View Full Version : 1500 point guard.

09-18-2011, 11:00 PM
Hey guys I have been thinking about taking this list to a tournament next month Composition is scored by player vote at the beginning of the event so I don't really feel like spamming any one thing.

1500 Points:

Company Command squad: 4x plasma Gun, Chimera
165 points

0 points

Veteran Squad: Gunnery Sergeant Harker, 3x plasma gun 1x autocannon,
180 Points

Infantry Platoon:
Platoon Command Squad, Flamer x4, Chimera
(2x) Infantry squad, 1x Mortar
(2x) Special Weapons Squad 3x Demo Charge
405 Points

Fast attack:
Vendetta Gunship, 3x twin linked lascannon
130 Points

Vendetta Gunship, 3x twin linked lascannon
130 points

Heavy support:

160 points
Leman Russ ex armor
165 Points
Leman russ, ex armor
165 points

Plan is for special weapon guys to start in vendettas and mess up someones world asap, infantry squads sit on objectives or blob up in Kill Points. And yes I realize their are 0 melta guns in the army but frankly I'm not too awful worried about armor we really don't see many land raiders and I'm the only guard player locally. So any thoughts???

09-25-2011, 04:22 PM
Given your local meta i like it.

I run a similar list and have to take a lot more meltas due to the local groups