View Full Version : Dangerous terrain test question

09-10-2011, 01:39 PM
Hi all,

Not sure about this one- so I thought I would ask.

When starting or ending in difficult terrain with a 'flyer' (like jump infantry) you take a dangerous terrain test.

But if my jump infantry begins and ends their jump move in difficult terrain, does that require 2 dangerous terrain tests; one for the beginning and another for the end of the move?

As a Tau jetpack user this issue comes up quite a bit so I wanted some feedback from the community.


09-10-2011, 03:26 PM
I can't give you a page reference in the rulebook but I am fairly certain you only test once per phase

Movement phase
A unit moves through dangerous terrain (already inside and finishing inside) they take a dangerous terrain test
Shooting phase
A unit runs through the dangerous terrain (running is unaffected by difficult terrain, but you still take dangerous terrain tests) the unit takes a dangerous terrain test when they run
Assault Phase
The unit assaults through dangerous terrain (starting and finishing inside) or in the case of tau jet packs use their bonus move inside difficult terrain then they take a dangerous terrain test.

So as I understand it you can take up to 3 dangerous terrain tests per turn if you move run assault through dangerous terrain, but you do not take a test for the start of the move and a test for the end of the move

09-10-2011, 07:29 PM

"Roll one die for each unit that has entered, left, or moved through one or more areas of dangerous terrain..."

Emphasis mine.

Jump Infantry only need to test once during the movement phase for entering or leaving terrain; during the shooting and assault phases, they move like normal infantry models.

09-11-2011, 01:51 AM
For tau jet packers though in the assault phase, they always get their bonus 6" move using their jet packs therefore counting as jump infantry but only 6" move not 12" as its like split, they would still have to take another dangerous terrain test if moving through difficult terrain? Unless they were actually assaulting in which case you are correct as when jump infantry assault they move on the ground to get into close combat rather than ''jump''

09-11-2011, 05:27 AM

"Roll one die for each unit that has entered, left, or moved through one or more areas of dangerous terrain..."

Emphasis mine.

Jump Infantry only need to test once during the movement phase for entering or leaving terrain; during the shooting and assault phases, they move like normal infantry models.

p52 Jetpacks moving in the assult phase "treat difficult terrain just as other jump infantry do in the movement phase". Thus jetpack models have to use their assault move to move like jump infantry (as the bonus is granted from the jetpacks, they cannot opt not to use them and go on foot, as they could in the movemnet phase. So to finish off your quote from p14 "...during its move." The wording means that as they are making a move in the assault phase, in the same way as jump infantry, they must take a dangerous terrain test should they be required to do so by the rules, even if they have already taken one in the movement phase. You could get round this by moving through the terrain on foot during the movement phase (given it is the same distance either way) and then using the jet pack to move in the assault phase. meaniong just on dangerous terrain test in the assault phase.

09-12-2011, 04:57 AM
Yeah, I missed the section where he specified that he was talking about Tau, who get the only unit in the game with an exception to that. :\