View Full Version : Fluffy list for daemons!

09-14-2011, 05:41 PM
Hello I am new to posting on this forum, but have been stalking all of you for a while; I say this because if I messed up in making my first post here then I am sorry, and I hope a mod can delete it or something.

Anyway I was thinking of doing something fun, I typically play "Vanilla" marines, and Tyranids (Or as people at my store call them, the boogymen), but recently my attention was drawn to a neat idea for chaos daemons; someone is bound to have done it before, but I thought it would be neat in either case.

Field 4 heralds, all custom built with mounts that are horses, to be the four horsemen of the apocalypse. I was thinking War is Khorne (Kind of obvious) Tzeentch is Famine (Due to lies, and his ever changing ways) Nurgle as Pestilence (Again obvious) and Slaanesh as death, considering it steals your soul if you look at it, and his followers live on the edge of death, (Plus malal got the can years ago).

My question or rather tactics for this list would be, what would be good units to follow them up with? I was debating using steeds, but that leaves Nurgle out to rot. if others could help me out in this regard it would be fantastic, as I have little to no experience with creating a daemon army. It doesn't have to work perfectly, it doesn't have to make Draigo cry manly tears it just needs to do something fluffy. Before people think however, that I am just asking for you guys to build an army list here is what I have so far:

Herald of Khorne: Juggernaught,Unholy might, blessings of the blood god, iron hide. Total: 140

Herald of Tzeentch: Disc of Tzeentch, soul devour, bolt of Tzeentch. Total: 115

Herald of Nurgle: Palaquin of Nurgle, noxious Touch, Cloud of flies, Total: 80

Herald of Slaanesh: Mount of Slaanesh, pavane of Slaanesh, unholy might. Total: 95

Grand total for HQ: 430

I was debating doing four troop choices of all the different daemons, biut I wasn't sure what kind of squad size or upgrades would prove to be useful. I am going for fluff, and to be cool with a overall theme, but I still want it to be at least be a little bit functional (I am going to be putting money into it after all =D )

in either case target points is 1500, working with those HQ choices in general (Upgrades can be exchanged or moved around), so any advice you can give is much appreciated. Thanks for your time.

The Twilight Fade
09-15-2011, 03:43 AM
IMO the idea is fun as I play with Daemons my self however your target points are a little low considering the amount of HQ's that you have.

The Khorne guy would be a good buff to some Bloodcrushers but since you only have a thousand points left some troops are essential so some bloodletters wouldn't go a miss.

The main purpose of the slaanesh herald ive found is to provide much needed assualt grenades to units of fiends so you may want to consider this.

The nurgle herald just kinda sucks if you ask me as PlagueBearers are almost essential to capture points but thats about all they do and since he can only join nurgle he is kinda limited in potential.

However if you are insistent on keeping him I would recommend giving him breath of chaos. At least it makes him kinda killy which is something the bearers don't have!!

Overall seems like a good idea, Tzeentch herald can go with pink horrors for another bolt and some anti-tank if required but against mech deamons tend to suffer anyway so it depends on your opponent really. Good Luck!!

09-15-2011, 09:17 PM
Thank you for the advice! I know it's a little low but I always set my sights on 1500 first, then I upgrade my lists from there. Obviously some changes are made but 1500 I view is a fun way to play.

I was thinking the same thing for the herald of Nurgle, but considering the theme he should stay put, but i shall add on breath of chaos.

I think blood crushers and then horrors, and plague bearers as objective holders would be fantastic, horrors if on the iffy side. Fiends with the herald of slaanesh would also be pretty good.

Overall thank you, this gives a good direction for ideas to flow, which was the entire reason I asked for help XD

09-15-2011, 11:03 PM
Great ideas up above with the uses of the heralds. Def keep them with a related unit, ie the bloodcrushers with the HoK, and maybe seekers or fiends for the slannesh etc.

Soul devourer on the HoT is meh, bc most opponents will rock him, what about another breath?

Loafer of Change
03-07-2012, 12:29 PM
Fantastic concept. What about the fantasy Nurgle Lord (the grim reaper-type chap on the mangy horse) as your Herald of the Rotten One?

03-07-2012, 01:34 PM
Cool theme, just be aware that you'll end up limiting yourself with the restrictions.

I'd stick all the Heralds on chariots, apart from Nurgle, obviously. They're cheap upgrades, a big boost to survivability and give you great conversion opportunities.

Nurgle Heralds are trash, no nice way of saying it. A suicide drop with Breath is about your only real use for him.

Grab 12 Daemonettes, 9 Horrors, 8 Bloodletters and 7 Plaguebearers for Troops. Beyond that, Fiends, Hounds and Princes are all your friends.