View Full Version : My Orks

08-31-2011, 03:03 PM
Okay so it's been a while since i've posted any of my own stuff on here , and even then it wasn't really much , so i've decided to post my orks since i started painting them up again after reading the Helsreach novel. So here they are , not the best photography i know and i apologize for it lol. Any tips for future models would be helpful :)

Lone Kommando

Converted Tankbustas

08-31-2011, 03:11 PM

Biker Nob

08-31-2011, 03:13 PM
Da Big Mek

08-31-2011, 03:16 PM
Choppa Boyz
Shoota Boyz

08-31-2011, 05:14 PM
I like your orcs they look good. If you want to make them pop a bit more without a ton of work. I highly recommend the citadel washes use the green one on their skin perhaps black on the metal or brown if you want the metal to look a little more warn / rusty and I like the flesh wash on most cloth that is not supposed to be new.

08-31-2011, 05:26 PM
Tips for photography; More light, less flash. Looks like you've taken the pictures in a dark room. Generally, the more light there is, the better you can see the models (so long as there aren't too many lights shining directly at the model, casting weird/multiple shadows). Also, if you put the models on a box or near the edge of a table, you can get the camera at/below the eyeline of the model, which generally gives better composed photos. Professional pictures of real people tend to be taken from nearer chest, or even waist height. Finally, try using a blank background such as a white piece of paper. It will help your camera pick out the colour more easilly and make your blacks appear darker.

Tips for the models; I'd suggest a Thrakka green wash over the skin, just to give them a little more deffinition. Possibly some Badab Black or Devlan Mud on the metallics as well, just to tone them down a bit. You've got quite a few mould lines that need to be scrapped/filled away. Probably wouldn't do them on these models, but on future boyz just be a bit more careful. I'd suggest removing any mould lines from individual componants before attaching them to the models. I'd also suggest drilling the barrels of the guns. If you're feeling really ambitous (and don't mind risking your fingers!) you can 'drill' them with a hobby knife, using the point on the center of the barrel and slowly spinning the blade to gouge out a nice, rough hole. You can vary the pressure and angle ot the blade to make the hole wider and deeper. Looks great on Orks, but other races do tend to require neater, properly drilled holes. Bare in mind this tip is VERY DANGEROUS, especially if you are not used to handling a blade like this. Use a clamp to hold guns rather than your fingers. It is very very easy for the knife blade to slip and cut quite deep. Fair warning (and yes I have used a fair few plasters while attempting this). Finally, a little basing goes a long way. Even if it is only a pit of sand and PVA glue, it will improve the overall look of the model no end. Adding a bit of colour, some static grass/flock and a few larger rocks or pieces of wreckage will really bring the models alive. Remember, the base is as much a part of the model as any other componant, and deserves just as much love.

All that said, good work, keep it up and I can't wait to see some more :)

09-01-2011, 08:11 AM
As said above, definitely invest in a few of the Citadel Wash. They are pretty much gonna be a dirty Ork's best friend. Get yourself some Devlan Mud for starters, 'cus you can pretty much use it on everything. Badab Black if you wanna, and the Thrakka Green for Orky skin.

Trust us, you'll love it once you see the difference. :D

09-01-2011, 09:54 AM
@turiya64 , i used the old black ink on the metal but it hasn't really worked out to my advantage haha but i will invest in these inks :)
@SotonShades , yeah , i should probably aim my spot lights on them next time , or at least do it in the day when i have time :) And i will definately be getting me those inks , and i will stop being lazy and start trimming the mold lines on future models :)
@pauljc , yes i will get the inks haha :)
Thanks for the advice , i will be getting the washes soon as.

09-18-2011, 05:21 AM
okay so i finally got time to finish off using ink on my orks so here is the sample ork


Let me know what you guy think :)