View Full Version : 3000 Points Dark Eldar v Imperial Guard

09-08-2011, 03:06 AM
Got a game against IG 2moro going to be apocalypse so 4000 points, my dark eldar can stretch out to 3300, going to take a smaller assistance force of some kind to join them!
I am thinking there is possibly a baneblade I will be facing up against or many leman russ!

anyways here is my list

HQ 720
Asdrubael Vect, Dais of Destruction (goes with the 9 incubi)
Haemonculus Ancient, Liquifier gun, goes with wyches
Haemonculus, webway portal, animus vitae, goes with grotesques
Haemonculus, webway portal, shattershard. goes with kabalite warriors

Elites 598
9 Incubi, Klaivex, Demiklaives, Onslaught
10 Grotesques

Troops 655
10 Kabalite Warriors, Blaster, Splinter Cannon, Syrabite, Blast Pistol
Raider, Flickerfield, Nightshields, Splinter racks
10 Wyches, Hekatrix, Blast Pistol, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Agoniser, 2 x Hydragauntlets, Haywire Grenades,
20 Kabalite Warriors, Syrabite, 2 x dark lance

Fast Attack 908
5 Scourges, 2 x Heatlance, Solarite, Blast Pistol
9 Reavers, 3 x Heatlance, 2 x Cluster Caltrops, Arena Champion
5 Beastmasters, 5 Clawed Fiends, 10 Kymerae, 5 Razorwing Flocks

Heavy Support 410
Voidraven Bomber, 4 Shatterfield Missiles, Nightshields, Flickerfield
Voidraven Bomber, 4 Necrotoxin Missiles, Nightshields, Flickerfield

Total 3291 approx

This is made from all the models I have so I really cant change it up with the vehicles that much!
let me know what you guys think


09-08-2011, 10:30 PM
It's apocalypse? Assuming there are objectives, is he forcing you to take troops in order to capture them?

Split your 9 reavers into 3 mini squads. Makes those webways even more useful.

Split your 20 Warriors into 2 squads, upgade both to have sybarites.

Your beasts are all wrong. Each beastmaster only gets one type of monster. However, I'd argue that this is an apocalypse game, make it a datasheet.

Ask to run your Voidravens as flyers, will make them ridiculously hard to kill.

MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE, HAVE FUN. Apocalypse is in no way balanced or balancable.

late edit: if you can, maybe replace the Warriors with Trueborn toting splinter carbines. That's a lot of firepower if you can get it into position.

09-10-2011, 02:34 AM
Get them some dark gates/vortex grande. apocalypse has no limits on taking things from the codex.
as suggested, make the warriors trueborn, and also- give them haywire as well!

No transports? you MUST take the webway assault asset (forgot its name), or you'll be shot to pieces on turn 1.