View Full Version : Seraphim Question

The Twilight Fade
09-12-2011, 03:54 PM
In the new SoB "codex" the seraphim have double pistols but does this grant a +1 attack in close combat and if so why can the seraphim superior exchange one of her pistols for a chainsword??

09-12-2011, 04:21 PM
Well, if you read through the assault rules you'll see that a model gains the +1A bonus if they have "two single handed weapons (typically a close combat weapons and/or pistol in each hand)..."

So, yes, two pistols equals two ccws which equals +1A.

And the Superior can replace a bolt pistol with a chainsword because the rules say she can. I don't know why you would get hung up on that. I mean, it might not be a useful upgrade, but it's far from the first useless upgrade GW's included in their rules.

09-12-2011, 04:35 PM
If the model comes with BP and Chainsword, that is usually why GW grants the rule, even if it is useless.

The captain comes with BP and Chainsword in the box, even though I have yet to meet someone that uses BP and Chainsword on their captain.

The Twilight Fade
09-12-2011, 07:21 PM
Fair enough its just seems odd that she'd lose the extra pistol shot for no in game benefit, hence the question about the extra attack.

Thanks for the clarification

Luke Licens
09-13-2011, 12:35 AM
Master crafting Flamers come to mind, or taking Digital Weapons with Lightning Claws. Good if you're looking for a points handicap, but not much else.