So envious. Can't wait to see the pics. Have fun you two!

09-25-2011, 01:44 AM
Arrrggggghhhhh......Living in Thailand has it's draw backs.......6 hours time difference and no cheap flights to Birmingham.

Night System
09-25-2011, 02:12 AM
Beginning to regret not buying a ticket now... :/

Especially as if i left now i could be there before opening time =[

09-25-2011, 02:56 AM
Four minutes 'til the doors open, so excited I'm nauseous.:rolleyes:

09-25-2011, 03:11 AM
Full scale drop pod, from Sephiroth on Warseer:

Night System
09-25-2011, 03:49 AM
That looks awesome!

"Even if it isn't full scale, just a smidgen to small, you wouldn't get 10 marines in there ;):p"

09-25-2011, 04:02 AM
No Necrons in sight, a bit light on 40k in general apparently.

09-25-2011, 04:07 AM
Next Warhammer Forge book:

Bale Taurus mount:

Phoenix entry from Monstrous Arcana:

Ettan Giant:

09-25-2011, 04:11 AM
Monstrous Arcana due out Jan-Feb:

Another picture of the ettan:

09-25-2011, 04:22 AM
In queue for FW seminar new stuff so far are 3 new DE skimmers. Will post more and pics when I can

09-25-2011, 04:24 AM
*squee* New as in completely new, or based on existing chassis?

Picture of the IA11 battle:

Bran Redmaw:

WarForge Wolf rats:

Plague ogres:

09-25-2011, 04:46 AM
Macharius Omega:

09-25-2011, 05:00 AM
Shadow Spectre Phoenix Lord!:

Some IG Greens:

Edit: Monstrous Arcana will have rules for 53 monsters, I assume it is a FW supplement for Storm of Magic.

09-25-2011, 05:13 AM
Nothing to show photos wise here.

I had a good chat with Jes and Edgar at forgeworld, got some very useful feed back from both of them on my greens as well as some suggestions. It's given me the push I needed to get back on my dinosaur and sort those damn teeth out!

Got some good feedback on sculpting cloth too (chaos sister of battle).

As for Jes, top bloke, had a good long chat with him on everything from my t-shirt to guns (biceps ;) ) and sculpting (both the banshee I did and the work with Mark G). After all of that he gave me his email and told me to give him a shout.

Consider me as happy as a gay ferret in a pink sack.

09-25-2011, 05:17 AM
FW seminar over. Lots to post. Big things:

IA12 is not DE. Its a prison asteroid, penal guard, minotaur marines and Tzeentch chaos
The 3 new DE skimmer I mentioned will not be made due to time constraints. Other than the phoenix lord, no new xenos is planned for a while
But a chaos contemptor is due

More when I can

09-25-2011, 05:20 AM
The DE skimmers won't be made ever, or just not soon?:(

09-25-2011, 05:50 AM
FW seminar over. Lots to post. Big things:

IA12 is not DE. Its a prison asteroid, penal guard, minotaur marines and Tzeentch chaos
The 3 new DE skimmer I mentioned will not be made due to time constraints. Other than the phoenix lord, no new xenos is planned for a while
But a chaos contemptor is due

More when I can

Tzeentch? Nice. No more xenos? Sad.
Minotaurs? OK. Penal Guard? hmmm.

09-25-2011, 06:02 AM
PhilBrad on Warseer says the Solitaire has been removed from IA11.:(

09-25-2011, 06:03 AM
Hmmm can't see my previous post. Mustnt have worked. Try again!

FW seminar over
Those 3 de skimmers aren't going to be made due to time constraints. DE were supposed to be 12, but couldn't fit in one book? Possilbe 13
IA is a prison planet, tzeentch chaos, minotaurs marines and penal guard.
Chaos contemptor inbound.

09-25-2011, 06:05 AM
Your first post is there, post number 18. So the DE skimmers aren't being produced ever, or just not for the foreseeable future?:(

09-25-2011, 06:46 AM
Your first post is there, post number 18. So the DE skimmers aren't being produced ever, or just not for the foreseeable future?:(

Exactly, that is a VERY big difference!

and any chance to have a look at the rules for the tantalus?

09-25-2011, 07:14 AM
If someone still at Games Day with a camera reads this, could you please get photos of the Eldar Warlock and Storm Guardian at the GW design studio table. Thank you.

09-25-2011, 07:38 AM
Phantom CCW:
I like it, very elegant, looks like it could be used without unbalancing the titan.

09-25-2011, 07:40 AM
Any news there about next army release. 40k or fantasy or wat army??
wanna know when my brets and bt are being done :p

09-25-2011, 07:41 AM
Nothing about the next army releases.

09-25-2011, 07:52 AM
kk hmm. was expecting big announce like they did for nids the other year.

09-25-2011, 07:58 AM
Dreadfleet was getting all the attention, they were never going to take the spotlight away from it. If you are lucky you might see some Necrons at GD Italy on 16th of October. But I wouldn't count on it.

09-25-2011, 08:05 AM
Necrons? Lucky? wouldnt put those 2 together. :) good for some but not for me. If i wanted to go living robot id go admech :p

Just hope brets and bt and tau get facelifts soon. brets and tau really need it, bt not so much. Im doing really well with my bt :)

09-25-2011, 08:11 AM
Rapier Laser Destroyer (courtesy of Warseer)

Yet more OldSchool goodies being redone by Forgeworld.

09-25-2011, 08:42 AM
Thanks to PhilBrad from Warseer:

Warlock and Storm Guardian:

As he points out, these may well be training sculpts rather than hints of forthcoming releases, but we can hope.

09-25-2011, 08:44 AM
Relic Contemptor:

EDIT: Apparently the Phoenix Lord looks even more like a Phoenix Lady from other angles.

09-25-2011, 09:09 AM
Does anyone else think that the Storm Guardians look far too muscular??

09-25-2011, 10:10 AM
He does seem a bit butch.

Another WFB release: Edit: Whoops, huge picture

Oh and re: chaos contemptors:

Was told by FW designers that the Chaos Contemptor is 3-4 months away! A generic version will be released first, then legion/God specific versions later!

09-25-2011, 10:29 AM
From Sky Serpent on The Dark City:

And I bring news of course.

Let's start off with Forge World.

DAREN PARRWOOD. I went to speak to the two guys involved in the Tantalus and Reaper and see what they had to say. First of all I spoke to Daren Parrwood who had the concept models for the Tantalus and his little sketch book, all of which is floating around the webway so I won't repeat what I have to say on that. I spoke to him about what he plans to do with a big thunderhawk sized barge. He originally planned on creating a few vehicles Tantalus sized but thought some of the other ideas were strong enough to make into a bigger vehicle and has plans for that.

STUART WILLIAMSON. Stuart also confirmed that he would like to work on a bigger ship soon and I asked him about any plans for vehicle upgrades such as enhanced aethersails and such and that they had no plans to do so at all. I raised the possibility of them doing an upgrade kit for Trueborn and again, no plans. He did however debunk the theory that FW aren't allowed to step on GW's toes and said they could fill gaps in the codex at a later date.

TONY COTERILL. I went to the afternoon seminar. IA 12 will be guard and chaos so DE will NOT feature. I also asked a question about whether he could add any more to what the other guys had to say about a larger ship and said nothing was planned and that no further Dark Eldar were planned as of yet.

TANTALUS RULES. 12 12 10, comes with a flicker, can fire 12 dissie shots, transport 16, access to some other upgrades. Heavy support or dedicated for the court. Can do D6 S7 AP2 hits to a vehicle or troops it flat outs over or 1 S7 2D6 to a vehicle. A bit over 200pts.

JES GOODWIN. I'd start by saying I spoke to Juan Diaz first but didn't have much to say. Jes however is a cracking bloke. Started off speaking about the forum and that he checks up now and then and thinks we're getting a lot stronger. No confirmation on the Voidraven. Special characters will be divided up between himself and Juan but no concepts are done at all. He'd like to see them come out one a month in the future.

Anyway, hope this sates all the Dark Eldar players out there.

And I got a Tantalus. NERRRR NERRRR.

09-25-2011, 11:13 AM
Another picture of the Phoenix Lord, looking rather less feminine.:(

09-25-2011, 11:24 AM
I'm back! Sorry for the slowness and shortness of my replies, my phone sucks and all the pictures in this thread didn't help. I was in the first FW seminar as well (anyone else, Iwas the guy in grey, on the front row who asked the first question about the future of FW xenos)

First off...Sky Serpent above me is mostly correct. It does D6 S7 2D6 armour pen to vehciles

The sales line for buying anything was a single line. It was nearly 3 hours long. So I only got my advance order, nothing new unfortunatly

Mymeara by Christmas IF they get printing done in the UK. If not...January. Expect IA12 roughly this tome next year. Roughly the same as it was in March, but with the fluff retweaked. Still sounds like Eldar achieve their goals and retreat, with both sides declaring victory

As for IA12...as already iterated, Imperial Penitnant Legions, Minotaur Marines and Tzeentch Chaos. According to Alan Bligh, the chaos will be an even mix of demons, traitor guard and marines, a la what Vraks had. He said the story WILL NOT be 1K Sons, but a different, new Tzeentch Warband, but conversion kits for 1K Sons are being done.

Also for IA12...it was supposed to be DE. But they've re-written the story for them and feel one book wasn't enough? So maybe two books for the DE

The 3 new DE raiders (1 with 2 Pulsars, 1 with 6 Lances and one very similar to the Tantalus) were used to get the correct idea of size for the Tantalus. They won't be made at present due to time constraints and not needing them. Come IA13 (if it is DE) theres a strong chance they could return

Chaos Contemptor is likely, the one in the book is a conversion at present. Also shown at the FW seminar was a unseen contemptor arm, a power fist with a Graviton gun built in.

Other Seminar highlights included a vote as to whether they should do pre-heresy Terminators. A resounding yes, the same for the vote on chapter specific Contemptors.

While talking to the guys on the design stand, they hinted at a secret project, that hadn't (and wouldn't) be mentioned yet.

The realm of battle board expansion will continue, with the trench line being incorperated into one. Other sections will be less imperial, such as a Nid nesting area....i asked about Eldar scenery he said they'd be nice

Speaking of Eldar...got some one on one with Phil Kelly towards to end. Thanked him for the DE book and asked if he would do the Craftworlders when they came round. He said he wasn't sure and didn't want to be typecasted as the Eldar-guy. He also said it would be wierd to go back and change the book, seeing as he wrote the last one.

Sure I'll think of more! And add some pictures....

09-25-2011, 11:31 AM
Thanks DrLove.:) The skimmer thing makes more sense now. I do hope DE get two books.

If Phil Kelly doesn't write the book, I hope to god Cruddace doesn't. Ward I could cope with, his SoB fluff was fine, and even if he goes silly having Eldar look good would make a nice change.:rolleyes: His rules are generally solid, too.

09-25-2011, 11:40 AM
Did anyone get the pictures of the necrons ? aparently they were on show for like an hour ,but we wernt told till the trip home.

This was posted on warseer, don't suppose anyone can just prove this false haha :P

Seriously though, could this have even the slightest shred of credibility?

09-25-2011, 11:52 AM
Managed to get my pictures from Forge World up.

Other than FW I saw nothing new anywhere. Frankly without FW I would never think of going.

Link to pictures: PICTURES (http://recalcitrantdaze.blogspot.com/2011/09/games-day-uk-2011-part-1.html)

09-25-2011, 11:54 AM
Jokaero on Warseer sends a slight correction to the Tantalus:

correct DrLove for me that it IS D6 S7 AP2 against anything with a toughness and 1 S7 2D6 pen against vehicles

The Girl
09-25-2011, 12:40 PM
Does anyone else think that the Storm Guardians look far too muscular??

I'm not digging that either... I like my Eldar graceful and lithe, not looking like someone on Jersey Shore.

Ulthwé Guardian
09-25-2011, 01:14 PM
I photo I took at Games Day UK.

They look like possible Dark Eldar prototypes.

In addition I did take a glimpse at the Imperial Armour 11 and noticed the rules for a Mymeara Farseer that allows you to use additional Heavy support choice.

Also the squad size of Shadow Spectre squad had been increased to 6. No longer will you have to discard that loose squad member if you buy an Exarch! Also, Shadow Spectres I believe are now a fast attack choice.

Ulthwé Guardian
09-25-2011, 01:15 PM
I also saw the rules for the Eldar Phoenix Lord, it seemed to be a she and carries a S7 ranged weapon called the Spear of Sunlight I believe. She had an extensive background that looked like a very interesting read.

09-25-2011, 02:41 PM
Well just got home after a long day at the event.

In a nutshell it was disappointing for me, I did not see anything I had not seen before model wise. The lack of Necron news was quite sad but playing an intro game of Dread fleet hosted by Phil Kelly was awesome. The Armies on Parade also were a high point too. Lots of modellers seem to have taken to using christmas lights on their boards for effects etc was quite funny.

The real low point was access or lack of to the sales stands. It was a long queue (hour and a half for me) to just get into the sales area. Whilst waiting in line the constant badgering of GW staff telling me to come back later was very annoying. However got my Toad Dragon and Tamurkhan book which was nice, also refused to give back the red shopping bag they issued as you entered the purchasing area. I spent £200 in total the bag is mine lol. The free water they handed out whilst waiting in line was a nice touch though. The sales closed early too at 3pm.

My last Games day was 2008, a much bigger event and as far as sales went far better organised and that year was obviously the year of the space marine, a good year with advance purchases.

However this was not just a shopping trip, I saw some amazing game boards and obviously its a good year for WFB. Some amazing games table set ups and all the design team, heavy metal guys etc were all super friendly.

As I said Dread Fleet was lots of fun and I cant wait to get my copy, however some pillock coming over to berate Mr Kelly about some of his pricing of units in one of his codex was not great.

The lack of new models that I had not seen before and lack of Necron news was a let down for me, but I guess if there had been it may have overshadowed Dread fleet.

Sorry no photos as I forget to charge my camera :eek: but then I was up at 5am.

Will I go next year ?, I doubt it. On the drive home with friends we have decided that a trip up to Warhammer World with an overnight stop and a proper beer session in bugmans might be more up our street.

09-25-2011, 03:08 PM


ohhhh i was talking to will haynes as he was packing up and he showed off a turret for the scorpian that should have 3 night spinners on it! sadly he said the boss didnt like it!

only bolsers i saw was sotonshades (were you the guy with halbard/plasmagun or the terminator) and i think i spotted goatboy

we need hats :L


p.s. FW was the best bit there

09-25-2011, 03:21 PM
To Eldargirl and anyone else (including myself) that was hoping the eldar warlock sculpt, eldar storm guardians, imperial guard sculpts and empire engineers with rifles were new sculpts or possible future productions, i spoke at length with a guy who had worked on both the high elf, warlock and storm guardian and they were training/testing pieces.

He was also working on a very nice example of the autarch on the front of the eldar codex.

I did say, you should release these or you know just give me one :D

Either way was a really nice chap, just working on some cool eldar stuff. I hope he gets the chance to do some of any new eldar stuff in the future. The Muscle bound storm guardian was a work in progress and was in scale with current eldar stuff, i think pictures from the front angle make it appear more butch.

09-25-2011, 03:23 PM
Having had a chat to a few FW designers and gone to a couple of design seminars, I asked many questions, and the following is what I remember:

GW are ok with the FW team doing a proper Pre-Heresy set of books, and apparently the more positive feedback given about the current armours and dreadnoughts, the more likely this would come out sooner rather than later.

It was spoken of by the FW guys as more of a foregone conclusion than an uncertainty. I figure they know what a huge seller it would be..

Primarchs were mentioned (and brought up by the designers, not me..), but not necessarily to be modeled, more likely books would deal with Astartes and the varied Crusade Fleets.

FW will end up making more Pre-Heresy items, including more vehicles & Terminator Armours.
Custodes and jetbikes not mentioned, but I'd assume it wouldn't be much of a stretch..

As much as they intend to get it all out, apparently their schedule is very fluid, and even on current projects there is a great amount of flexibility and change between sculpts and tasks.
Lots of different design team members have worked on different versions of the Contemptor since the "blank" sculpt, so I was told.

I also asked whether they would be doing any whole FW armies for 40k, in the way that Warhammer Forge now has the Chaos Dwarfs.

As the rumour mill has occasionally bubbled up, Adeptus Mechanicus, I queried? Both designers present raised an eyebrow and grinned, and said it is certainly a point of interest in the studio..
Again, they said such a thing would arrive at a free point in their schedule, and that it remains quite full at the moment.

The good thing I suppose is that they are interested, and would like to create full 40k supplementary armies along those ideas. I dare say they seem very committed to making more stuff on a regular basis.

To satisfy my own personal interests I asked if there would be anything more for Iron Hands players..
My answer? Same as everything else, in time! Apparently they'd be a big choice for Pre-Heresy stuff, and they'd look at doing Iron Hands dreadnoughts, including a Contemptor.
They'd likely get the shoulderpads and other parts, like bionics.

The way to get what you want? Email, drop suggestions on Facebook, the usual kinda ways. They look interested in taking suggestions, apparently some of their big things have come from single sentences and off-the-cuff ideas.

Also, the Squats really are very dead.
They may get killed by the Tyranids, but during the Great Crusade, they're all on holiday.

So, yeah, I got a good few bits that may mean nothing for ages! Woo!

09-25-2011, 05:03 PM
Loving the IA 11 news!!!! Specially Bran“s miniature, finally!!

And crappy Golden Demon, here from Spain a few painters went with masterpieces, specially a duel between 2 marines, and hardly get any statue... Ok, they prefer to give trophies to blister minis but... I still don“t understand why they underestimate so glorious works!!

09-25-2011, 05:18 PM
The way to get what you want? Email, drop suggestions on Facebook, the usual kinda ways. They look interested in taking suggestions, apparently some of their big things have come from single sentences and off-the-cuff ideas.

After reading that I had to send forge world the suggestion of making packs of Chaos-Lightning claws for CSM terminators. Most people I know would kill for Forgeworld to make some of these.

Even weapons packs for power armored Lords/Champs like they did with the loyalists would be sweet....

Morgan Darkstar
09-25-2011, 05:33 PM


ohhhh i was talking to will haynes as he was packing up and he showed off a turret for the scorpian that should have 3 night spinners on it! sadly he said the boss didnt like it!

only bolsers i saw was sotonshades (were you the guy with halbard/plasmagun or the terminator) and i think i spotted goatboy

we need hats :L


p.s. FW was the best bit there

I also saw mr shades, and if you were in the forgeworld seminar i was the annoying git who asked the question about forgeworld doing primarch models :D


Hats would be cool for next year with "Bols roving reporter" on them

09-25-2011, 09:53 PM
Any whiff of the elysians that were rumoured for IA 11? I was hoping for some Storm troopers and a Commissar.

09-25-2011, 10:38 PM
Anyone make a video of the FW seminar?

I figured after Chicago it'd be a sure thing. I got 6000 views off of the first video alone.

09-25-2011, 10:56 PM
You saw the background and it referred to the Phoenix Lord as a she? You are certain? If so, best news ever.:)

I also saw the rules for the Eldar Phoenix Lord, it seemed to be a she and carries a S7 ranged weapon called the Spear of Sunlight I believe. She had an extensive background that looked like a very interesting read.

09-26-2011, 02:15 AM
Wait wait wait, what's this i hear about the Solitaire getting removed?!?!?!?!:mad::mad:
what's goin on with the Harlequins??

09-26-2011, 02:20 AM
The official reason is story changes, it may be being kept for IA13 if it features Dark Eldar. There was some speculation the official reason is a cover for GW to include it in the new Eldar codex late next year. I doubt this, even though Frgt/10 hints it might be true. He might just be teasing.

09-26-2011, 02:36 AM
I hope it's just a tease, I want my harlequin army back!:(:(

Ulthwé Guardian
09-26-2011, 03:00 AM
You saw the background and it referred to the Phoenix Lord as a she? You are certain? If so, best news ever.:)

Yeah I'm pretty sure she was referred as she, the opening two paragraphs mentioned details about she was taught by Asurmen (she might of been the first to be taught by him, but I think I mis-read that part) and that she was the first to tread the path of the Shadow Spectre. Her Shrine have a close relationship with Mymeara, I didn't quite read rest after that, it was something about that she foresaw the Doom of Mymeara and her shrine might of be unique to Mymeara.

Her whole profile was two pages long, her background took up the whole left page and her characteristics on the right. I think Eldar players will be really satisfied with her as a character.

My details maybe sketchy, I was battling with a kid for a glimpse.

09-26-2011, 03:03 AM
Wahey glad some people noticed me. I have a good few pictures which I'll get up once I have some proper time on a computer (probably later this evening). Unfortunately my costumewas missing quite a few bits, either because they never got finished (glowing bionic eye), didn't survive transport/a birthday party the night before (a large skull shoulder pad) or simply broke during they day (mostly the halberd... didn't help some twonk knocked it over while I was in the convertion comp.)

Speaking of which, I didn't like the new format of the convertion competition. OK, I understand that only having 20 mins meant that they could get more people through more quickly and stopped simply sticking as many bitz to a model as they can get away with (ie to steal), but when my model collapses with 3 seconds to spare, lend me a spare pot of glue outside the area to fix it. Much dissappointed that I didn't get to enter this year.

Will say more when I get my pics up, including a goooood number of the FW IA11 display board, just for eldargirl (and anyone else who didn't get to look at it :P)

09-26-2011, 03:10 AM
Thank you, much appreciated,:)

Will say more when I get my pics up, including a goooood number of the FW IA11 display board, just for eldargirl (and anyone else who didn't get to look at it :P)

Huzzah! Thanks so much,

Yeah I'm pretty sure she was referred as she, the opening two paragraphs mentioned details about she was taught by Asurmen (she might of been the first to be taught by him, but I think I mis-read that part) and that she was the first to tread the path of the Shadow Spectre. Her Shrine have a close relationship with Mymeara, I didn't quite read rest after that, it was something about that she foresaw the Doom of Mymeara and her shrine might of be unique to Mymeara.

Her whole profile was two pages long, her background took up the whole left page and her characteristics on the right. I think Eldar players will be really satisfied with her as a character.

My details maybe sketchy, I was battling with a kid for a glimpse.

Oh, and:

09-26-2011, 05:07 AM
I was in one of the GW & White Dwarf Seminars. Nothing was mentioned about futures projects but they did show us next years White Dwarf Subscription model.

I didn't get a picture but the miniature is Pirate White Dwarf
He has a parrot, A pistol (with a cork and string attached) and has one foot on a chest filled with white dwarf pages.

Ulthwé Guardian
09-26-2011, 05:09 AM
No problem Eldargirl :-)

Now that-za mighty big sword!!!

If you think about it, it's probably the largest sword in 40K. I'm glad they added a ranged weapon to the blade for that little extra kick.

Lars Beernuts
09-26-2011, 05:29 AM
Some thoughts after going to this years Games Day with my good lady. Her first time and my fifth or sixth spread over many years. FYI I've been in the hobby for about 25 years off and on.

White Dwarf Subscriber Seminar - Comms Manager gave a presentation, with a panel of Jervis, White Dwarf ed and a painter dude.

My other half hit it on the head - it was totally patronising. Basically, they nailed down the new regime of telling us nothing of the future until it's immediatly upon us. It's all about generating "excitement" apparently, and therefore don't ask about the future cos we ain't telling you anything. It's their new marketing strategy.

Therefore, from the main design studio all you got was Ogre Kingdoms and Dreadfleet (which incidentally I have no interest in, Space Hulk was an entirely different kettle of fish....). No previews of anything in the future. The big treat for me over the years at games day was seeing what was coming over the next 3 to 6 to 12 months. Big disappointment. Thank goodness for Forgeworld.

A side note relating to late delivery of WD, apparently GW don't control distribution of WD therefore having issues controlling when it's sent out/delivered (again related to control of information). They have obviously had negative feedback on this (due to work commitments I now get WD a week later than I could get it from my FLGS) and are apparently working on a solution to get them out sooner.

Given that they seem to have been listening on that issue maybe they'd listen to negative feedback on their current marketing strategy. I'm certainly going to pass feedback to them once I get a decent email address to send it to.

Other thoughts.

The new shopping area layout didn't work, we were among the first in other than those entering the painting comps and it was already a 4 or 5 deep scrum at the FW stand, at that point I binned the idea of buying anything early, got some BL prints and got out of there. The queue to go shopping was long for the rest of the day, what a waste to see people spending hours queuing rather than looking round.

Next time try the same thing but split out FW into a sperate room/area - FW is always goiing to be popular and therfore difficult to organise. However the advance order service was a breeze, suspect they'll stick with that in the future.

The armies on parade concept is an excellant one, however, the display meant we were too far away to get a good look at the individual minis so you could only get a general impression. Also was it an army painting competition or a test to see who could make the most exceptional display board? Some of the scenary was exceptional but I thought it was about the armies?

I liked that they had both BL and FW seminars available on the day, didn't have time to go to them plus the WD one and get to see everything. I also wish I could face queing to go see the authors and thank them for all the books they've written but I really dislike queuing.

Final thought is why would you buy anything at games day other than FW stuff (post free) and limited edition stuff like the prints I bought? The rest of the stuff is available signficantly cheaper on line - I was tempted to buy some early release BL books but when Amazon is 25% cheaper I don't mind waiting a bit longer.

Apologies for the long rant!


09-26-2011, 05:34 AM
Also theres a slight rule change for the Phantom. He is only hit in combat on 6's (except for Superheavies and Gargants).

So a squad of thunderhammer marines are a much small threat to him! Especially when combined with his invulnerable

09-26-2011, 05:34 AM
Yup, big sword.:) Oh and its rules have been buffed:

Well the new CCW has been show at this years GD and lookes awesome. Its a fricking massive sword!!!
More importantly are the rules tweaks in the Apoc book from the experimentals.

The Phantom got much tougher for your 2500 point investment! Am suitably impressed. If only psychic powers worked on Super heavies...adding some Fortune would be immense.

This was in the new advanced order Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2nd Edition released at Games Day UK yesterday.
The weapon stats have not altered, but the rules on advanced holofields inv save, the Spirits and the Agile rules improved greatly (IMO)
Obviously I cannot reproduce the rules changes here.
But rest assured, the improvements are most intriguing!

09-26-2011, 06:31 AM
Nothing much to add. Attended morning FW seminar and got 2 questions answered. No HH book planned for the foreseeable future & Warlord titan is in the pipeline 1 1/2 - 2 years away.

09-26-2011, 07:12 AM
Hrm, I thought the Phantom was already fairly reasonably priced, probably one of the most reasonably priced Titans, most are horrifically undercosted (e.g. a 2500pt Warlord will easily engage 2500pts of tanks equipped with anti-tank weapons and still easily come out ahead the vast majority of the time). Making it tougher I guess balances it better against other undercosted titans, but makes it more difficult to use with everything else.

That said, the GD as a whole was rather underwhelming sadly from the news that's come out of it. Nothing really of too much interest :(

09-26-2011, 07:49 AM
Another thing that was answered by me is that FW have updated all they can from "thier" books (IA)

The FW models in the Apoc books (including Reload) are in GW's hands. So even though they know the Heirphant needs updating they can't do anything.

They also mentioned one day just comining Apoc 1, 2 and most of reloaded into one massive book

09-26-2011, 10:52 AM
That makes sense, will have to wait for GW to update their rules then. Thugh one of the advantages of Apocalypse is if you are playing it you should have a mature enough group that you can houserule such things.

Ulthwe Guardian, I don't suppose you can remember the ShadowSpectre PLs name?

Brass Scorpion
09-26-2011, 12:02 PM
From BoLS http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2011/09/breaking-gamesday-uk-2011-pics.html:
Sadly, its looking like Gamesdays are becoming the "White Dwarf" of events - oversized, glossy, and ultimately empty and uninspiring.
Very sad and very true. This is the first year since they started holding GD US events that I didn't go to one, I've been to 18 consecutive since 1993 and the past few years they have become a shadow of their former selves. From what I could see of GD US Chicago this year it was virtually EXACTLY the same event as the GD US Baltimore the year before so I was glad I didn't spend the money to travel. It's not like last year's was that great to begin with so no need to repeat it. And it looks like GD UK isn't all that much better either.

Just a few years ago GD events were filled with fantastic seminars, previews of things coming both short and long-term, amazing dressing and atmosphere. Now they are just a big marketing event with almost no atmosphere or anything special to do that you can't see or do at a good local independent or GW game store. It is no longer a celebration of the GW hobby, just a thinly disguised sales event with nothing special to do for anyone who has been to such an event previously. Only the youngest fans going for the very first time will likely find it exciting.

I'm really having trouble keeping my hobby enthusiasm level up these days. I still really enjoy the hobby and find many of GW's new products very exciting, but the company itself and the way they are behaving toward their customers the past couple years is really dampening my enthusiasm and excitement level. Needless to say, this not only negatively impacts what I'm doing with the hobby these days, but what and how much I buy as well.

09-26-2011, 12:02 PM
I also spoke to the Forge World guys, I asked if they were ever planning on continuing the Imperial Masterclass Book. They said they will be releasing Volume two in the near future.
Also it is possible that they will release more of the 2'x2' (realm of battle board) tiles with detail built in. They spoke of working on one with the anphelion terrain built into it.

09-26-2011, 03:51 PM
or anything special to do that you can't see or do at a good local independent or GW game store.

I totally agree with this. Just last week I was sat in my store having an early game of dreadfleet with Phil Kelly and talking to him about design choices in the DE codex. I frequently sit down in store and talk about WD and specialist games with Jervis. I almsot have too many occasions to count where I can go to my store and talk to Will Hayes about Eldar design philosophy or Alan Bligh about what would be good in future IA books and giving feedback (asked by him) on what rules needed changing. And what local store is complete without tables with scale replicas of Orthanc and massive battles with amazing over the top terrain side by side with some of the most talented painters best models on show.

09-26-2011, 04:45 PM
I just got back home at Games Day this year was worse than last year and last years GD was horrible.
This year some genius decided it would be a great idea to put the GW, BL and FW sales area in the same place. 8 hour event with a 3-4 hour queue just to get to buy something. Why do they even sell regular GW stuff there? You pay 40£ or whatever it is so you can go inside and buy GW stuff at regular retail price? They should only sell stuff that hasn't been released yet and the only ones to do so are FW and BL.

I hardly got to do anything at all, spent 6 hours in queues and the rest trying to find the ppl I wanted to interview only to find out they now completely refuse to do recorded interviews...

Morgan Darkstar
09-26-2011, 05:14 PM
Well i won't say that I didn't enjoy Games Day, I did. However it should be so much better! The one thing that really disappointed me, was the lack of Necrons.

At Games Day last year they announced Dark Eldar, and previewed their models.
Suffice to say when the models were released, I went out and bought a small force of them.

I am still going on the presumption that Necrons will be released in November and that the only reason they didn't preview them, is because of the "We will only announce one week in advance that something is being released" policy.

Are they mad? it's like missing a chance to advertise a product at the Superbowl! "and before anyone says that they didn't want overshadow Dreadfleet, it was always going to sell out, so it's not much of an excuse."

this policy is beginning to get on my nerves. It is supposedly meant to create more hype and enthusiasm to the releases. I find however that it is doing the opposite. my enthusiasm is decreasing for the products and the hobby in general. :(

I can only hope that GW will realise that it's going in the wrong direction and change course SOON!

Perhaps a lengthy chat with the manager at my local GW will help? probably not but maybe if we all did it the message might start to get through


Sorry about the lack of GD pics my camera died after taking a pic of the drop pod outside :(

09-27-2011, 12:21 AM
I'll post on here what I posted on warseer, though bear in mind what I posted there was definitely aimed at the seasoned moaners, we all know the ones, the people who moan about everything GW does and then keep buying/supporting these events.

The original oxymorons you could say.

Gamesday is what you make of it, I went there hoping to see New Necrons, I know they've been resculpted ages ago, even got told they'd been done by Ted Williams when he was design studio head.

Thanks to flights I had to leave the event by 12am, that meant only two hours realistically of having a look around and chatting with people.

But as with what I said above Gamesday is what you make of it, there's no point going for just one specific reason. I went around had a loads of conversations with design studio guys, eavy metal painters and forgeworld staff and I STILL had a good time. I got loads of helpful tips and suggestions for sculpting (especially cloth) as well as new ideas and inspiration for getting myself sculpting as much as possible again.

Jes was an absolute legend, great guy, down to earth and you could chat and joke with him about anything, got tons of useful info from him (and my mug will probably end up on one of the GW vids as the chat went on so long we got filmed).

Edgar over at forgeworld was brilliant too, doesn't matter how good or bad or how much you do or don't know about sculpting, what they had to say was easy to grasp and interesting.

I might only have been there two and a bit hours inside but I had a good laugh, learned loads, got inspired, made some new friends and picked up some contacts. All in just two hours, will I be going next year?

Damn straight,

You get out what you put in, put nothing in, you get nothing out.

Though I'll add here I didn't buy anything, I was possibly only after the throne of chaos book but that was just something which tickled my fancy and not something I was dying to get, so I missed all the queuing fun that many of you seemed to experience.

I think the primary reason I still go is to catch up with some mates (some of who I only get to see once or twice a year), look at the GD pieces, get help and info in both painting and sculpting (and this year was really good on the later front).

09-27-2011, 12:30 AM
There was apparently a girl dressed as a Witch Elf at Games Day, with an extremely high quality costume. I don't suppose anyone managed to get a picture of her, I have an interest in quality cosplay costumes.

Well said Mr Build.:) What disturbs me is how many people are saying 'it was even worst than last years!'. What? There was a buit of whining about the way the sales were handled last year but the Dark Eldar unveiling was hugely popular, even on Warseer there wasn't much whining? It is like people deliberately screen out the good bits so they can continue to moan about things.

09-27-2011, 01:23 AM
For me the absolute best bit was playing Dread Fleet with Phil Kelly, Great game and very nice bloke.

I showed the Mrs a picture of the drop pod and before I even asked I was told 'NO' we dont need one in the garden. :(

09-28-2011, 06:50 AM
I was also gutted to find no necrons at all as I was hoping I'd be coming home from gamesday and start dusting off my necrons.

I did play Dreadfleet and enjoyed commanding my iron dwarf ship with the flamethrower, however as fun as it was I still can't see the need for the £70 pricetag. Anyone notice how GW removed Dreadfleet from the site on sunday convinced it was going to sell out at gamesday only to put if back up on monday?

I heard the White Dwarf team got a grilling at their seminar from angry subscribers who don't like getting their white dwarf a week late and the fact they refused to answer question about any future releases only talking about how exciting white dwarf is!?!

09-28-2011, 10:23 AM
If you think about it, it's probably the largest sword in 40K.

You obviously haven't seen the pictures of my warlord then :P

As for Gamesday being worse than before... well, it did seem to lack a bit of excitement for some reason, and it did feel more cramped (though what do you expect with less floor space and more tickets sold?)

I remember games Days gone by when EVERY store had to bring a board of their own, and every gaming club was invited to bring a board too. I also remember weeks of Vets nights where my local GWs staff couldn't really do much because they were struggling to come up with yet another unique game/board, let alone where they were going to find the money in their budget to build such a thing. Certainly in those rose tinted days I never saw a 20' tall chaos fortress with a working bubbling blood fountain, or a Battle of Five armies board with something that actually approached being a mountin in the correct scale on it. I think GW may have gone too far toward grand spectacle games utilising the efforts of multiple stores and would like to see a few more games to take part in; a few more special variations of 40k we may never get to see again, maybe another version of WFB Horse racing, or even a LoTR Orc vs WFB Orc vs 40k Ork showdown (not sure I'm the one to work out the mechanics of that but there are a lot of cra... I mean, um... inventive staff in GW's stores). And Damn it all, I want to see 40k scale Aeronautica Imperialis again! FW, please let us do 30 aircraft per side on a huge sky coloured area, with someone in a 1940's RAF issue mustache and flying goggles!

Personnally, I wasn't over fussed about not seeing Necrons. When I started playing 40k, the internet was in it's infancy. I know for sure I ddin't get to use the internet for anything but homework until a few years later, so I remember only hearing about new releases a week, maybe two, in advance of release day, and only then by word of mouth from the employees at the store. Ok, I was young, nieve and a fair bit cuter back then, but I remember the crusty old veterans getting just as excited about seeing a Land Raider kit for the first time in a decade. I'm sure it won't be long before we are all used to not knowing about what is coming until a vague hint in the previous month's white dwarf. When we are used to it, we will get very excited, very quickly. We probably won't demand that something that may or may not be fully finished be unveiled months in advance of release and be thoroughly dissappointed when it isn't. You know what? I'm kinda looking forward to that.

Well, that was supposed to be a short reply... still not gotten round to the pics but will asap

09-28-2011, 01:59 PM
Gamesday is what you make of it
While true, this seems off-kilter - you can have fun just about anywhere, but when one buys lodging, travel and tickets to a gaming event put on by a multi-million dollar company, it shouldn't also be your responsibility to also bring the fun because the company in question just can't be bothered.

If Games Day UK '11 was anything like some of the recent lackluster US Games Days - and from all descriptions, it very much was - then people have every right to "moan." It's not cheap to get into Games Day, and from the experience of Games Days past, we all know that GW has the ability to put on an event that's worth the price of admission. If they don't want to do that anymore, well, that's fine. Other gaming companies have been having a field day this year, picking up steam where GW's incredibly inept PR operation has failed, so I dont' see why the pattern oughtn't continue unabated.

09-28-2011, 04:04 PM
I remember games Days gone by when EVERY store had to bring a board of their own, and every gaming club was invited to bring a board too.

Yeah I can remember last year my gaming club had a fun quick game planned called the orklympiks with a mixture of all the basic olympics games with an orky twist. We were even going to make the stadium.

Then GW threw the new rules at us! Must only use GW terrain and board, basic rules and can't be based off a scene from a movie or video game. With no surprise gaming clubs refused to do GW's job for them. It was only a month before hand that GW lifted these rules and only 1 or 2 gaming club could make the deadline.

I miss the fun small gaming the GCN provided at past gamesday whether it be Squig Racing with crazy obstacles or a fun 'Rambo' game where everyone starts off with 10 wounds and 1 for all the other stats and for each wounds he takes the other stats increase by 1. They were quick games you could just join and play for 10-15 mins which allowed you to play most of them.

GW really have ruined they're relationship with the CGN, Heck! they decided to charge the first company vets; the gaming club at Warhammer World an addtional £1000 to their £1200 hall rental fee for 1 day events. Now they run their events at Maelstrom Games :p

09-28-2011, 04:23 PM
I was expecting some people to pick up at least some of this, but as no-one has, I thought I'd throw it out there. I didn't post straight away due to having persuaded the wife into going to Games Day by taking her to the Hilton across the way, and meandering home pretty slowly over a course of days afterwards! First time posting, so if I've just missed an old thread that meant it was old news, apologies...

Where things are in quotes, some paraphrasing may be happening - its been a few days since this was all said and I wasn't transcribing everything!

Second Forgeworld Seminar:

- I got the impression that while they would be doing more work on bits of Heresy era stuff, they wouldn't necessarily do anything Heresy _specific_ (IE: Anything that dates from the Heresy that hasn't survived to the 41st Millennium). This is just an impression, as I don't recall the exact wording - there was a lot of banter around things.

- The vote on the Macharius Omega was held in the second seminar as well, and most people didn't like the name either.

- When asked why Forgeworld didn't do more Necron stuff, Tony said that given the age of the Codex, it was probably better for them to wait until after a new codex was released...

- They will be revisiting old scenery products, possibly including the Fortress Walls, with the new hollow resin technique they are using, and intend to do more battle board sections as well as smaller pieces. These pieces should be significantly cheaper as the new technique uses less resin.

- Mark 1 Thunder Armour. Its really weird looking, and Tony wasn't sure it would able to be compatible with the other marks of power armour. Possibly something for the future, but nothing definite.

- Would they do books of tanks and background without the supporting miniatures? Probably not - because everyone would then be upset they couldn't have the miniatures.

- Monstrous Arcana would have rules to use the monsters for both Storm of Magic and normal games of Warhammer.

The definite impression I got was that Tony was being pretty up front about how Forgeworld operates. They have a limited number of person hours available to make stuff, and there is a vast ton of stuff they would love to do - from Ad Mech to scenery to Titans... Almost everything he was asked about making got a pretty clear answer - not in terms of _when_ but of how they would make the decision about when to do it, based on resourcing, demand and time constraints.

There was also some interesting commentary on how Games Workshop / Forgeworld make liaise about what Forge World is working on. Tony was pretty adamant he wasn't dictated to by the Design Studio, and that his office was only a door or so away from the chap on the GW end he needed to liaise with, so they communicated pretty regularly about stuff.

Design Studio Seminar (4):

Wade Pryce, the Studio Communications Manager, did most of the talking. Jervis, the WD Editor, and one of the hobby chaps were the three people on the panel.

I was desperately disappointed with the quality of the questions. With Wade making it absolutely clear that the seminar was not about upcoming releases and questions about upcoming stuff would not be answered . . . about half the questions were about upcoming releases. Of the rest of the questions, most were confrontational "Is GW about to mess us about?" type questions, when there was a really good opportunity to try and understand _why_ GW is making the decisions they are.

So, what was said that hasn't been reported elsewhere?

- The "reason" why Stormraven Gunships are Blood Angels and Grey Knights only is because . . . that's what the background GW have written says. I suspect most people tuned out at this point, but what was said next was interesting. More or less: "That's not to say that other Chapters don't have other gunships. I can tell you now that they do. We just haven't written about them yet."
(So, in short: we didn't want to backdate Stormravens into other Chapters, but given everyone is screaming for gunships, we aren't averse to putting new types of gunships into other Chapters...)

- Wade Pryce got as close to an apology about Finecast as I've heard without saying "sorry". He said that he (and GW) accepted that the quality of the Finecast models at the start had not been great, but that he was pretty confident it was now sorted. He also was very clear that if you were not happy about something you should contact GW directly about it, as they do listen to feedback. This was repeated on quite a few controversial things throughout the seminar, so I'm willing to see if his money is where his mouth is on that one and will be dropping him a line in the near future.

- Release schedules and advanced information: You've heard this spiel by now. But he did say up front "This is an experiment. If everyone hates it, we'll change back. Tell us if you don't like it." But effectively: "We want everyone to find out at the same time, either through White Dwarf, or through the Advanced Order section of our website."

- White Dwarf subscription deliveries. They said that it was not intended for people to get their White Dwarf a week after everyone else - but that no-one should be getting it early. The reason for this was to match the desire to control information about releases. This meant that as the vagaries of the postal service can't be relied on, it was likely that for the near future at least, people were not going to be getting their White Dwarf on the day...
However: He did say that he didn't like that, and wanted to change it, but while they were using outsourced distributors (can back this up, my letter about delayed release of White Dwarf this month had writing on it saying that it was by some big magazine distribution company), they weren't able to do that - but that was something they were looking at fixing.

- When discussing the hard backed Warhammer Armies books, he mentioned that he'd been asked when that would be done for 40K. His response? "Well, if I were you, I'd notice that we started doing full colour, hard backed army books after we'd done a full colour Warhammer core rulebook. So I'd be looking out for hardbacked codexes after we published a new, full colour 40K rulebook..."
(Seriously, why has no-one picked up on this comment before? Have I just missed someone posting on this?)

- Jervis, on why they developed Dreadfleet: "Because I don't _just_ want to be doing old stuff all the time. I want to do new, cool, and exciting things. I want to do stuff that means in five or ten years time, people are bugging me about 'Why don't you redo Dreadfleet?' in the same way that you do about Blood Bowl, Necromunda or Man o war."

- The Squats are a running joke at these seminars, it seems. They're dead, live with it.

- On specialist games: "Its not fair on our staff to expect them to be experts in every game they do. Particularly with the one man stores, we expect them to be experts in Warhammer, 40K and Lord of the Rings. That's a lot of stuff for them to know. These games have a strong following in gaming clubs and similar, and we support them by making most of the rules available as free downloads, and keeping the old models available."
(Honestly, if he'd just said "Shelf space", I'd have been OK with it.)

- When asked about whether or not any old models would no longer be available when GW moved over entirely to Finecast, they stated that they intended to keep on making the classic models they are doing, and they even sometimes brought old models back into production, such as with the Hall of Fame miniatures. In particular, if they were to have another old Hall of Fame miniature voted in that wasn't currently available, it would almost certainly be made available in Finecast. Things drop off the production map if no-one ever buys them, rather than because of a move over to Finecast.

That is now pretty much all I can recall on Games Day, but I recall anything else, I will post it up!

09-28-2011, 06:51 PM
I remember games Days gone by when EVERY store had to bring a board of their own

This is happening for OZ Gamesday. The board from my local GW looks so awesome, can't wait to see the others.

And even if OZ gamesday is a disappointment, at least I get a weekend away and nice 20 hours of driving.

Morgan Darkstar
09-28-2011, 08:00 PM
Gir I hope you and the other BoLs antipodians, who are going to gamesday will be taking lots of pics :D

looking forward to seeing them.

09-28-2011, 09:27 PM
Gir I hope you and the other BoLs antipodians, who are going to gamesday will be taking lots of pics :D

looking forward to seeing them.

I will do this thing.

Looking forward to Golden Deamon. My vindicator I entered for a joke (there was only one entry at the time, so I figured I'd go for it) made it to nationals some how.

09-29-2011, 01:00 AM
While true, this seems off-kilter - you can have fun just about anywhere, but when one buys lodging, travel and tickets to a gaming event put on by a multi-million dollar company, it shouldn't also be your responsibility to also bring the fun because the company in question just can't be bothered.

If Games Day UK '11 was anything like some of the recent lackluster US Games Days - and from all descriptions, it very much was - then people have every right to "moan." It's not cheap to get into Games Day, and from the experience of Games Days past, we all know that GW has the ability to put on an event that's worth the price of admission. If they don't want to do that anymore, well, that's fine. Other gaming companies have been having a field day this year, picking up steam where GW's incredibly inept PR operation has failed, so I dont' see why the pattern oughtn't continue unabated.

Exactly, £30 ticket and £85 on fuel plus all the money spent on food and drinks at NEC prices. Whilst I really enjoyed the dread fleet game, had I known how disappointing the rest of the show was going to be I wouldn't have gone. Wont be making the same mistake next year.

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
09-29-2011, 02:57 AM
I was planning to go too, to the Aus Gamesday, but then luck strikes me down, or Nurgle, and i got the bad side of the flu and layed up in bed now.

Maybe next year i can plan it even better.

09-29-2011, 03:30 AM
I tried to force my Australian friend to go to Games Day Antipode but he said it would be 'a cold day in hell before he voluntarily goes to Sydney airport. Or sydney, for that matter'. So no Black Library anthology for Eldargal.:( First time no one I knew personally went to GD UK for various reasons.

09-29-2011, 09:36 AM
Finally uploading pics, should be on here in a few mins... unless upload doesn't finish before I need to go to work

09-29-2011, 09:45 AM
I tried to force my Australian friend to go to Games Day Antipode but he said it would be 'a cold day in hell before he voluntarily goes to Sydney airport. Or sydney, for that matter'. So no Black Library anthology for Eldargal.:( First time no one I knew personally went to GD UK for various reasons.

EG--- It appears that you can order them online from Black Library...

09-29-2011, 10:32 AM
Oh, I thought they were Games Day only? Odd.

09-29-2011, 04:13 PM
My post from yesterday evening has now been released from the spam filters, thanks to bigred. It includes a few rumour worthy comments and so forth I've not seen elsewhere.

09-29-2011, 10:05 PM
Thanks for the info, responsibleone! Interesting stuff, especially about the heavy restrictions on rumors and previews.

IDesign Studio Seminar (4): [...]

I was desperately disappointed with the quality of the questions. With Wade making it absolutely clear that the seminar was not about upcoming releases and questions about upcoming stuff would not be answered . . . about half the questions were about upcoming releases.
This. This forever. I attended a Games Day Developer panel a few years back, and had the exact same experience. It was insanely embarrassing. Yes, we all love rumors and hints, but if the guys say, from the get-go, that they can't say anything about future releases, don't ask them. It's rude. The end.

09-30-2011, 12:17 AM
Or conversely,

The company can take it as a sign of what their customers expect from them as paying attendees and change their policies accordingly, or face the consequences of them.

09-30-2011, 05:51 AM
I tried to force my Australian friend to go to Games Day Antipode but he said it would be 'a cold day in hell before he voluntarily goes to Sydney airport. Or sydney, for that matter'. So no Black Library anthology for Eldargal.:( First time no one I knew personally went to GD UK for various reasons.
Yeah, I forgot how terrible Sydney is. Oh well, should be worth it.

09-30-2011, 09:32 AM
Just a polite reminder Mr Soton Shades, still waiting on those pictures.:p

Will say more when I get my pics up, including a goooood number of the FW IA11 display board, just for eldargirl (and anyone else who didn't get to look at it :P)

I've not been there (or to Australia) since I was six, but none of my Australian friends are particularly warm towards the place. Even the one at lives there. Not into WFB or 40k or I'd send her along.

Yeah, I forgot how terrible Sydney is. Oh well, should be worth it.

10-01-2011, 04:47 AM
sorry eldargirl. Working a 60 hour week in 4 days is hard, and apparently flickr has decided it needs a massage!?! will keep trying to get my pics on here!

10-01-2011, 05:01 AM
That's alright, just making sure you hadn't forgotten.;)

10-01-2011, 05:46 AM

Well that is my flickr photostream, with all the pics in it. You whould find the IA11 pics in amongst them. a few personal highlights below;

Flying, ghostl galleons are a lot of fun.

Re-birth of an icon. Apparently the hardest part of this model was getting the tracks to fit properly... I'm sure as modellers we all know that means that this FW kit could be an absolute pain to put together when it eventually comes out.

There you go eldargirl... more in the photostream of course. Another really beautiful display from FW, a great selection of different models and some fantastic scenery! Here's a link to the first photo of the board (so you don't have to spend toooo long searching)

Aaaaand the almost obligatory shot of the Drop pod on entry. Before long THQ are going to have a full motorpool from a Space Marine Armoury... Personnally I cannot wait to see a life size dreadnought!

Newho, that's it from me for now. Hope you enjoy.

10-01-2011, 06:08 AM
Thank you!:)

10-01-2011, 07:17 AM
OZ games day was so much fun. Heaps of space, plenty of awesome stuff to look at and do. No new stuff on show though. Will post up photos after my10 hour drive home tomorrow.