View Full Version : 2 Meters is considered "Giant" now?

09-07-2011, 04:24 PM
In many of the SM related books I have read recently they refer to the SM as "towering", "giant", "enormous" and so on. But I have also seen where they use "two meters" multiple times to denote this grand stature... Now I may just be a "daft yank" but..um.. isn't that just 6 feet or so?

Now 3-4 Meters is huge but 2 is shorter than most of the players in the NBA and I am pretty sure the fluff and intent is that they would be at least that tall if not taller. I mean when I envision an Astartes I picture someone like Broc Lesner from the UFC/WWE sport but magnified a good 2-3 feet in every direction.

A 6 foot tall dude just doesn't sound all thet intimidating to me, but then again maybe all the brits are really short?

Drew da Destroya
09-07-2011, 04:34 PM
In the future, the tallest man is only 4 1/2' tall. True story, I went there and saw. I'm only 5'7" and the people cowered before me as if in deference to a god. It was pretty awesome. Then my temporal displacement unit shorted out, and I ended up back now, a shortie. Ah well, c'est la vie.

Honestly, I'd be willing to bet it's more the writers not necessarily remembering how large a meter is.

09-07-2011, 04:35 PM
A google search tells me its 6 foot seven inches.

When I was younger Americans were always taller than British(and Irish) People. This was because of the difference in diet, My parents say it was much more noticable when they were children. This difference has closed significantly in recent years to. Over here 6 foot 7 would be considered very tall. Gigantic on the other hand? Maybe the two meters refers to the Marine himselfwhen he's not wearing anything, and Power Armour would add to the height?

09-07-2011, 04:43 PM
If by 'just 6 feet' you actually mean 6'7", then you're absolutely correct. I think the only context in which an average height of 6'7" wouldn't be considered towering is when the top NBA centers meet for drinks after a game.

And in case you didn't know how many feet a meter is, here (http://tinyurl.com/yc2s2ot). Maybe it's a good think the US hasn't switched to metric for the general populace...

09-07-2011, 04:49 PM
I always remember spacemarines without power armour being referred to as between 7' and 8', which I think we'd all agree is pretty tall. As for 2m being considered giant; well I work with a guy who is 6'8", and I wouldn't really call him giant (though he has all the bulk of a piece of string, so that probably doesn't help...)

09-07-2011, 05:20 PM
Yeah, Space Marines are "only" six and a half or seven feet tall, which I guess is shorter than a lot of NBA players. But it's also worth remembering that they are built like double-wide trucks, so they've got a good 50-100lbs on most guys in the NBA.

09-07-2011, 06:18 PM
probably more like 100-200 pounds. Not fat, but extra bones and lots of muscle.

09-07-2011, 07:33 PM
Well I'd say the era the models representing the space marine were made should be considered. If the fluff is inspired by the latest plastic terminator kits, than the marine in question would be close to eight feet with piles of muscles. On the other hand, if you use an old rogue trader 1980s figure as imagination inspiration, than a space marine is about 5" 2".

09-07-2011, 08:50 PM
6'7 isn't actually short for an NBA player. In fact, a quick google search reveals that it's about average for NBA players, and NBA players are really, really frikin' tall. Keep in mind that the NBA (and other tall non-basketball players) represents an extremely small percentage of the population. I don't happen to know what the standard deviation for male height is among developed nations is, but I'd bet money that quite a bit less than 1% of the population is 6'7. By every reasonable expectation, 6'7 is a giant of a man, particularly when they weigh 500lbs of pure muscle.

09-07-2011, 09:15 PM
I think Dark has hit it on the nose. It's not that they're taller, but just massive in bulk and whatnot.

I mean, I'm 6'2, for all intents and purposes, so a 6'7" makes me look smaller. Now tack on an extra 75-100 lbs or more for being a space marine, and you'd be an imposing figure.

Think Brock Lesnar, but bigger and you're looking at a Space Marine.

09-07-2011, 09:25 PM
From wikipedia,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_height, it shows the average height to be about 1.75 odd meters so 5ft 9in. the additional 25cm probably gives them some looming ability, but I think the effect would be more of everyone going that guy is tall but not inhumanly. However, it is a point that most tall people are skinny and so don't come across as giants even when shorter but much larger people do. And, if you think about it for a space marine at 2m to have a B.M.I. of 25 which is just on the edge of healthy, they would all be about 100kg, which is again not significantly above average or unheard of., however I would say, that they are probably much heavier then that closer to 150kg. Honestly thinking about it 2m makes sense, you don't want soldiers so tall that, a) they can't hide behind cover, and b) they can't use normally sized anythings, like buildings or fire points. Also, grey knights can use chimeras which are designed for average humans, so they cant be too tall.

09-07-2011, 10:24 PM
BMI is complete bull. It's utterly worthless for anyone with any muscle whatsoever. I'd guess I'm under 15% body fat personally, need to drop a few pounds but I can run pretty well and I've got 20+ dead hang pullups, I've been doing Crossfit for a couple years and am applying to Marine OCS. Aside from mediocre running, I'm one of the most physically fit candidates in my area as far as I can tell. I also have a BMI of 29, which lists me as borderline obese. I don't quite have a six pack, but I've never had someone tell me 'whoa, dude, lay off the doughnuts". When someone comments on my physique, it's either about my biceps or my shoulders, no my waist. Another example, according to Wikipedia, at the height of his body building career Arnold Schwarzenegger had a BMI of 32.1.

As a measure of athletic health, BMI is completely worthless. Bodyfat percentage is what matters, and BMI is a very poor measure of that in most cases*.It's also even more worthless for Space Marines, considering they're not really human anymore, at least not in the traditional sense.

Anyways, someone around 7' tall is probably looking at about 300lbs if they're reasonably atheletic. Considering the increase in muscle mass, physical frame and bone density, I'd add at least another 150lbs on top of that.

For reference, imagine someone like this:


Except that they're another foot wider at the shoulders, and you're eye level with those oversized pecs.

*I bring this up with strong language mainly because there are so many misconceptions about obesity and health floating around that are commonly accepted as fact. So keep in mind, if you look like Chris Farley, then a high BMI that says you're obese is probably correct. On the other hand, I'd be willing to bet the pretty much any American football lineman is 'morbidly obsese' according to BMI, despite the fact that the vast majority of that weight is pure muscle. The assumption that a high BMI is automatically unhealthy is a poor one to make, particularly concerning atheletes.

Emerald Rose Widow
09-07-2011, 11:18 PM
If by 'just 6 feet' you actually mean 6'7", then you're absolutely correct. I think the only context in which an average height of 6'7" wouldn't be considered towering is when the top NBA centers meet for drinks after a game.

And in case you didn't know how many feet a meter is, here (http://tinyurl.com/yc2s2ot). Maybe it's a good think the US hasn't switched to metric for the general populace...

ugh, but imperial measurements suck, i use them because i know them, but ugh they suck balls. Yes lets propigate a system based off of the math of 6's and 12's, that TOTALLY makes sense. No, that math based on 10's and 5's makes no sense, screw them metric buggers. My country makes no sense sometimes, i would switch to metric myself if it wouldn't confuse everyone around me.

09-08-2011, 12:42 AM
I know both and it is as confusing as hell.:rolleyes: I'm 14cm short of Space Marine height, ha.

So basketball players might be taller than Space Marines, but a Space Marine will be much broader in the shoulders and capable of ripping the basketball player in half and beating the rest of the team to death with the sticky ends simultaneously while singing hymns to the Emperor and winking rogueishly at Sisters of Battle.

09-08-2011, 02:16 AM
I'm 6' 4" tall (1.93 meters) and weigh 230 lbs (104 kilos). I'm not one of those skinny tall guys, nor am I uber muscular. But just being 6-12 inches taller and a half foot wider at the shoulders than most people, you see them as being uneasy around you if they don't know you :( It's pretty common for me to have to duck in other people's homes/ offices, and I find it very hard to fit in an average sized car. I took the train down to NYC the other week and I had to sit sideways over two seats because my knees wouldn't fit :mad:

Don't underestimate what 6 inches can do. That's more bone structure for muscle mass, more leverage, more momentum, ect. I run 20% faster than the average person just because I'm bigger than them :cool:

But, fluff says Marines are 7' in power armour, which is 2.1 meters ;)

Marines also have denser bones, more oxygen efficient blood, two hearts, and a couple tons of powered armor.

09-08-2011, 02:36 AM
6'4" here as well...don't have to look up to many people...but when I do you realise just how tall they are

Also when you literally look down on a good 95% of the population you do feel tall :P

09-08-2011, 03:15 AM
When I was talking about B.M.I. I was more using it to compare to averages, basically my point being that a person who is 2m and 100kg would be rather large, however not monstrous, so someone who is 2m and 150-200kg would be much larger than most people and hence the reputation of space marines being so inhumanly large, its more to do with their weight I would say.
And, I'm certainly no expert on any of that type of stuff Dark Link, though I do understand what your saying, it does give decent idea of averages however, but going off B.M.I. does not give a great idea of anything about someones health, I for one am right on the edge of anorexic being both light and short but not actually anorexic, but still play opens rugby at school and can tackle people a good 20-30kg heavier then me, though I have made a habit of getting bad concussion from most games.

09-08-2011, 03:17 AM
6'1" here, 9 inches taller than the average British girl, which is no fun at all. I hit 5'7" when I was ten, now that was hell. Strangely enough all the menfolk in my family are 5'6" I'm trying to covince my brothers and father to dress up as Dwarfs at Halloween so we can be Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.

Oh, and something about Space Marines.

09-08-2011, 05:36 AM
I had to describe SM to a clubmate last week.

Imagine an 'average' NBL player in height.
Imagine one built like an NFL linebacker.
Now give him powered armour that supports its own weight and an automatic rocket launcher.

The old Jes Goodwin scale picture is a good start, but starts at 1' instead of 0', so he's on REALLY big platform heels.

09-08-2011, 06:18 AM
I clock in a 2.03 meters. Good to know that I'm the right heiight, if not the mass, for a space marine. :)

Which, amusingly, makes it impossible for me to buy any clothing in Ireland. Even in the Grafton St. area, it was all "sorry mate, got nothin' for ya. I don't even think our tall tie sizes would work."

What I think is kind of funny is that a lot of BL authors have no conception of height. I think even Abnett has Gaunt at being well over 2 meters tall.

Which isn't that healthy--as most people with gigantism don't live all that long.

Lord Azaghul
09-08-2011, 06:21 AM
A spacemarine is only as tall as he thinks he is. :p

09-08-2011, 06:25 AM
Which, amusingly, makes it impossible for me to buy any clothing in Ireland. Even in the Grafton St. area, it was all "sorry mate, got nothin' for ya. I don't even think our tall tie sizes would work."

I havwe the same problem over here on the mainland....jeans in a 30" waist and a 36" leg do not exist in any normal stores

Every time I go to the states, I buy 6-7 pairs of jeans and live on the supply for a few years...

09-08-2011, 06:59 AM
Don't know if anyone linked this or not, but:


Jes Goodwin did this lifesize drawing when designing the current multi-pose plastic marines that first were released in the 3rd Edition Boxed Game. 8' (2.44m) to the top of the backpack.

09-08-2011, 07:03 AM
It starts at 1' though, so 7ft tall.

I have to make my own dresses, or have them made, as knee length dresses on most girls are miniskirts for me. Fortunately as I tend to dress in Dior New Look every day it doesn't matter as you can't really get that on the highstreet.:rolleyes:

09-08-2011, 08:15 AM
It starts at 1' though, so 7ft tall.

I have to make my own dresses, or have them made, as knee length dresses on most girls are miniskirts for me. Fortunately as I tend to dress in Dior New Look every day it doesn't matter as you can't really get that on the highstreet.:rolleyes:

Complete with bustle and all the regalia, or more of the slimline look?

09-08-2011, 09:06 AM
Slimline (though sometimes with two petticoats) day to day, full on for parties and going out and whatnot.:)

09-08-2011, 12:21 PM
I imagine that a worse quality of life and nutrients for many, many people has probably led to some shortening of the average population in addition to the fact that the SM are about 6'7

09-08-2011, 12:39 PM
Aforementioned pic:


Sure, not super duper tall, but he's certainly giant, being four and a half feet wide (and would have a hard time fitting through doors...).

Hive Mind
09-08-2011, 01:26 PM
I have two meters under my stairs, one for gas and one for electric. What've they got to do with giants?

I'm 6' 4" tall (1.93 meters) and weigh 230 lbs (104 kilos). I'm not one of those skinny tall guys, nor am I uber muscular. But just being 6-12 inches taller and a half foot wider at the shoulders than most people, you see them as being uneasy around you if they don't know you :( It's pretty common for me to have to duck in other people's homes/ offices, and I find it very hard to fit in an average sized car. I took the train down to NYC the other week and I had to sit sideways over two seats because my knees wouldn't fit :mad:

Amen. I'm about quarter of an inch under 6'4 and fly a lot. It's awful.

Which, amusingly, makes it impossible for me to buy any clothing in Ireland. Even in the Grafton St. area, it was all "sorry mate, got nothin' for ya. I don't even think our tall tie sizes would work."

Yeah, I'm a size 13 shoe and most places only stock up to a 12. Maddening.

09-08-2011, 01:35 PM
Are NBA players tall? Yes, but that isn't the point. Being tall does not equate to being a giant. I'd say someone like an average NBA player is just tall ... not a giant and certainly not SM worthy. Shaquille O'Neal, on the other hand, is a freakin' giant.

09-08-2011, 09:58 PM
So, I'm 6'9", and I'm built like a tank (270 pounds). Canhazbespacemarine? On another note, I have a picture of me standing next to pretty much every "full scale" space marine, whether at a battle bunker (tower over those) or like Relic's chaos marine. I tower over all of them. In other news, I once met captain america (at Universal studios) and he said something to the effect of "I quit, here you go" before handing me his shield.

One time, I was sitting outside eating a sandwich for dinner at like midnight, and a guy came up to me and said "give me your wallet". I stood up, and he ran away.

Lastly, my friends joke about their car's transport capacity, saying that their car can carry 3 in the rear seat, or 1 and Brad in terminator armor.

09-08-2011, 11:29 PM
:( I feel even smaller than normal seeing all this, being about 170cm and 55kg, why is everyone here so big.

Emerald Rose Widow
09-08-2011, 11:39 PM
I am about 5'8" or about 172 centimeters, and while that isnt EXCEPTIONALLY tall, it is tall for a woman here in the states, and with my clothing style, what hits the knee on most women (because lolita is built for little asian girls i swear) comes to about 4 inches above my knee due to my leg length. So when I show pics my fellow Lolita say my dresses are two short with all but a few of them. Also due to my height i have big feet, size 11 in american women's shoes, which makes finding my style of shoes difficult, if near impossible.

isnt the reason people with giantism die because their hearts fail, due to not being able to keep up with all that body, or something like that. i am not sure hence my asking. So if space marines do have two hearts, would this not solve the problem? again, merely speculation with little information so please correct me.

09-09-2011, 02:38 AM
Iisnt the reason people with giantism die because their hearts fail, due to not being able to keep up with all that body, or something like that. i am not sure hence my asking. So if space marines do have two hearts, would this not solve the problem? again, merely speculation with little information so please correct me.

Blood pumping is a serious problem for taller people. I've lost count the number of times I've stood up to fast and partially blacked out due to lack of blood. Once I managed to stand up, walk into the kitchen, then have a mini black out, overbalence and run head first into the cupboard...

DVT is also a much higher risk than in an average person

09-09-2011, 02:45 AM
That happens to me sometimes, I usually walk into a door. Then everyone gently asks me if there is a problem at home and I tell them my mother hits me. So worth it. Didn't realise it was to do with blood pumping, just thought I was clumsy. Why doesn't anyone tell me these things?

I can't do lolita style at all, I look ridiculous. Unless I do the whole stocking garter belt exposed look and there is no way in hell I'm doing that in public, its bad enough everyone thinking stockings on knee length dresses are fetish wear.

09-09-2011, 08:31 AM
:( I feel even smaller than normal seeing all this, being about 170cm and 55kg, why is everyone here so big.

Dont worry matey I am only 5'5.......however I do come in at just under 250lbs lol. So maybe I would make no space marine but I could be a squat any day of the week, hell its my favourite exercise after the dead lift of course.

I still think though judging by my own doctors constant nagging about my "hobby" eating the squats were all killed by heart disease and not by the tyranids.

Back to the OP though, yeah I would not consider 2 meters "Space Marine" big. I play rugby with bigger guys than that.

Hive Mind
09-09-2011, 10:57 AM
:( I feel even smaller than normal seeing all this, being about 170cm and 55kg, why is everyone here so big.

The obvious answer is that, this being the internet, everyone is exaggerating about how tall they are.

Except me of course. I swear on my thirteen inch penis I'd never do that.


Any of you other big'uns have problems regulating your blood sugar levels? I know a few guys over 6' and we all have blood sugar crashes far more frequently than regular-sized/short people.

09-09-2011, 11:11 AM
Not me, but I eat pretty much constantly just to keep my weight at a vaguely healthy level. Stupid metabolism.

09-09-2011, 11:25 AM
I have an awesome metabolism, that basically allows me to eat huge volumes of crap and remain my wonderful figure with very little work :p

When it slows down, i'm pretty sure i'm screwed.

As for Blood sugar....uh...I feel sleepy a lot and display some of the symptoms of diabetes, despite not having it. So maybe?

09-09-2011, 12:38 PM
Not me, but I eat pretty much constantly just to keep my weight at a vaguely healthy level. Stupid metabolism.

Very jealous :), I only need to look at carbs and I gain inches around my gut :)

09-09-2011, 03:20 PM
It could also be that round numbers sound better than non round numbers. Two meters sounds col; two point seven three meters, not so cool.:)

09-09-2011, 03:40 PM
Two metres -is- giant...I don't care what anyone says.

Especially when you add in that Astartes are super bulky on top of that.

Then, consider that it's rare anyone outside of a chapter's support staff sees them without armour.

I think it's very safe to call a power-armoured marine a 'giant of a man'. Basically a marine in armour would be about the size of Andre the Giant.

Yeah, it's possible that human beings can get that big without genetic modification, as per the above example - it's highly unusual, however, and even though some rare examples of humanity could in fact exceed the height or bulk of a marine, doesn't mean that a marine isn't 'giant'.

At the end of the day I guess it's all relative - but I have no problems viewing a breed of 2-metre (average) tall super-bulky super-humans as 'giant'. :)

09-09-2011, 04:34 PM
Actually, "giant" is defined as having gigantism. You can be over 2m and not have gigantism.

Elsewise---don't make me grind your bones for my bread...:rolleyes:

09-09-2011, 04:48 PM
I flatly refuse to call anyone a mere 8 inches taller than me a giant. Even in power armor, that's not going to be a giant. Power armor won't affect the Marine's height much, not unless he's wearing Elton John's "spank me" boots.

If you look at anyone who has ever been called a giant, such as Andre, Yao Ming, Wilt Chamberlain, Shaquille O'Neal and the like, they start at seven foot at a minimum. For these, the word "giant" carries with it a high degree of hyperbole, usually because a promoter is attempting to make the athlete seem more imposing. Even as tall as these people may be, we're still talking about unaugmented human size. From what I've read, everything about a Space Marine screams MONSTROUS, so that when a description says they're giants, that's not hyperbole, that's literal fact. Seven foot tall would be a short Space Marine, therefore. Eight foot (~2.5 meters) would probably be an average marine's height.

See >>this<< (http://images.wikia.com/warhammer40k/images/a/ae/SpaceMarineAnatomyPhilipGibbering.jpg) for illustration.

Danny CYanide
09-09-2011, 11:01 PM
I wouldn't consider 2 meters giant either, 2.5 at least. I picture Space Marines to be at least 7 feet tall.

09-09-2011, 11:22 PM
I flatly refuse to call anyone a mere 8 inches taller than me a giant. Even in power armor, that's not going to be a giant. Power armor won't affect the Marine's height much, not unless he's wearing Elton John's "spank me" boots.

If you look at anyone who has ever been called a giant, such as Andre, Yao Ming, Wilt Chamberlain, Shaquille O'Neal and the like, they start at seven foot at a minimum. For these, the word "giant" carries with it a high degree of hyperbole, usually because a promoter is attempting to make the athlete seem more imposing. Even as tall as these people may be, we're still talking about unaugmented human size. From what I've read, everything about a Space Marine screams MONSTROUS, so that when a description says they're giants, that's not hyperbole, that's literal fact. Seven foot tall would be a short Space Marine, therefore. Eight foot (~2.5 meters) would probably be an average marine's height.

See >>this<< (http://images.wikia.com/warhammer40k/images/a/ae/SpaceMarineAnatomyPhilipGibbering.jpg) for illustration.

Your link is a bit...subjective.

For example, your average NBA player is not 7'6" weighing in at 350lbs....

A credible source, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basketball#Height , shows that the average NBA player is 6'7" tall, and weighs in around 222lbs.

In fact, the tallest NBA player,Gheorghe Mureşan, at 7'7" weighed 315 lbs.

So, I"m sorry...but your link's illustration is just one person's POV, not necessarily even close to accurate.

Jes Goodwin's sketch says it all--7' tall. (given that the sketch starts at 1' and ends at 8'. And I don't care what genetic enhancements you have--at 7'6" 768lbs is wildly out of whack. Even Heavyweight MMA fighters (who don't carry around a lot of flab) are in the 265lb range after cutting, (UFC) and probably in the low 300's walking around. And if you've ever seen a fighter in person, you'll know they are frickin' huge.

According to the original RT book--Ogryns are 2.5-3 meters in height. Something tells me that Ogryns are taller than Space Marines. :)

I wouldn't consider 2 meters giant either, 2.5 at least. I picture Space Marines to be at least 7 feet tall.

7' is only 2.13 meters.

09-09-2011, 11:42 PM
I agree that what the image shows as an average height for an NBA player is subjective, even though many NBA players are over 7' tall. That wasn't the point, however. The point is 6'7" tall is NOT a giant, and nobody has been able to say otherwise. If a space marine is merely 6'7" tall, I don't care how much he weighs, he's not a giant. Period. He may be a brick wall, but a brick wall does not a tower make.

Either they stop referring to Space Marines as giants, or they admit Space Marines are over 2 meters tall ... simply put, it can only be one or the other.

09-10-2011, 12:15 AM
I think the new space marine game is a good visual example of how a space marine should look. The cut scenes showing the interaction between marine and guardsman shows just how big these boys would be.

09-10-2011, 12:29 AM
I still think looking at the average height of the populace is better, basketball players by necessity are an extreme. Marines could be a foot Ior 14-15 inches going by Mr Goodwins sketch) or so taller than the average today and much wider and muscled even out of power armour.

09-10-2011, 01:43 AM
This is all a bit subjective, n'est pas?

2m is a big man, as is 7'. I have always understood giant to imply not just tall but bulk, mass, girth - a 7' SM would be rather large and imposing.

People have mentioned 'average' humans. This is probably a misnomer in an Empire of 1m worlds. No one has taken into account gravity, the effects of interstellar travel, differing nutrition levels, Imperial rejuvenat treatments a la Eisenhorn, gene-fixed Imp Guard regiments etc.

Basically, all you need to know is your common or garden SM is a big-arsed b*stard who probably stands around 8' tall in power armour and is probably worth around 10 conventional troops (whatever that is...).

09-10-2011, 03:36 AM
Maybe now we can stop all this true scale nonsense for Space Marines as theyre pretty much the right height as Jes has been saying for ages.

Since were all comparing height. Im 5 11 which is pretty short up here in Scotland where the norm is roughly 7 feet blue painted hairy highlanders. Looking at the weapons in Edinburghs museum Id say people have gotten shorter in Scotland over the years, bucking the global trend of getting taller. Theres a broadsword in there and I seriously cant imagine the size of the person that could lift it never mind weild it in combat, and judging by the nicks in its edge it has seen quite a lot of that.

09-10-2011, 10:37 AM
Actually those crazy size clansmen swords are correct, and were actually used by porridge eating midgets.

This is why Scotland is a subservient part of the United Kingdom now cos the English used sensibly proportioned weapons and plate armour...

09-10-2011, 11:40 AM
actually King James VI of Scotland became King James the first of England when the British Royal family had no successors to the throne. Technically Scotland conquered England!

09-11-2011, 05:10 AM
Pretty sure marines are meant to be about 7-8ft, then more with the armour.

09-11-2011, 08:40 AM
actually King James VI of Scotland became King James the first of England when the British Royal family had no successors to the throne. Technically Scotland conquered England!

Slighty off topic, but no it didn't. James became King of Scotland and England, but they remained seperate countries and continued to act as independent states until the mutually agreed act of union in 1707. They just happened to have the same king.

As for space marines being 'giant', as has been alluded to be some people, it refers to more than just height. It is as much about their imposing physique as anything. And don't foget that power armour adds significantly to their height and width. Also they have an 'aura'. The HH series frequently refers to the awe inspiring and overwhelming presence that the primarchs have on space marines, to the extent its all they can do just to stop themselves falling to their knees and bowing down in awe. I imagine that SM's have a similar effect on your standard human.

Edit: Oh, and its spelt metres, not meters. :-)

09-11-2011, 08:44 AM
Also, they have a life size space marine in Warhammer World, and I'd definitely describe it as 'giant' in relation to me at 6'2.

09-11-2011, 12:32 PM
Edit: Oh, and its spelt metres, not meters. :-)

Not in America it isn't. Don't worry - we're still keeping the language alive and proper (with all vowels intact) in Canada.

09-11-2011, 03:06 PM
Not in America it isn't. Don't worry - we're still keeping the language alive and proper (with all vowels intact) in Canada.

Glad to hear that there are still some folk across the pond that don't change words just to be different :D

09-11-2011, 06:43 PM
I thought it was meters here in Canada. At least we have a U in colour and in armour. Also pronounce it left-tenant not Lou-thenant. :P Slightly off topic. Also we have French fries and Poutine. I guess that is Chips across the pond and down below of us, most don't even know what it is. :P

Back on topic, I thought 2 meters was 6ft. Boy am I off on that one. So is the size of a SM 2m in armour or out of armour? Would Tatical Dreadnaught Armour (Terminator armour) be different than stand Power Armour?

09-12-2011, 02:25 AM
well im just reading let the galaxy burn again and in the story salvation a hive tyrant is discribed as being "over two meters tall" which implies its nearer 6' than 9' (3m) which is strange as i thought the latter was the height of a marine.

if that was the case i think there would be more monsterous creatures stomping about in our games...