View Full Version : 2k dark eldar first list in three years

09-12-2011, 09:04 PM

Heamonculus Liquifier gun Webway portal 95 total

Heamonculus Liquifier gun Webway portal 95 total


5x trueborn 4x blaster venom w/ extra splinter cannon 185 total

5x trueborn 4x blaster venom w/ extra splinter cannon 185 total

5x trueborn 4x blaster venom w/ extra splinter cannon 185 total


5x wracks Liquifier gun Acothyst Raider w/ shock prow and flickerfield 145 total

5x wyches Haywire grenades Hekatrix Blast pistol Venom blade 90 total

10x warriors Shredder Splinter cannon raider w/ shock prow and flickerfield 180 total

10x warriors Dark lance raider w/ shock prow and flickerfield 190 total

Fast attack

6x reavers 2x heatlance 156 total

5x scourges 2x haywire blaster 130 total

Heavy support

Ravager w/ flickerfield 115 total

Talos w/ chain flails and additional close combat weapon 125 total

Talos w/ chain flails and additional close combat weapon 125 total

Grand total=2001 pts