View Full Version : Feast of Blades Fantasy - Nov 4-6, Denver, CO

09-08-2011, 02:55 PM
If you read BOLS you've probably seen the Feast of Blades mentioned and featured on the front page. Although 40K will be present of course...it isn't the only thing going on that weekend. We'll be playing a 5 game GT style WHFB tournament on Saturday and Sunday. We are also running a big Beer & Pretzels Storm of Magic game on Saturday night...every lord for himself!
Elliot Vigil is running the GT and he's pretty well known around here for great prize support at his tourneys and I'll be running the SoM game which should be a blast, so check out the website:


We know a lot of the BOLS crew is coming up for some 40K action..so let's get some of the fantasy players out there to represent your gaming group too!