View Full Version : 2k Eldar, Eldrad vs you

09-22-2011, 08:36 AM
Here is an army that Eldrad grew himself, and found what few aspect warriors were available to man his creations:




5 fire dragon
-wave serpent (TL cannon, cannon, stones)

5 fire dragon
-wave serpent (TL cannon, cannon, stones)

5 fire dragon
-wave serpent (TL cannon, cannon, stones)


5 avenger
-wave serpent (TL scat, cannon, stones)

5 avenger
-wave serpent (TL scat, cannon, stones)

5 avenger
-wave serpent (TL scat, cannon, stones)

5 avenger


3 warwalker (2 x scat, 2 x scat, 2 x scat)

3 warwalker (2 x scat, 2 x scat, 2 x scat)

Falcon (scat, cannon, holofield, stones)

So what's the deal? Eldrad rides in falcon with 5 avengers, guiding and fortuning the war walkers depending on which is more needed. The walkers don't outflank they sit back with the falcon, and get screened by the avenger wave serpents so that only their guns stick out (ty reroll cover saves!).

Fire dragons teach people what a tank shock is, and blow up things that scat lasers wont.

Eldrad just sits back all game killing ur psychers and being a boss in general. Dire avengers never disembark no matter what ever.

How would your army crush this force? Where will Eldrad's creations fail in the field of battle? How much ****ing str 6 is that? Wtf are they going to do against armor 12 wall?

Point out weaknesses go!

Fry Globes
09-23-2011, 04:58 PM
my problem when trying to use s6 spam lately is FnP, specifically blood angels and deathguard, scatterlasers work because they have a good number of shots that wound well and force armour saves, when the number of failed saves gets cut in half by FnP they start to become depressingly ineffective

fire dragons can strike hard at these ablative infantry but they are usually needed to crack tanks and other extreme threats before hitting troops and they are commonly expended after a single attack

i worry that the anti-tank of your army as a whole is resting too much on your melta toting aspect warriors, AV 12 spam is common and s6 can only do so much suppression. a serpent or two with TL EML instead of scatters would give you more options to stay at arms length with nasty stuff

09-23-2011, 11:43 PM
I'm worried that this is the most boring, spammed list that I have ever seen! Oh wait, no it isn't, it looks almost exactly like every other Eldar list out. I mean really how much time did you spend coming up with this list (about long enough to read every other Eldar army list on Bell of Lost Souls, and Warseer combined).
The Eldar aren't a perfect army, but they have more units in the codex than Eldrad, fire dragons, Dire Avengers, and War Walkers. Don't get me wrong, I think those units are cool, but you have the most boring list in the world. Have you ever tried putting a legitimate list together that you actually thought of yourself? Why does every Eldar player post the same list as everyone else and then ask what do you think of my list? It is the same as the other 5 billion Eldar army list!

09-24-2011, 01:47 AM
Firstly in competitive play now days 7 (I assume the falcon is av12) av12 vehicles does not present much of a challenge for alot of armies. A foot guard variation consisting of 36 autocannons on average will pen 6 a turn. Then there are the storm troopers to contend with which whilst certainly not the most effective unit in the codex will get either 0.45-1.1 pens a turn and can disrupt you line sufficiently the fire dragons will be one of the more effective units in the game normally, but as Fry said s6 against marines with the amount of FnP around is not impressive and will not kill many vehicles so I don't know enough about Eldar but I wouldn't say they should bother with scatter lasers. Once those fire dragons die, which is the turn after they land, you have only ineffective anti tank left maybe popping one or two transports a turn. Finally, once those twenty odd avengers are out of their transports they will die very quickly leaving you with no troop choices. Personally I would say this list is way to fragile to try and make a parking lot with, if you changed your tactic and got more anti tank higher then s6 it would work much better but as such I don't like it.

Wolf Brother Hellstrom
09-26-2011, 11:24 AM
to be honest this list will get schooled by any decent Dark eldar or space wolf list i can write. with all the dark lances, blasters, pfists, and missiles launcers to wreck your vehicles especially if you dont get first turn. once thats accomplished there isnt enough close combat to hold off any kind of decent assualt. sorry bro but the eldar dex is almost as old as CSM and and while can still compete somewhat, they are in need a of a update real bad

09-30-2011, 05:39 PM
to be honest this list will get schooled by any decent Dark eldar or space wolf list i can write. with all the dark lances, blasters, pfists, and missiles launcers to wreck your vehicles especially if you dont get first turn. once thats accomplished there isnt enough close combat to hold off any kind of decent assualt. sorry bro but the eldar dex is almost as old as CSM and and while can still compete somewhat, they are in need a of a update real bad

It's an alpha strike list, designed to be able to take a good deal of punishment in its core (eldrad falcon + warwalkers getting fortuned cover saves). I am quite sure de and wolves will be able to bring a lot of fire to bear at 2k, but how much can they take?

15 missile guys, I can hand them (up to) 48 guided str 6 shots, 12 twinlinked str 6 shots, 4 regular str 6 shots, all at range 36. Closing in to 24 will give another 9 twinlinked str 6, 21 regular str 6. And then of course there are the fire dragons, 15 bs4 melta shots, all seperate targets than my troop squads.

So easily 45+ wounds from one round of shooting at 36", after having moved 12", meaning fangs not in reserved are getting chewed up anywhere on the board. Same thing for de skimmers.

So if the argument is well if you have to go second you will take losses, think what will happen if the other army goes second. Also, walkers can sit behind the troop wave serpents, with their scatlasers sticking out over the wings of the serpents for los. Staying close to eldrad will provide the option for Fortuned cover save tech on these boys. Even at armor 10, negating 3/4 results on 6 walkers with blistering return fire potential is not an easy thing to simply point and shoot at.

To the guy posting about how this army is spammy, boring, and w/e other adjectives he threw in:

It's eldar man calm down.

This is good, keep up the criticisms it is the only way to progress and has given me things to think about. If you do beleive you can demech 13 eldar armor values with ease please give a little explanation of your tech. I have always found eldar vehicles to be some of the more resilient things in this game.