View Full Version : 2k Daemons vs Space Wolves

09-04-2011, 12:34 PM
333 Fateweaver
100 Masque
100 Hearld of Tzeentch: Chariot, Master of Sorcery, Bolt

105 3x flamers
105 3x flamers
105 3x flamers

100 4 horors, changeling, bolt
95 5 horrors, bolt
192 12 bloodletters
280 20 daemonettes

160 soulgrinder: phelgm
160 tzeentch prince: bolt and gaze
160 tzeentch prince: bolt and gaze



Canis Wolfborn with Thunderwolves
Rune Priest: Jaws, Tempest with trooops
Rune Priest: Living, Tempest with troops
Wolf Priest: Terminator Armour with wolf guard

Dreanought: assaultcannon, drop pod
Wolf Guard: 4 Terminator armour

9x Grey Hunters: Rhino
9x Grey Hunters: Rhino

5x Thundercalf: 5 stormsheilds

5X longfangs: 4 missles

Mission: Capture and Contol
Scenerio: long table edge deployment with 12" layout.

I really was not planning on doing a report. This is more of a quick review. I might do one, but I do not know.

Pre-Game Thoughts: He built a list to go against mine, yet I went with my standard all comers list. I was tempted to use my Bloodthirster, but I thinking maybe I might get another Tzeentch Chariot. This was my first battle against the Thundercalf while this was his first against Daemons. I think before I play with my Daemons I will explain general things.

If you're playing against Daemons here is a list for you to know:
- All daemons have Invulnerable saves. This army list have no regulare saves, so your power weapons was a waste of points.
- All Daemons are fearless, so no runing away although it does hurt me in combat.
- All Daemons have Eternal warrior, and can not be instant killed even by force weapons
- We are Legion allows me to split fire
- Flamers of Tzeentch move like jump infantry
- Chariot of Tzeentch can move like a jetbike which can turbo boost 24" if I wanted too.
- Master of Sorcery on a Monsterous Creature allows it to fire 3 times in the shooting phase
- Boon of mutation forces a toughness check on a model I hit within 6" I can choose what ever model I like even in combat.
- Breath of Chaos always glance on a 4+, even against a landraider which can be glanced to death, also it wounds on a 4+ ignoring saves, and cover saves that is a flame template
- Yes my Tzeentch Prince can shoot 4 times, and can shoot 5 if I wanted. Bolt is str 8 ap 1, and Gaze is str 5 ap 3 assault 3.
- Fateweaver can re roll invulnerable saves, and units that's 6" from him as well.
- The Masque can move 3 units d6"
- The Changeling can force you to fire upon your units on a failed leadership check.
- Soul Grinder is 13 side and 11 rear.
- Difficult Terrain does not cause mishaps
- Buildings if you can enter it is not impassible unless a unit is inside making it impassible.
- I do not have to divide my army up until it is my turn to deep strike.

The above is a disclaimer or written agreement that I need before I play anyone with Daemons. I call this the Faq I get when I play with them which makes the game longer due to stoping and showing them my book.


He placed his thundercalf on the top left with the priest with jaws in a rhino. The other priest in rhino stayed on his objective in the middle. While his vidicator and landraider stayed on the right side with his longfangs holding the midle.

I do not deploy so he will go first unless I steal the initiative which I do for the first time. I like to go first against a moble army because I loose places to land in safely if I go second also smoke can be annoying to get through as well.

Turn 1:

My Preferred Drop 3-6. What the Chaos Gods wanted instead 1-2.
Fateweaver. Daemonettes
Masque. Bloodletters
Flamers. Horrors
Flamers. Horrors
Flamers. Tzeentch Chariot
Tzeentch Prince. Tzeentch Prince

My plan was to deep stike my preferred drop by the Thundercalf and blast them away. I figure with everything wounding on 2s and 4s which is auto hitting, or mostly hitting on 2s I should kill a number of the Thunderwolves out eradicating most of his army, and only having to worry about longfangs and a priest rhino while the rest of his army was spread out to far to come help. Also with all my troops last I can deepstrike near an objective at my leiasure.

Well I rolled a 2, so I chaged my plans puttung my changeling horror squad by the thundercalf. Next I drop my 20 daemonettes behind my horrors to counter assault the thundercalf. I droped my letters that scattered 12" in the terrain in the ceter losing 1 model to help support my Daemonettes. I had my Chariot drop behind the nettes to shot the Thundercalf. The prince landed in the center terrain as well.

I was able to put 1 wound on the Thundercalf with the combined shooting from the horrors with 15 shots and my chariot with 4. My prince was able to kill 2 longfangs via shooting.

The wolf player focused all his fire power upon my letters killing all but 5. He deepstriked his Dreadnought 1" from my chariot. Thundercalf assaulted and wiped out my horrors.

Turn 2:

I was able to get Fateweaver in which I put inbetween my horror squad on my objective and the land raider. I landed the Soulgrinder where his Thundercalf was and my flamers landed by the thundercalf scattering where they could not flame the unit. I moved my Chariot about 8 " behind the dreadnought. My bloodletters heade towards the landraider to back up the weaver. Prince moved towards Thundercalf. My horrors hide in terrain.

My Fateweaver stunned the Vindicator with breath of chaos, and with bolt, and gaze killed a long fang who ran off the table. My Chariot fired a strength eight ap one shot up the Dreadnoughts butt, and blew him up with a five. The Grinder, flamers, and prince fired upon the calf doing nothing. My Damonettes was able to put two wounds on Cannis and two more on the Thundercalf killing one more. I would say I lost 15 Daemonettes though in the assault.

His landraider split fire killing 3 letters and wounding my prince. His army focus fire on the prince only putting one wound on him. His termintors poured out of the raider on fought the Fateweaver with everyone failing to wound. The Thundercalf mopped up the remaining Daemonettes.

Turn Three:

My other prince comes in by my grinder, and my flamers by the rhino with jaws priest. I moved my chariot behind a building to fire at the Thundercalf. My first drop flamers move in to flame the Thundercalf. My First drop prince head towards the weaver as well as my letters.

With the fire power of my Chariot, Soulgrinder, prince, and flamers I managed to kill all the thundercalf, but one with one wound left. My comment was it made up for you rolling really good with them in the past. Even still I think I had put around 20+ wounds on that unit. My newly droped prince destroyed the jaw priest rhino and the flamers wiped out the unit with 22 unsaveable wounds. At this point I could tell he really didn't like flamers.

My letters manage to kill a Terminator, and he killed a letter. At this point I did not realise that he can not have preferred enemy against both troops and Monsterous Creatures, so the amount of wounds he was putting on my guys shouldn't had happen.

He focus fire and killed my first drop prince, the Vindicator which I forgot could not shot killed my Soulgrinder. His lone Thundercalf assaulted my Chariot which turned into a nerf battle that no one could hurt each other.

Turns: 4-6

At this point I pretty much had the game won. My prince and flamers wiped out his other troop squad leaving him nothing to get objectives. My Fateweaver managed to kill the last priest and all the terminators slowly by hisself. My last drop flamers and my other two squads of flmaers took out the weapon on the drop pod, and kept the Vindicator and the Landraider from shooting the rest of the game. I immobilised the landraider stopping it from trying to contest. All he did was shot my horros with the heavy bolter powered machine spirit which I just went to ground. I won thanks to one live horror sitting by the objective.

He wanted to add kps which he got 6 and I got like 12.


I have to brush up on some Wolf rules. Like with jaws we argued that against the weaver I can pass on a 5 while he said it was a 3. I showed him the you may part which I chosed not to, so we agreed on 4 which it never worked anyway.

Also the preferred rule was not decred pregame which made a slight differance.

I would say the game went good besides the comments that Daemons are broken. I told him everyone says that they suck, so how can they be broken. If the Daemon army is not competetive then it's not broken. Although I only lost four with this type of list and won many games. Wolves, Angels and Guard are the only armies I have lost to, so far. Although I'm like 5-1 against Angels, 1-1-1 against Wolves, 3-2-2 against Guard. With Grey Knights I'm 4-2, so far.

I still do not know what to do against Thunderwolves, but shoot the crap out of them. I was hoping on turn one I could make them dance in a nice flame formation to maximize wound output. Even Fateweaver can not handle the amout of wounds these guys can dish out. Looking at the game afterwards I think it may had been better that my preferred drop did not show up.

I think I might add some plague bearers to my list. Usally I can get my horrors to take out a tank, or two and gun down some troops here and there. In this game plague bearers would had been more useful. I'll still keep my horrors, but I think I will fit in a squad of plague bearers. Also I'm thinking of going back to aNurgle Prince as well. With 3 flamers I do not really see the need for the battlecannon shot.