View Full Version : Preheresy idea

08-31-2011, 06:12 AM
I'm finially been bit by the idea of putting together a preheresy army. I looked around an one i've notice doesnt get alot of attention is the Alpha Legion, most likely because thiers not alot of information about them. For the purposes of fluff, I am considering using Kosarro Khan, unmounted as the HQ choise. THis gives the whole army the outflank ability plus a few other things. Shrike was my first choise, but didint feel fluffy enough for a very secretive army, that uses a lot of misdirection. The core of the amry will be made up of scouts and a few tact squads. any other ideas to keep it in fluff, but still have a chance to do well?

08-31-2011, 06:42 AM
That sounds like it would be fun, are you going to use the Forgeworld Pre-Heresy armour kits?? :)

Otherwise outflanking Rhino's would be very fluffy as they fully believe in 'attacking from all directions'.
So outflank, infiltrate and (dare i say it?) deep strike right into the heart of the foe and cause some mayhem :D
As a side note some Alpha Legion Sternguard vets would be awesome!!

Good luck with your army,


Drew da Destroya
08-31-2011, 11:27 AM
I used to use (proxied like crazy) an IG army, led by Straken (the guy has Space Marine stats), mostly filled up with outflanking Penal Legion "saboteurs", a big block of Conscripts led by a priest for Cultists, some renegade PDF elements, a Ratling Sniper Squad, usually a big "doomsday" weapon (Manticore or Deathstrike), and (before they got redone) an allied unit of PAGK Teleport attack, to represent the Efrit Stealth Squad from the book Legion. Usually threw in an assassin if I could get one, too... the old Callidus was really fluffy with "A word in your ear"... I miss that rule.

I lost every game (which was only a handful), but it was really fun. I felt it fit the character of how they're portrayed in Legion.

I'm not sure how I'd run the army now. Khan is a good choice if you're going for an All-Legion force, but I really feel like you need to use some operatives to keep the feel of how the Alpha Legion operates. I've been thinking of a way to do it with the Grey Knights, using mainly Inquistors and their henchmen squads, plus one or to small squads of PAGKs.

08-31-2011, 01:09 PM
I'm finially been bit by the idea of putting together a preheresy army. I looked around an one i've notice doesnt get alot of attention is the Alpha Legion, most likely because thiers not alot of information about them. For the purposes of fluff, I am considering using Kosarro Khan, unmounted as the HQ choise. THis gives the whole army the outflank ability plus a few other things. Shrike was my first choise, but didint feel fluffy enough for a very secretive army, that uses a lot of misdirection. The core of the amry will be made up of scouts and a few tact squads. any other ideas to keep it in fluff, but still have a chance to do well?

Seems a good idea!!

Hope you show us pics of the works!

08-31-2011, 01:41 PM
Well since you asked, I am going for an all legion list. So that I can play it without special permission. At this point the list make up is as follows:
HQ- Korsarro Khan
Elite- 5 terminators, cyclone launcher
5 terminators, cyclone launcher
Troops- 5 scouts snipers (standard models)
10 scouts bolters and hvy bolter ( arbites models)
10 tact squad melta and multi-melta in drop pod ( will probably combat squad)
10 tact squad melta and plasma cannon in rhino ( will probably combat squad)
Fast atk- Landspeeder storm multi-melta
squadron 2- landspeeders over and under hvy bolters
8 assualt marines flamers x2
Hvy support- Predator autocannon sponson hvy bolters
Predator autocannon sponson lascannons
tech marine and thunderfire cannon

this rounds out 2000pnts

08-31-2011, 02:33 PM
A lot of the weapons in your list were not used pre heresy and aren't very fluffy.

08-31-2011, 03:15 PM
some great ideas =]....

also if you want to go fully into it then i suggest tempus fugitive, they have a compleat rule set for pre heresy marines the imperial army and others like the primarchs and deamon primarchs

i am currently using these rules and they are amazing, nothing broken or bent or if they are you have to pay through the nose for it :p

anyway heres the link http://tempusfugitives.co.uk/pdf/40k/AotE%20Expansion.pdf


Storm Seer
09-01-2011, 05:55 AM
A lot of the weapons in your list were not used pre heresy and aren't very fluffy.
Apart from the Land Speeder Storm (which has not been specifically stated either way) there's nothing on that list that is un-pre-heresy. (Which makes a change for BoLS - normally it's razorbacks everywhere!).

The best Pre-Heresy forum on the net is http://www.thegreatcrusade.co.uk

09-01-2011, 09:58 AM
As far as fluff goes, I tried to stay pretty much there, I can rationalize all my chioses.

HQ- Korsarro Khan Just a commnader that gives a fluff feel. he is unmounted.
Elite- 5 terminators, cyclone launcher Terminators were known and the difference between stormbolters and combi-bolters is minimal. Cyclone launchers have never been mentioned as being a new discovery
5 terminators, cyclone launchersee above
Troops- 5 scouts snipers (standard models)Troops that are sneeky enuff said
10 scouts bolters and hvy bolter ( arbites models) sneaky troops playing dress up, see above
10 tact squad melta and multi-melta in drop pod ( will probably combat squad)Several of the HH books refer to a form of drop pod, and meltas as opposed to plama tech was known an used
10 tact squad melta and plasma cannon in rhino ( will probably combat squad)Rhinos were all over the place and although plasma tech was rare it was known, also see note below
Fast atk- Landspeeder storm multi-meltaGravatic vehicles were much more common than now as there used to be jet bikes and such, as matter of record at one time Imperail Army used jet bikes and speeders commonly
squadron 2- landspeeders over and under hvy bolterssee above
8 assualt marines flamers x2very much in use at that time
Hvy support- Predator autocannon sponson hvy bolters
Predator autocannon sponson lascannonsPredators have always been around and some argue predate the landraider
tech marine and thunderfire cannonAlthough by name its not mentioned before. Its function is the same as two weapons that did exist, the mole mortar and the thudd gunn

Besides stormbolters, razorbacks and assault cannons most weapons were available according to the fluff. Actually you could argue that more were availible and more commonly used than current fluff. As far as armor and other items much of the gear now available was just comming on line. Also there are many references to many legions getting out fitted before others, in particluar those that turned rebel.
so now you what i was thinking

Drew da Destroya
09-01-2011, 12:39 PM
I like your idea, especially the Scout squads playing dress-up... that's good.