View Full Version : Wolf Guard Terminator Armament?

08-30-2011, 10:37 PM
What are some popular load-outs for a squad of 5 Wolf Guard Terminators?

One I am looking at is

1 w/ Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield
3 w/ Storm Bolter & Power Weapon
1 w/ Assault Cannon or Storm Bolter & Cyclone Missile Launcher + Powerfist

Total - 235 points

I figure two guys with str 8 are enough, the three with power weapons striking at initiative give the squad a decent CC mix. The one Storm Shield makes them a little more fragile but more than that and they get too expensive.

Anyone else have some good combinations?

08-30-2011, 11:34 PM
i personaly love using wolf claws, the re-rolls are nice. Many people use the combi-weapons to great effect, with plasma and melta allowing for some wound allocation shenanigans to be had. One thing i'm working on, because it seems and looks sweet, is Frost weapon/SS. if your lookin to utilize a heavy weapon i'd keep the Cyclone missle launcher, the long range firepower is nice, and better if you take Mr. Grimnar himself. ;)

09-03-2011, 04:18 AM
i never take terminators too expensive for the wolves. i prefer to use my wolf gaurd sqaud as a little shooty sqaud giving 6 guys combi plasma and loading in a razorback gives you the option of firing 12 shots straight at abbadon and his buddies. but if you have the termies then id say the layout you have is a good one cheap enough to be viable but good enough in combat and range so as to never be useless. i wish when i bought my termies i would have headed my own advice i gave all mine toys like hammer and sheild or claws and now cant play them as they cost a fortune oh well there is always apoc.

09-07-2011, 09:26 AM
I don't recommend that you put the storm shield and the thunder hammer on one model. if he fails an invun save, then you lose both weapons.

IMO, its best to give one unique role to each guy. the guy with the SS should be there simply for taking a nasty plasma or lascannon shot to the face and laughing at your opponent since you have a 66% chance to pass that save.

09-07-2011, 10:37 PM
Thanks for the advice so far guys, but can anyone post a couple 5 man squad load-outs for comparative purposes?