View Full Version : Grey Knights IMPERATOR Titan!

09-09-2011, 07:21 PM
Well, more like black knights. My GK are Ruinous, thats right, corrupt, evil...(Kaldor draigo brought back a nasty infection from the warp.I just cant play as good guys.)

They call themselves the Morlocks.

And now we have a warlord, well actually its an imperator. Its 10 feet taller than the dies irae.(47 meters, the dies is 43.)(its 37.5 in, weighing in at what feels like 37 lbs.

I've got all kinds of cheesy rules like- techmarine n 3 servitors inside, 12 guys in each leg, fortitude, improved aegis, psybolt megabolter, titan cc weapon(megahammer) etc... 3000 points

So what do you think?






its mostly star wars toys,(the only gw parts are the 4 tiny manticore missiles on top) mostly darth vader parts on a pvc skeleton, lots of drywall screws, sculpey n white stuff for the base, and Nerf for the guns, quite a bit of plasticard, but only as a finish, i refuse to build the basis of a piece out of plasticard, or foam core fercrissakes! cmon that math hurts my brain, n itd be too flimsy. this thing is hard n heavy, only problem is it wont fit in my car...