View Full Version : IG 2000pt list

Morgan Darkstar
09-16-2011, 08:59 AM
My 2000pt IG list

Looking for a way to improve this list, while also keeping it fun to play/play against.


Company Command Squad, with autocannon & regimental standard

Lord Commissar, power sword & plasma pistol


Platoon Command Squad, with autocannon

3x Infantry Squads, with autocannon

2x Heavy Weapon Squads, with lascannons

Heavy Weapon Squad, with autocannon

Veteran Squad (1), 3x meltagun, plasma pistol & grenadiers (these go in valkyre)

Veteran Squad (2), 3x plasma gun & plasma pistol (these go in chimera)

Dedicated Transport

Chimera, with multi-laser & heavy bolter

Fast Attack

Valkyre, with multi-laser & multiple rocket pods

3x Armoured Sentinel's, with lascannons

3x Scout Sentinel's, with multi-lasers

Heavy Support

Leman Russ Battle Tank, with 3x heavy flamers

Leman Russ Executioner, with 2x plasma cannons & lascannon

Leman Russ Vanquisher, with lascannon

Total 2000pts

Comments criticism and suggestions are very much welcome.

Morgan Darkstar
09-16-2011, 07:52 PM
No one got anything good/bad so say about this list? l am thinking of using it for a game tomorrow.

Fry Globes
09-17-2011, 12:03 AM
what are your intentions for the lord commissar? it looks like you could save points by including a normal commissar in one of your infantry squads, other than it would be good if you could a afford a chimera to chuck your command squad into, some special weapons on them would give them more bite too, plasma is very handy and if your command squad has a medic its much harder to kill yourself overheating

09-17-2011, 02:09 AM
I like it in that its not the usual Vendetta/Chimelta/Autocannon spam list we run into. Personally I hate blob squads (I think they're not good units at all) so I wouldn't need the Commissar. I also don't put many heavy weapons in my basic infantry squads which tends to keep them more mobile. Love that you are using Sentinels, my personal favorite is the Armoured Sentinel with a plasma cannon. He's expensive but his BS3 is less of a handicap.

Overall I like your list because you aren't listening to the internet (much) but I would try and get some more mobile scoring units. My IG lists all include 2 squads of veterans in Chimeras, a Platoon command squad and 3 infantry squads on foot and all unencumbered by heavy weapons as well as a special weapons team or 2 with 3x Flamers. This is all in addition to the heavy weapon squads, 2 more infantry squads with lascannons, and a platoon commander with an autocannon. (Generally I spend around 1000-1100 points on Troops with IG.) This gives you tons of scoring units both mobile and static. It bleeds KP's but its the only way to grab multiple objectives with this army.

Morgan Darkstar
09-17-2011, 08:25 AM
The lord commissar was mainly there as an anchor point for the infantry squads and command squads.

an alternate list could be.


Company Command Squad, with autocannon & regimental standard


Platoon Command Squad, with autocannon

3x Infantry Squads, with x3 flamers & commissar with plasma pistol

2x Heavy Weapon Squads, with x3 lascannons

Heavy Weapon Squad, with x3 autocannons

Veteran Squad (1), 3x meltagun, plasma pistol & grenadiers (these go in valkyre)

Veteran Squad (2), 3x plasma gun & plasma pistol (these go in chimera)

Dedicated Transport

Chimera, with multi-laser & heavy bolter

Fast Attack

Valkyre, with multi-laser & multiple rocket pods

3x Armoured Sentinel's, with lascannons

3x Scout Sentinel's, with multi-lasers

Heavy Support

Leman Russ Battle Tank, with lascannon & heavy flamers

Leman Russ Executioner, with lascannon & plasma cannons

Leman Russ Vanquisher, with lascannon

Total 1975pts

what to do with those spare 25pts? could drop the flamers and the plasma pistol and take pask in the vanquisher.

09-17-2011, 10:48 AM
Heavy Bolters on the Valkyrie and Extra Armor on the Chimera. 9 shots and 2 rocket pods makes a decent mess and in my experience extra armor can come in real handy from time to time.

Morgan Darkstar
09-17-2011, 08:21 PM
Ok not many changes but the final list is going to be.


Company Command Squad, with autocannon & regimental standard


Platoon Command Squad, with autocannon.

3x Infantry Squads, with krak grenades, x3 flamers & commissar with plasma pistol.

2x Heavy Weapon Squads, with x3 lascannons.

Heavy Weapon Squad, with x3 autocannons.

Veteran Squad (1), 3x meltagun, plasma pistol & grenadiers (these go in valkyre)

Veteran Squad (2), 3x plasma gun & plasma pistol (these go in chimera)

Dedicated Transport

Chimera, with multi-laser & heavy bolter.

Fast Attack

Valkyre, with multi-laser & multiple rocket pods

3x Armoured Sentinel's, with lascannons

3x Scout Sentinel's, with multi-lasers

Heavy Support

Leman Russ Battle Tank, with lascannon & heavy flamers

Leman Russ Executioner, with lascannon & plasma cannons

Leman Russ Vanquisher, with lascannon

Total 2000pts

Hopefully it will do well today, I may write up a battle report on how things go.