View Full Version : Stopping the Green Tide!

Brosef Stalin
09-15-2011, 05:01 PM
Hey y'all!

So, I'm a Vanilla Space Marine player (until that new Necron codex shows up), but I pretty regularly get butchered by a friend of mine who plays Orks. I was wondering what units in the Space Marine codex really put a stop to 'em?

I haven't tried a Whirlwind yet, are they actually worth it? I'm truthfully not blown away by how they look on paper....

09-15-2011, 07:26 PM
Have you tired thunder fire cannons or 6 dreads if you take M.o.F

Morgan Darkstar
09-15-2011, 07:37 PM
2 whirlwinds + 1 predator annihilator works quite well backed up with landspeeders & attack bikes

09-15-2011, 09:06 PM
What style of Orks does your friend play? Just tell us in general what his list is like and we'll be able to give you some pointers.

09-15-2011, 09:36 PM
The Dakka Predator (HB sponsons + Autocannon turret) is good against a lot of things, Orks included; it will take their vehicles out easily and can put a lot of wounds on Boyz. The Thunderfire Cannon was mentioned- in general it's pretty mediocre, but against Orks and similar armies it's golden. Flamers on your Tactical squads are good- the generic Flamer/Multimelta/Rhino setup works great here. Land Speeders can also do well, especially the Heavy Bolter/Typhoon Missile variant.

I am not impressed by Whirlwinds at all. Even against hordes, they will only be causing 3-5 wounds per shot most of the time.

In terms of tactics, there are a couple big things you can do, but the main one is simple: don't let him get the charge. The +1Str and +1 attack is a huge shift in how the combat goes, so always make sure you charge him and not vice versa.

Engaging him correctly is also important- the disadvantage to Green Tide is that there are so many bodies that they physically can't all fit in order to concentrate on a single location, so keep your own forces close together and focus on one squad of Boyz at a time. Use your mobility (from Rhinos) to go where you need to and wipe out mobs- two Tactical squads charging will cause a LOT of damage, especially with pistol shots before they go in, and if you win combat, you pretty much double up your wounds with No Retreat. Once the mob is dead, that clears you some breathing room as he struggles to bring other units into position and you can repeat the process, making sure to use your long-range firepower to get rid of support units like Kans, Lootas, etc.

09-15-2011, 10:59 PM
I dont even play a horde army, but the Thunderfire cannon still hurts me plenty everytime! If he is hording you to death try two; it will take a while to fire them both but the sheer amount of wounds you can put on even a single mob is staggering.

If you want a more mobile approach try the landspeeders with missile racks, then fire the frag style on the move as it is defensive. You will be able to drop two templates per speeder and that will add up too

Predator destructor and whirlwind are a bit underwhelming, unless you have a spare heavy slot and a few points to burn

09-16-2011, 06:45 AM
Gave it some thought last night. If you take M.o.F this frees up your heavy slots for two thunder fire cannons and a predator and if you take ironclads loaded and a vern with a plasma cannon dreads. With landspeeders and squads SM in rinos can be hell for Orks

Morgan Darkstar
09-16-2011, 08:12 AM
The Predator destructor and whirlwind are a bit underwhelming, unless you have a spare heavy slot and a few points to burn

normally i run a lascannon pred + las sponsons with 2 whirlwinds and IMO they work well together against most armies. i have never had a problem with them not performing.

maybe i just have the dice-gods with me :D

09-16-2011, 12:57 PM
Land raider redeemers. Heavy Flamers, Anything with a hellstorm template. In terms of close combat, lightning claw termies, vanguard veterans (Possibly) Libby for the warboss, chaplin to allow for re rolls if you hit first.

Dreadnoughts aren't recommended due to hidden power fists, in all honesty anything with a flame template and a hellstorm template is going to be your best friend. If he flank marches it try the "Ambush" assets.

Considering you just want something that isn't in the apoc book you will run into trouble. In all honestly pick up a baneblade kit and make the hellhammerout of it. Otherwise landraider redeemers and heavy flamers backed up with heavy combat troops. Also try to prevent the charge really try to stop the charge!

Brosef Stalin
09-16-2011, 10:51 PM
What style of Orks does your friend play? Just tell us in general what his list is like and we'll be able to give you some pointers.

He's pretty much all about a Power Fist Nob attached to units of Boys. Usually accompanied by a squad or two of Lootas hanging back in vehicles. That's my real problem, he just has so many infantry on the field that I haven't found a way to wear them down enough before he gets into melee. Even without the charge, I can't stomach that many attacks. And of course there's no way to get to the Nob before going through 20+ boys.