View Full Version : 'Ard Boyz Bug List need imput

09-23-2011, 12:00 PM
I'm working on building 2500pt competitive list so far I'm up to 1525. All input/ideas appreciated.


24x termagaunts
12x genestealers
12x genestealers
12x genestealers
23x hormagaunts
23x hormagaunts

3x Raveners w/rending claws

Trygon Prime

These are pretty much all the bugs i have after a crazed week on Ebay looking to expand.

Basically the plan would be to march the terms/horms and swarmlord across the table and have the Trygon and Raveners deepstrike leaving the genestealers to either outflank or use the trygon's tunnel depending on when they come in/enemy position.

So....I have 975pts to fill in gaps. I was thinking another Trygon, maybe some zoaies in a pod, hive guard, broodlord/s...if anything i want to increase the number of troops because i just love the feel of giant swarm of bugs so i certainly need something to take out blast weapons asap...any suggestions?

09-23-2011, 01:51 PM
You need anti-tank. That means some Hive Guard and Zoanthropes.

You should also trade out some of those gaunts with a Tervigon. You still get the gaunts, but you also get to throw around some army buffs and get a scoring monstrous creature.

Two monstrous creature and 3 ravagers are going to get shot to death without doing much, so you need some other big stuff to help draw fire.

Fry Globes
09-23-2011, 05:15 PM
if you're working towards a reserves list by including the swarm lord i would recommend the following;

genestealers as troops (not by any means your sole type of)
y 'stealers
zoanthropes in pods
iirc swarmlord has hive commander which lets him nominate one troop and let it outflank, could be fun to use this

be warned, at 2500 point level you'll be wishing you could sell your soul for just one extra elite slot and even troops choices get tight