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View Full Version : Adam and the Ant-iums

09-07-2009, 07:29 PM
does anyone else not like the fact that adamantium sounds like it was discovered by Adam and the Ants?


its the material of choice in the imperium, (along with plasteel). even though its a fictional material used in many comics (x-men's Wolverine is full of the stuff), i can never hear it or say it without chuckling to myself

"Prince Charming!"

or even Atom Ant


to give this thread a more refined direction. what other material name could we use in 40k, instead of stealing a funny sounding one from comics? or do you like it just the way it is?

09-07-2009, 07:31 PM
Main Entry: ad·a·man·tine Pronunciation Guide
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin adamantinus, from Greek adamantinos of steel, like a diamond, from adamant-, adamas steel, diamond
1 : made of or having the quality of adamant <these adamantine gates -- John Milton>
2 : rigidly firm : UNYIELDING
3 : resembling the diamond in luster
4 : of or relating to the enamel of the teeth

I tend to disagree