View Full Version : Ogre Kingdoms Purchasing Advice

08-30-2011, 01:02 PM
So, I'm pretty excited about the prospects of an Ogre Kingdoms army, if only because it'll allow me to run a low model-count Fantasy army and thus enable me to run a fully painted Fantasy army. With that in mind, I need some suggestions on what to purchase in order to make a reasonable army. I'll list the special characters that I will certainly buy because I like the models so much:

Maneaters (Ninja, Araby, Paymaster, Pirate)
Golgfag Maneater (despite his unfortunate name)

Clearly I need models beyond these guys, but what? I really don't want to play any Gnoblars if I can help it, so based on pure conjecture, how many Bulls, Ironbellys, and Leadbelchers should I be looking at?

Appreciate the advice!

Lord Azaghul
08-30-2011, 01:40 PM
I would wait until the fullest context of the book is known.

The latest few have been 'screwy' enough to discount most conventional army buying advise.

Seriously - get the book, then buy models.

08-30-2011, 01:57 PM
My current plan, although not yet finally costed in detail is:

16 bulls (including a few unit fillers from Ironblaster leftovers) to make a horde w/ 2 extra characters
7 Iron guts (made with minotaur bodies, including a unit filler or two like Bragg executing a traitor :cool:)
4 leadbelchers
Converted slaughtermaster
Converted BSB (samurai)
Fire belly
Iron blaster (mounted on FW Rhinox)
A few mournfangs or maneaters (to be decided) *

Targeting 2400 points, should be less than 40 models

Bought already:

Old batallion
FW Rhinox
2X minotaur boxes

To buy:

Fire belly
Mournfangs *1-2
Minotaurs *1-2

08-30-2011, 03:23 PM
Personally, I got a battle box, a Slaughtermaster/Butcher, das rules, and an Ironblaster to keep me busy until I figure out what the rest of my army will be.

08-30-2011, 04:36 PM
Yeah, the battle box really seems like a solid deal.

08-31-2011, 02:46 AM
Clearly I need models beyond these guys, but what? I really don't want to play any Gnoblars if I can help it, so based on pure conjecture, how many Bulls, Ironbellys, and Leadbelchers should I be looking at?

Appreciate the advice!

Im selling my ogre collection, didnt use it in current edition as i dont think the new ruleset helped them in the slightest and just brought others up to their par. In the older edition tho, i found it worked very well, and i have to say that gnoblars have won games for me. yes the models suck but they are a bargin for the points and mine have been known to slay giants and made a high elf army turn tail and run.

if intrested then just search - Massive Ogre Kingdoms Army GW Warhammer Rare oop WFB

might be a very good start place for you :)

09-01-2011, 03:37 AM
Well since you must have 25% of your points in core and you want as few models as possible I suggest Ironguts.
They are 43 each, come with great weapons and heavy armour. No optional equipment.
As for special I think maneaters (they are special now!) will do nicely. 50 points each but with heavy armour and maybe some weapons about 60 points each.
Also from special, Gorgers. if I remember correctly they are 75 points each - no options.

Hope that helps...

Shadow Puppet
09-07-2011, 08:52 PM
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